fortune-firefly-bkw README -------------------------- This is a compilation taken from several sources: - The old fortune-firefly github repo (last updated in 2015) at: ...which has quotes from all 14 episodes, plus the film. - The slightly newer (2017) fortune-mod-firefly from AUR, at: ...which has quotes from all 14 episodes, plus the comic books, but not the film. - Various websites with collections of Firefly quotes. - The script for the unfilmed episode "Dead or Alive". - Watching bits of the show, including deleted scenes, and typing what the characters say. This is a slow process, but very enjoyable: it gives me an excuse to rewatch the show again. I've tried to avoid duplicates. The original fortune-firefly from github had 565 fortunes. This compilation has 815. Long scenes have been cut down to fit in an 80x24 terminal (80x23 really, for a login fortune, since the 24th line would be your shell prompt). Not being a lawyer, I can't tell you how this is licensed. I assume it's covered by Fair Use under US law, but that assumption is not even worth its weight in the photons that convey it to your eyes. For non-US jurisdictions, ask someone who lives there. Originally this was created for's fortune_firefly package, but feel free to use it for any purpose, so long as the original copyright holders don't object. To install on a Linux or other UNIX-flavored system, first check and see if your distribution has a fortune-firefly-bkw package. Use it, if it exists. If not, run "make install" (as root, or with sudo). Standard variables like PREFIX and DESTDIR are supported; see the Makefile for the full list. Once it's installed, you can see a Firefly fortune with the command "fortune firefly". To see them at login, find whichever of your shell's profile scripts calls the fortune command, and add "firefly" to the list of fortune files listed there. On Slackware, this is /etc/profile.d/ Enjoy! - B. Watson (