; text decompressor for taipan. ; text is packed 6 bits per character. see textcomp.c ; for details. .include "atari.inc" .export _print_msg .import _cputc srcptr = FR1 outbyte = FR0 ; decoded 6-bit byte bitcount = FR0+1 ; counts 8..1, current bit in inbyte inbyte = FR0+2 ysave = FR0+3 dict_escape = FR0+4 .rodata ; one or two letter words are not worth listing here. 3 is only good ; if it's used pretty often. ; entry 0 is a dummy! The encoder gets confused by "Z\0". This may get fixed. ; dictionary size cannot exceed 255 bytes. ; the quoted stuff in comments is read by messages.pl, it needs to be exact. dict00: dict01: .byte $98, $9d, $73, $54, $53, $80 ; "Li Yuen", 4 occurrences dict02: .byte $7c, $c1, $05, $4b, $57, $12, $3d, $42, $05, $48, $00 ; "Elder Brother", 3 dict03: .byte $64, $f5, $40 ; "you", 30 dict04: .byte $d7, $c1, $4d, $00 ; " 'em", 8 dict05: .byte $cc, $f5, $40 ; "You", 16 dict06: .byte $d4, $80, $56, $14, $00 ; " have", 11 dict07: .byte $d5, $32, $01, $30, $c0, $00 ; " shall", 6 dict08: .byte $fb, $5c, $49, $50, $8d, $40 ; ") With ", 2 dict09: .byte $05, $21, $cf, $00 ; "argo", 6 dict10: .byte $4c, $82, $50, $00 ; "ship", 10 dict11: .byte $d5, $70, $52, $14, $83, $d5, $4c, $50, $00 ; " warehouse", 4 dict12: .byte $d5, $42, $05, $00 ; " the" 17 dict13: .byte $d4, $f1, $80 ; " of", 14 dict14: .byte $5c, $93, $0c, $00 ; "will", 8 dict15: .byte $d4, $21, $45, $3b, $50, $00 ; " been ", 6 dict16: .byte $d5, $43, $f5, $00 ; " to ", 12 dict17: .byte $20, $14, $f5, $00 ; "has ", 7 dict18: .byte $18, $f4, $b5, $00 ; "for ", 7 dict19: .byte $25, $3d, $40 ; "is ", 9 dict20: .byte $04, $e1, $00 ; "and", 10 dict21: .byte $d4, $30, $53, $20, $00 ; " cash", 8 dict22: .byte $04, $41, $09, $50, $93, $ce, $04, $cd, $40 ; "additional ", 3 dict23: .byte $b8, $12, $50, $04, $e0, $00 ; "Taipan", 3 (but really many more!) dict24: .byte $d4, $f3, $8c, $67, $50 ; " only ", 3 dict25: .byte $d4, $25, $47, $1c, $54, $93, $00 ; " buggers", 3 dict26: .byte $5c, $95, $08, $d4, $00 ; "with ", 4 dict27: .byte $d4, $64, $8f, $37, $50, $00 ; " from ", 3 dict28: .byte $d5, $70, $4e, $50, $00 ; " want" dict29: .byte $5c, $f4, $94, $20, $93, $85, $4d, $30, $00 ; "worthiness" dict30: .byte $d4, $d5, $43, $20, $00 ; " much" dict31: .byte $10, $91, $86, $15, $21, $4e, $0c, $50, $00 ; "difference" dict_offsets: .byte dict00 - dict00 .byte dict01 - dict00 .byte dict02 - dict00 .byte dict03 - dict00 .byte dict04 - dict00 .byte dict05 - dict00 .byte dict06 - dict00 .byte dict07 - dict00 .byte dict08 - dict00 .byte dict09 - dict00 .byte dict10 - dict00 .byte dict11 - dict00 .byte dict12 - dict00 .byte dict13 - dict00 .byte dict14 - dict00 .byte dict15 - dict00 .byte dict16 - dict00 .byte dict17 - dict00 .byte dict18 - dict00 .byte dict19 - dict00 .byte dict20 - dict00 .byte dict21 - dict00 .byte dict22 - dict00 .byte dict23 - dict00 .byte dict24 - dict00 .byte dict25 - dict00 .byte dict26 - dict00 .byte dict27 - dict00 .byte dict28 - dict00 .byte dict29 - dict00 .byte dict30 - dict00 .byte dict31 - dict00 ; rough estimate of how many bytes are saved by the dictionary ; stuff: the dictionary + extra decoder stuff costs 221 bytes (vs. ; the original textdecode.s without dictionary). ; each dictionary entry saves (length - 2) * (occurrences - 1) bytes. ; with only dict00 - dict23, we'll save around 173 bytes. ; actually it works out to 179 bytes, but the estimate was close. ; we've reached the point of diminishing returns: dict00 - dict31 only ; saves 200 bytes. dictsize = * - dict00 .out .sprintf("dictionary plus dict_offsets is %d bytes", dictsize) .rodata table: ; outbyte values 53..63 .byte ' ', '!', '%', ',', '.', '?', ':', 39, 40, 41, $9b tablesize = * - table .ifdef CART_TARGET .segment "HIGHCODE" .else .code .endif ; extern void __fastcall__ print_msg(const char *msg); _print_msg: sta srcptr stx srcptr+1 lda #0 sta dict_escape sta outbyte ldy #$ff ; since we increment it first thing... ldx #6 ; counts 6..1, current bit in outbyte @nextbyte: iny lda #8 sta bitcount lda (srcptr),y sta inbyte @bitloop: asl inbyte rol outbyte dex beq @decode ; got 6 bits dec bitcount bne @bitloop beq @nextbyte @decode: lda outbyte bne @notend rts ; 0 = end of message @notend: ldx dict_escape ; was last character a Z? beq @normalchar jsr dict_lookup jmp @noprint @normalchar: cmp #27 bcs @notlower adc #'a'-1 ; 1-26 are a-z bne @printit @notlower: cmp #52 bne @notdict inc dict_escape ; Z means next 6 bits are dictionary ID bne @noprint @notdict: bcs @notupper adc #38 ; 27-52 are A-Z bne @printit @notupper: sbc #53 ; 53-63 are table lookups tax lda table,x @printit: sty ysave ; _cputc trashes Y jsr _cputc ldy ysave @noprint: lda #0 sta outbyte ldx #6 dec bitcount beq @nextbyte bne @bitloop dict_lookup: ; dictionary lookup time. save our state on the stack tya pha lda inbyte pha lda srcptr pha lda srcptr+1 pha lda bitcount pha ; recursive call ldx outbyte lda dict_offsets,x clc adc #dict00 adc #0 tax lda dict_escape jsr _print_msg ; restore old state lda #0 sta dict_escape pla sta bitcount pla sta srcptr+1 pla sta srcptr pla sta inbyte pla tay rts decodersize = * - _print_msg .out .sprintf("print_msg() is %d bytes", decodersize + tablesize) .out .sprintf("total textdecomp is %d bytes", decodersize + tablesize + dictsize)