diff options
2 files changed, 190 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/ksiders/sortatr.1 b/ksiders/sortatr.1
index 98301b3..5d3847c 100644
--- a/ksiders/sortatr.1
+++ b/ksiders/sortatr.1
@@ -1,80 +1,115 @@
-.TH SORTATR "1" "April 2007" "sortatr" "Ken Siders' Atari 8-bit Tools"
+.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
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+.TH "SORTATR" 1 "2024-05-10" "0.9.0" "Ken Siders' Atari 8-bit Tools"
-\fBsortatr\fR \- sort Atari DOS directory in an ATR image
+sortatr \- sort Atari DOS directory in an ATR image
-\fBsortatr\fR \fIimagefile.atr\fR
+sortatr \fIimagefile.atr\fP
-\fBsortatr\fR sorts the directory entries in an Atari DOS 2.0S or MyDOS
+\fBsortatr\fP sorts the directory entries in an Atari DOS 2.0S or MyDOS
compatible ATR images. The sort is alphabetical, and the disk image
is modified in place.
-\fBatrextr\fR does not take any options.
+\fBsortatr\fP does not take any options.
+XFD format images are not supported.
-\fBDO NOT USE\fR this utility with DOS 2.5 disk images!
-\fBDO NOT USE\fR this utility with MyDOS images containing subdirectories!
-\fBDATA LOSS\fR will occur if these warnings are not heeded! The modified
-directory in the image will not contain any references to DOS 2.5 files
-using sectors above 720, or to MyDOS subdirectories. This effectively
-\fBdeletes\fR these files from the image.
-If in doubt, list the image's directory with \fBatrdir\fR. If you see
-files marked with a \fI:\fR (colon) or \fI<\fR (less-than), then
-\fBsortatr\fR should not be used on the image. Even if your purpose
-is actually to delete these files/dirs, you should use some other
-utility (or DOS on a real or emulated Atari) to delete them, because
-\fBsortatr\fR doesn't free the sectors occupied by the files/dirs.
+\fBDO NOT USE\fP this utility with DOS 2.5 disk images!
+\fBDO NOT USE\fP this utility with MyDOS images containing subdirectories!
+\fBDATA LOSS\fP will occur if these warnings are not heeded! The
+modified directory in the image will not contain any
+references to DOS 2.5 files using sectors above 720, or to MyDOS
+subdirectories. This effectively deletes these files from the image.
+If in doubt, list the image\(aqs directory with \fBatrdir\fP\&. If you see
+files marked with a \fI:\fP (colon) or \fI<\fP (less\-than), then \fBsortatr\fP
+should not be used on the image. Even if your purpose is actually to
+delete these files/dirs, you should use some other utility (or DOS
+on a real or emulated Atari) to delete them, because \fBsortatr\fP
+doesn\(aqt free the sectors occupied by the files/dirs.
If you ignore these warnings and manage to delete files or directories
-from your disk image, it should be possible to recover them with a good
-Atari undelete or disk\-repair utility. Although the affected files/dirs
-have been removed from the disk directory, the data sectors have not
-been overwritten nor marked as free (meaning they won't be overwritten
-by later write operations, unlike most "undelete" situations).
-First, you have to
-find the starting sector of the missing file/dir and
-create a directory entry for it in the directory at sectors 36-368. You
-will probably also have to change the file number in the sector link
-bytes, or else delete the file in the new directory that's using the
-file number of the old (deleted) file.
-Further warnings:
-\fBDO NOT USE\fR this utility with any non-standard (non\-AtariDOS,
-non-MyDOS compatible) disk image.
-Boot disks with no directory,
-SpartaDOS, Atari DOS 3/4, DOS XE, or other non\-standard DOS formatted
-disks might (if you're lucky) just cause an error message. If
-you're not lucky, they may be corrupted. There is no easy way to
-recover an image that gets damaged in this way.
-\fBDO NOT USE\fR this utility with \fIany\fR image without creating a
-backup first!
-Any image you use with \fBsortatr\fR is modified in-place,
-and no backup is made by \fBsortatr\fR. \fBAlways\fR make a backup
-copy of an ATR image before you use \fBsortatr\fR on it. \fIYou have
-been warned\fI.
-XFD format images are not supported.
-Exit status is zero if the sort was successful, or
-non-zero if any errors occurred. In case of a non-zero return,
-the disk image may be truncated, or its directory sectors may be
-damaged. Hope you had a backup of that image!
+from your disk image, it should be possible to recover them with
+a good Atari undelete or disk\-repair utility. Although the affected
+files/dirs have been removed from the disk directory, the data
+sectors have not been overwritten nor marked as free (meaning they
+won\(aqt be overwritten by later write operations, unlike most "undelete"
+situations). First, you have to find the starting sector of the
+missing file/dir and create a directory entry for it in the directory
+at sectors 36\-368. You will probably also have to change the file
+number in the sector link bytes, or else delete the file in the new
+directory that\(aqs using the file number of the old (deleted) file.
+.SS Further warnings
+\fBDO NOT USE\fP this utility with any non\-standard (non\-AtariDOS, non\-MyDOS
+compatible) disk image.
+Boot disks with no directory, SpartaDOS, Atari DOS 3/4, DOS XE,
+or other non\-standard DOS formatted disks might (if you\(aqre lucky)
+just cause an error message. If you\(aqre not lucky, they may be
+corrupted. There is no easy way to recover an image that gets damaged
+in this way.
+\fBDO NOT USE\fP this utility with any image without creating a backup first!
+Any image you use with \fBsortatr\fP is modified in\-place, and no backup is
+made by \fBsortatr\fP\&. Always make a backup copy of an ATR image before you
+use \fBsortatr\fP on it. You have been warned.
+Exit status is zero if the sort was successful, or non\-zero if any
+errors occurred. In case of a non\-zero return, the disk image may be
+truncated, or its directory sectors may be damaged. Hope you had a
+backup of that image!
+Copyright 1997, Ken Siders.
-Ken Siders <\fBatari8bit@columbus.rr.com\fR>
-Man page by B. Watson <\fBurchlay@urchlay.com\fR>
+Ken Siders was the original author of this utility.
+Man page and Linux port done by B. Watson <\fI\%urchlay@slackware.uk\fP>;
+Urchlay on irc.libera.chat \fI##atari\fP\&.
-\&\fIatrdir\fR\|(1), \&\fIatrextr\fR\|(1), \&\fImakeatr\fR\|(1),
-Ken Siders Atari 8-bit page:
+Any good Atari 8\-bit book: \fIDe Re Atari\fP, \fIThe Atari BASIC Reference
+Manual\fP, the \fIOS Users\(aq Guide\fP, \fIMapping the Atari\fP, etc.
+.\" Generated by docutils manpage writer.
diff --git a/ksiders/sortatr.rst b/ksiders/sortatr.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..552a960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ksiders/sortatr.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+sort Atari DOS directory in an ATR image
+.. include:: manhdr.rst
+sortatr *imagefile.atr*
+**sortatr** sorts the directory entries in an Atari DOS 2.0S or MyDOS
+compatible ATR images. The sort is alphabetical, and the disk image
+is modified in place.
+**sortatr** does not take any options.
+XFD format images are not supported.
+**DO NOT USE** this utility with DOS 2.5 disk images!
+**DO NOT USE** this utility with MyDOS images containing subdirectories!
+**DATA LOSS** will occur if these warnings are not heeded! The
+modified directory in the image will not contain any
+references to DOS 2.5 files using sectors above 720, or to MyDOS
+subdirectories. This effectively deletes these files from the image.
+If in doubt, list the image's directory with **atrdir**. If you see
+files marked with a *:* (colon) or *<* (less-than), then **sortatr**
+should not be used on the image. Even if your purpose is actually to
+delete these files/dirs, you should use some other utility (or DOS
+on a real or emulated Atari) to delete them, because **sortatr**
+doesn't free the sectors occupied by the files/dirs.
+If you ignore these warnings and manage to delete files or directories
+from your disk image, it should be possible to recover them with
+a good Atari undelete or disk-repair utility. Although the affected
+files/dirs have been removed from the disk directory, the data
+sectors have not been overwritten nor marked as free (meaning they
+won't be overwritten by later write operations, unlike most "undelete"
+situations). First, you have to find the starting sector of the
+missing file/dir and create a directory entry for it in the directory
+at sectors 36-368. You will probably also have to change the file
+number in the sector link bytes, or else delete the file in the new
+directory that's using the file number of the old (deleted) file.
+Further warnings
+**DO NOT USE** this utility with any non-standard (non-AtariDOS, non-MyDOS
+compatible) disk image.
+Boot disks with no directory, SpartaDOS, Atari DOS 3/4, DOS XE,
+or other non-standard DOS formatted disks might (if you're lucky)
+just cause an error message. If you're not lucky, they may be
+corrupted. There is no easy way to recover an image that gets damaged
+in this way.
+**DO NOT USE** this utility with any image without creating a backup first!
+Any image you use with **sortatr** is modified in-place, and no backup is
+made by **sortatr**. Always make a backup copy of an ATR image before you
+use **sortatr** on it. You have been warned.
+Exit status is zero if the sort was successful, or non-zero if any
+errors occurred. In case of a non-zero return, the disk image may be
+truncated, or its directory sectors may be damaged. Hope you had a
+backup of that image!
+.. include:: manftr.rst