path: root/unmac65.rst
diff options
authorB. Watson <urchlay@slackware.uk>2022-08-29 16:11:13 -0400
committerB. Watson <urchlay@slackware.uk>2022-08-29 16:11:13 -0400
commite2ba8458a5cfdfacfaf103e7ba97d610afa6c970 (patch)
treecd665e602e6e2b636578a7d3d7894380605dafcc /unmac65.rst
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'unmac65.rst')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/unmac65.rst b/unmac65.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5330828
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unmac65.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+.. RST source for unmac65(1) man page. Convert with:
+.. rst2man.py unmac65.rst > unmac65.1
+.. rst2man.py comes from the SBo development/docutils package.
+Detokenize Atari 8-bit Mac/65 SAVEd files.
+.. include:: manhdr.rst
+**unmac65** [*-options*] *file.m65*
+**unmac65** reads files created with Mac/65's SAVE command (usually called
+.M65 files) and converts them back to plain text assembly source.
+ Use ATASCII EOLs. This option is not available in Atari version,
+ since it already uses ATASCII.
+ Convert non-printable characters constants to hex bytes.
+ Convert all character constants to hex bytes.
+-e nnn[,iii]
+ Renumber the program, starting at line *nnn*, with increment *iii*.
+ *nnn* must be present, and must be an integer greater than or equal
+ to zero. *iii* is optional, must be positive (non-zero), and
+ defaults to 10 if not given.
+ Mac/65's maximum line number is 65535. unmac65 will happily renumber
+ lines with no upper bound (other than unsigned int overflow), so pay
+ attention.
+ Show command-line help.
+ Convert inverse video (in comments and strings) to standard ASCII.
+ Lines that were converted will get a comment "*; XXX inverse*" at
+ the end. This option also enables the -c option.
+ If the program contained any inverse-video strings, the resulting
+ output will *not* reassemble correctly; you'll have to edit it to
+ e.g. change the formerly inverse video strings to a list of hex
+ bytes.
+ This option is not available in the Atari version.
+ Lowercase mnemonics and hex constants (but not labels or comments).
+ Lowercase mnemonics, hex constants, labels, and comments (but not
+ strings or character constants).
+ No line numbers in output.
+-o file
+ Output to *file* (default = standard output).
+ Add closing single-quote to character constants. Changes this::
+ LDA #'A
+ ...to this::
+ LDA #'A'
+ Omit leading . (period) from pseudo-ops (e.g. print BYTE for .BYTE).
+ Replace leading spaces with tabs.
+ Replace spaces between all fields with tabs.
+ Verbose output (dump tokens in hex). Useful for examining damaged
+ .M65 files, or debugging unmac65 itself.
+Human-readable Output Options
+The -m, -r, and -u options are not available for the Atari, and may or
+may not be useful on non-Linux OSes.
+ Print inverse video as pseudo-underlined, using backspace and
+ underscore. Useful for piping to more(1) or less(1). Can be combined
+ with -u.
+ Print inverse video as reverse video using xterm/ANSI compatible
+ escape sequences. Can be combined with -u. Useful for piping to
+ less(1) provided its -r or -R option is used.
+ Print ATASCII control characters as their nearest Unicode
+ equivalents (encoded in UTF-8). Depending on your terminal,
+ combining this option with -r may not work properly. Also, depending
+ on the font(s) your terminal is using, you may see boxes instead of
+ control characters. If this happens, try a different font, or a
+ different terminal (the author recommends rxvt-unicode).
+Options may not be bundled (use "-p -t", not "-pt").
+Unlike most UNIX-flavored programs, the CLI options are
+case-insensitive. This is to make life easier for users of the Atari
+version, where uppercase is the normal way of doing things.
+The -c, -cc, -l, -la, -n, -p, -t, -ta options are provided to assist in
+porting Mac/65 programs to other assemblers, such as ca65 or dasm.
+unmac65's output with none of these options (or with -n only) is
+acceptable as input for the atasm assembler. This is true even if there
+are inverse video strings: they look funny when viewing the file, but
+atasm handles them correctly.
+The -v option prints the hex bytes for each line (preceded by ";;" and
+the line number) after that line's detokenized listing.
+Note that the output from -m, -r, -u is intended for humans to read.
+They're not very useful if you're trying to port Mac/65 code to a
+different assembler, as none of them know what to do with the
+underlines, ANSI codes, or pseudo-ATASCII Unicode characters.
+A tokenized Mac/65 file consists of:
+Header: 2 byte $FE $FE signature, followed by the 2 byte program length
+in LSB/MSB format. Length doesn't include the 4 header bytes.
+The rest of the file consists of lines of code. Each line is:
+Line number, 2 bytes (LSB/MSB format)
+Line length, 1 byte. Total length, including the line number and length
+Tokens. Length minus 3 bytes of tokens. If the line is labelled, the
+label will appear first, as a tokenized string (see below).
+Whether or not there's a label, the next byte is the token for a
+mnemonic (or pseudo-op). Lines containing only a comment will have a
+special token meaning "no mnemonic".
+After the mnemonic token, 0 or more bytes of operands. Quoted strings or
+labels as operands are stored as a tokenized string. Hex or decimal
+constants are preceded by a token indicating the length (one or two
+bytes) and the type (hex or decimal).
+If there is a comment, the last byte of the operand field will be an
+ASCII semicolon. The remaining bytes on the line are the comment in
+ASCII form.
+Tokenized strings can occur in the label or operand parts of the line.
+The first byte is the length of the string in bytes, with the high bit
+set (e.g. $84 for a 4-byte string), followed by that number of ASCII
+bytes. The length doesn't include the first byte, so e.g. the string
+"ABC" is stored as $83, $41, $42, $43. Mac/65 doesn't allow empty
+strings, so a zero-length string (length byte $80) is an error.
+There are separate sets of tokens for mnemonics/pseudo-ops and operands.
+Mnemonic/pseudo-op tokens run from 0 to $5F, and operand tokens run from
+0 to $4D (with 0-$09 being "special", and a few invalid tokens in the
+range $0A-$4D). See the C source for the full list (or a hex/ascii dump
+of the Mac/65 ROM, which is where I got the lists to put them in the C
+source). Also, you can run unmac65 with the -v option to get a
+line-by-line hex dump of the tokens.
+unmac65: line XX contains NN non-printable ATASCII characters <= $1F
+Self-explanatory. Depending on what you're going to use the converted
+file for, this may or may not be a problem. Non-fatal. This warning
+doesn't occur in the Atari version of unmac65. Also, it doesn't occur if
+the -u option is in use.
+unmac65: line XX contains NN inverse ATASCII characters >= $80
+Self-explanatory. Depending on what you're going to use the converted
+file for, this may or may not be a problem. Non-fatal. Use the -i option
+to convert inverse video to normal. This warning doesn't occur in the
+Atari version of unmac65. Also, it doesn't occur if any of the -i, -m,
+or -r options are in use.
+unmac65: not a mac/65 file (missing $FEFE header)
+Self-explanatory. Fatal error.
+unmac65: corrupt or truncated file?
+The length of the last line in the file is longer that the number of
+bytes remaining in the file (according to the file header). Fatal error.
+unmac65: unexpected EOF?
+The file is shorter than the file header's program length. Probably the
+file is truncated; less probably, the length header got scrambled
+somehow. Fatal error.
+unmac65: file is too short (N bytes)
+The minimum length for a Mac/65 file is 4 bytes (which would be an empty
+program containing no lines). The input file was shorter than 4 bytes.
+Fatal error. (Actually, Mac/65 will never produce a 4-byte file, it's
+just the theoretical minimum)
+unmac65: file is valid but contains no lines of code
+Self-explanatory. Mac/65 creates a file like this if the SAVE command is
+given before entering any code (at startup or after a NEW). The SAVEd
+file will be 5 bytes in length, and utterly useless. Non-fatal warning.
+unmac65: line #lll <= prev line #mmm
+The line numbers in the file are supposed to be stored in ascending
+order. Somehow this file has the line numbers out of order. Non-fatal,
+but probably the rest of the file will be garbage.
+unmac65: internal error, state n
+This is a "this should never happen" error. It indicates a bug in the
+program. If you ever see this error, please notify the author, and send
+a copy of the Mac/65 program that caused it. This is a non-fatal error,
+but the output might be garbage.
+[$nn?] or <$nn?> in the output (where nn is 2 hex digits)
+These indicate unknown/invalid tokens. Either the file is damaged, or
+there is a bug in the program. These are non-fatal errors. If you ever
+see them, please contact the author, and send a copy of the Mac/65
+program that caused them.
+unmac65: ignoring extra junk at EOF
+The file contains more bytes than the program length header says it
+should. This usually means the file was stored on an old DOS disk or
+transferred with a broken XMODEM implementation, and was padded to the
+sector/block size. Alternately, the header bytes got corrupted somehow
+(this is highly unlikely, especially if there are no other
+errors/warnings). Non-fatal error.
+Other errors are possible (e.g. disk full, I/O error reading input), but
+they're not specific to unmac65; no need to list them all there.
+Fatal errors result in unmac65 terminating. A non-fatal error can
+usually be recovered from, though the line that caused it will probably
+be printed strangely.
+It's probably worth mentioning also that Mac/65 source files can contain
+ATASCII graphics or escape codes, although it's not a very common
+practice. If you see strange stuff and/or your terminal misbehaves when
+writing to standard output, try writing to a file (-o option) instead.
+See also the -m, -r, -u options for human-readable output. The Atari
+version will render ATASCII graphics just fine, of course.
+unmac65 will normally exit with a zero (success) status upon completion.
+A non-zero status indicates a fatal error.
+The main difference between Mac/65's LIST output and unmac65's output is
+that Mac/65 lines up the label, mnemonic, and comment fields (if the
+field contents are short enough to fit in the allotted width), while
+unmac65 makes no attempt to do so. If the field alignment is important
+to you, try the -t or -ta options (which insert hard tabs, unlike
+mac65's spaces). A future version of unmac65 may correct this minor
+flaw, but as it stands, I've tested quite a few .M65 files by running
+them through unmac65, then ENTERing unmac65's listed file in Mac/65 and
+reSAVEing them... In all cases, the newly created tokenized files
+compare identically to the original .M65 file. If you come across a file
+that doesn't do this, yet is valid (can be assembled without error by
+Mac/65), please send it to me, so I can fix unmac65!
+Although a few helpful options have been added for porting Mac/65
+sources to other assemblers, unmac65 doesn't completely automate the
+process. Depending on the assembler you're using, you may still have a
+lot of manual edits to make. A future version of unmac65 may add a few
+more options, but some hypothetical complex porting functions (like
+"convert to ca65 format") would require implementing a much more complex
+parser (such as a yacc-based recursive descent parser). Most likely this
+will never happen, if only because I want the program to be usable on
+the Atari itself, with its limited memory and C compiler support.
+There are a few ways that an invalid file can sneak past unmac65's error
+checking. The same files wouldn't load correctly in Mac/65 either, but
+generally don't cause any errors in Mac/65 (just silent failure). It'd
+be nice if unmac65 could act as a "M65 lint" for Mac/65 users.
+unmac65 is mostly developed/tested against the OSS Mac/65 v1.01
+cartridge. The various disk versions appear to use the same tokenized
+format, but haven't been well tested. If you have problems, please
+contact the author.
+(A further limitation is that the documentation isn't very concise.
+Sorry about that.)
+.. include:: manftr.rst