path: root/fenders.dasm
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Diffstat (limited to 'fenders.dasm')
1 files changed, 570 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fenders.dasm b/fenders.dasm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bec9bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fenders.dasm
@@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
+; Fender's 3-sector loader (boot code only)
+; A "game DOS" binary file loader. Install it on a disk full of binaries,
+; it replaces the DOS boot loader. You don't need DOS.SYS or DUP.SYS on
+; such a disk, so there's more room for games. When you boot, the 3-sector
+; loader reads the directory and presents you with a menu of up to 20
+; files to load with a single keypress.
+; presumably written by someone named Fender, in the early 1980s
+; I have no idea what the licensing is (shareware, public domain, ???),
+; but after all this time, I don't think anyone's going to sue me.
+; Disassembled with dis6502
+; Commented, labelled, and reformatted for DASM use by B. Watson, 20061105
+; Can be assembled to a 384-byte object file with a command like:
+; dasm fenders.dasm -ofenders.obj -f3
+; The object code can be installed on an existing single-density ATR
+; floppy image on UN*X like so:
+; dd if=fenders.obj of=disk.atr bs=1 count=384 seek=16 conv=notrunc
+; (for an XFD image, leave off the "seek=16")
+; This is a standalone source file: it doesn't require any "system equates"
+; include file.
+; Intended for use with DASM, but doesn't use macros or other fancy
+; features, so it'll probably assemble on most 6502 assemblers.
+; Your assembler may use a slightly different syntax for conditional
+; assembly, if so search the file for ".if" and change as needed.
+; Also, remove the "processor" line if you aren't using DASM:
+ processor 6502
+; This disassembly only contains the boot loader code, not the installer.
+; The installer is 30 sectors long (10x the size of the loader), and
+; pretty straightforward.
+; The installer allows you to customize the loader somewhat. It does
+; this by changing the boot loader code before writing it. The options
+; in the installer are:
+; Option | Label
+; B. Rotate color during load | SCREEN_OFF [*]
+; C. Screen off after load | ROTATE_COLOR [*]
+; D. Title | (see "screen" label near end of this file)
+; F. Change density | DENSITY (TODO: support this)
+; (the other options don't change the boot code)
+; [*] B and C options are mislabelled in the installer, selecting
+; "Rotate color" actually toggles "Screen off", and vice versa.
+; Options A, B, and C cause the installer to modify the in-memory copy
+; of the boot code before writing it to disk. I've used conditional
+; assembly to simulate this:
+COLDSTART_ON_RESET .equ 0 ; 0=false, non-zero=true
+ROTATE_COLOR .equ 0 ; 0=false, non-zero=true
+SCREEN_OFF .equ 0 ; 0=false, non-zero=true
+; TODO: support conditional assembly for double density.
+; Unlike the first 3 options, double density changes a lot of code.
+; The original author doesn't change the code at runtime to support
+; double-density; the installer contains complete copies of the
+; single and double density boot code.
+;DENSITY .equ 1 ; 1=single, 2=double
+;;; OS equates
+;; OS ROM entry points
+; Question for you Atari SIO and OS experts: why does "Mappping the
+; Atari" state that you're supposed to call $E543 for the disk,
+; instead of $E459, but the author of this program used $E459 anyway?
+SIOV .equ $e459 ; Serial I/O
+COLDSV .equ $e477 ; Cold Start (reboot)
+KEYBDV .equ $e420 ; K: handler device table
+keyb_get_lo .equ KEYBDV+4 ; pointer to "get byte" routine, minus 1
+keyb_get_hi .equ KEYBDV+5 ; (used by get_key)
+;; OS zero page
+BOOTQ .equ $09 ; Tells OS what to do when RESET is pressed:
+ ; (0 = reboot, 1 = warmstart, JSR through DOSVEC)
+;; OS and FMS page 2 RAM variables
+SDMCTL .equ $022f ; used to turn off the screen when done
+SDLSTL .equ $0230 ; display list start pointer
+COLDST .equ $0244 ; "coldstart in progress" flag
+RUNAD .equ $02e0 ; The run address of the loaded file
+INITAD .equ $02e2 ; The init address of the loaded file (can be >1 per file)
+;; DCB, used for sector I/O parameters by SIOV (called by read_sector)
+DDEVIC .equ $0300 ; Device serial bus ID (set to $31 by OS disk boot)
+DUNIT .equ $0301 ; Drive number (we always use 1)
+DCOMND .equ $0302 ; SIO command (set to $52, "Read sector", by OS)
+DSTATS .equ $0303 ; Data direction register: $40 for "read"
+DBUFLO .equ $0304 ; I/O buffer, lo byte
+DBUFHI .equ $0305 ; I/O buffer, hi byte
+DTIMLO .equ $0306 ; SIO timeout
+DBYTLO .equ $0308 ; number of bytes to transfer (AKA sector size), lo byte
+DBYTHI .equ $0309 ; ...hi byte
+DAUX1 .equ $030a ; For "Read" command, the sector number (lo byte)
+DAUX2 .equ $030b ; ...hi byte
+;; Hardware registers
+COLPF1 .equ $d017 ; GTIA, used by read_sector to rotate the title color
+;; Local variables (zero page)
+dest_ptr .equ $43 ; (AKA FMSZPG) 2 bytes, init to load address
+end_address .equ $45 ; 2 bytes
+save_pos .equ $49 ; 1 byte: saves X register while loaded init routine runs
+menu_counter .equ $b0 ; tracks how many entries (filenames) are in the menu
+dir_sector_lo .equ $b1 ; lo byte of current directory sector
+ ; (range $69-??, high byte is always 1)
+menu_ptr .equ $b2 ; points to screen RAM, for printing filenames
+; Starting sector tables. For each file numbered N on the disk,
+; do_dirent saves the low byte of its starting sector at
+; start_sector_lo_tbl+N and its high byte at start_sector_hi_tbl+N
+; Each table is only 32 bytes, but that's fine as we stop reading the
+; directory after 20 files are found (all that will fit on the screen).
+start_sector_lo_tbl .equ $c0
+start_sector_hi_tbl .equ $e0
+;;; Local variables (non zero page)
+buffer .equ $0b00
+sector_link_hi .equ $0b7d ; buffer + $7d
+sector_link_lo .equ $0b7e ; buffer + $7e
+sector_byte_count .equ $0b7f ; buffer + $7f
+;;; Bootable disk image starts here
+ .org $0700
+;;; Standard Atari boot disk header (6 bytes)
+ .byte $00 ; ignored
+ .byte $03 ; number of sectors to read
+ .word boot_record ; load address
+ .word COLDSV ; init address, don't think this gets used
+;;; Actual code starts here
+boot_continuation: ; OS starts running our code here.
+OFFSET_COLDST_1 equ *-boot_record+1
+OFFSET_COLDST_2 equ *-boot_record+5
+ .if COLDSTART_ON_RESET ; installer option A
+ LDY #$01 ; tell OS to reboot if RESET pressed
+ STY COLDST ; (coldstart in progress = true)
+ .else
+ LDY #$00 ; tell OS not to reboot if RESET pressed
+ STY COLDST ; (coldstart in progress = false)
+ .endif
+ ; either way, Y is now 1
+ STY BOOTQ ; tell OS we booted successfully
+ STY DUNIT ; set drive #1 for later SIO use
+ DEC DTIMLO ; decrease default disk I/O timeout
+ ; set up our custom display list
+ LDA #<display_list ; 74 J
+ LDA #>display_list ; 8 .
+ ; set up to start reading the directory
+ LDA #<menu
+ STA menu_ptr
+ LDA #>menu
+ STA menu_ptr+1
+ LDA #$69 ; Start loading directory at sector 361 ($0169)
+ STA dir_sector_lo
+ LDA dir_sector_lo
+ LDA #$01 ; The directory is located at sectors 361-368,
+ STA DAUX2 ; so the high byte is always 1
+ JSR read_sector
+ INC dir_sector_lo
+ ; X reg is the pointer into the sector buffer, keep that in mind
+ LDA buffer,X ; look at status byte
+ BEQ wait_for_input ; if it's 0, there are no more files, so we're done
+ BMI next_dirent ; if it's deleted (bit 7 true), skip it
+ AND #$01 ; open for write if bit 0 set
+ BNE next_dirent ; If it's open for writing, skip it
+ INC menu_counter
+ LDY menu_counter
+ ; grab and save starting sector; we're building a table in RAM that
+ ; holds the starting sector for every file on the disk
+ LDA buffer+3,X
+ STA start_sector_lo_tbl,Y
+ LDA buffer+4,X
+ STA start_sector_hi_tbl,Y
+ ; draw "A.", "B.", etc (menu choice letters) in the menu
+ ; (menu_ptr) points to column 0 of the current menu line, and gets
+ ; 20 added to it each time through the loop (we're using GR.1, which
+ ; has 20 bytes per screen line).
+ ; Y is the offset into the current line, AKA the column number
+ ADC #$a0 ; GR.2 offset into color 2 alphabet (128+32=160)
+ LDY #$03 ; Menu letter goes in column 3 of the current menu line
+ STA (menu_ptr),Y
+ LDA #$8e ; blue period (no, really, a period that's blue)
+ STA (menu_ptr),Y ; Store in column 4
+ LDA buffer+5,X ; buffer+5 holds the first ATASCII char of the filename
+ SBC #$20 ; subtracting 32 makes them come out in color 1
+ STA (menu_ptr),Y
+ CPY #$10 ; done with 16-byte dirent?
+ BNE next_char ; if not, do next character
+ ; Set up pointer for next screen line
+ LDA menu_ptr
+ ADC #$14 ; skip to next GR.1 line ($14 = 20 bytes)
+ STA menu_ptr
+ BCC skip_ptr_hi
+ INC menu_ptr+1 ; inc hi byte if necessary
+ LDA menu_counter
+ CMP #$14 ; see if the screen is full (max entries = 20)
+ BEQ wait_for_input ; yep, stop adding entries, or...
+ ; set X to point to the offset of the next dir entry
+ ; they occur every 16 bytes, so: X = (X mod 16) + 16
+ AND #$f0
+ ADC #$10
+ ; dirents only take up the first 128 bytes of a dir sector, even
+ ; on a double density disk, so:
+ ASL ; see if the high bit it set (A >= 128)...
+ BCC do_dirent ; no, we're still in the same dir sector, do next entry, or..
+ BCS read_dir_sector ; yes, we need to load the next sector
+ JSR get_key ; get_key waits for the user to press a key and returns its
+ ; ATASCII value in A
+ SBC #$40 ; Convert from ATASCII A-Z to numbers 1-26
+ CMP menu_counter ; See if it's one of our valid menu entries
+ ; do a "branch if less than or equal" to load_file:
+ BEQ load_file ; if equal, branch
+ BCS wait_for_input ; else if greater than, ignore the keypress and
+ ; wait for the user to press another key
+ ; else if less than, fall through to load_file
+load_file: ; A register has the file number (1 indexed; there's no file #0)
+ INC menu_dlist,X ; change selected entry from GR.1 to GR.2, so the user
+ ; can see which file he'd selected
+ ; get starting sector of this file
+ LDA start_sector_lo_tbl,X
+ LDA start_sector_hi_tbl,X
+ JSR try_read ; read the first sector...
+ DEX ; point X at first byte we just read
+; main loop of the program (see "Atari Binary Load Format", near end of file)
+ ; get the segment load address and save in dest_ptr
+ JSR get_next_byte
+ STA dest_ptr
+ JSR get_next_byte
+ STA dest_ptr+1
+ AND dest_ptr
+ CMP #$ff ; If we just read two $FF bytes, throw them out
+ BEQ read_segment ; ...and read the next 2 bytes instead
+ ; get the segment end address and save in end_address
+ JSR get_next_byte
+ STA end_address
+ JSR get_next_byte
+ STA end_address+1
+ JSR get_next_byte ; get next loaded data byte
+ STA (dest_ptr),Y ; store in destination RAM
+ INC dest_ptr ; bump destination pointer: lo byte
+ BNE check_seg_done ; skip the hi byte if the lo byte didn't wrap around
+ INC dest_ptr+1 ; bump hi byte, if needed
+ BEQ check_for_init ; stop loading this seg if address wraps $FFFF -> $0000
+ ; else fall through to check_seg_done
+ LDA end_address ; double-byte double compare, to see if we've
+ CMP dest_ptr ; finished loading all the data in the segment
+ LDA end_address+1
+ SBC dest_ptr+1 ; (SBC instead of CMP because we care about the carry here)
+ BCS load_byte ; if we're not done, load the next byte of data
+ BEQ read_segment ; if init addr is 0, we don't have one, go do next seg
+ STX save_pos ; else save byte position (X reg) and do the init
+ JSR do_init
+ LDX save_pos ; init routine returns here, reload byte position
+ LDY #$00 ; zero out init address so it doesn't run again next time
+ STY INITAD ; (unless of course the next segment(s) load at INITAD)
+ BEQ read_segment ; unconditional branch, go read next segment
+ ; JSR do_init simulates indirect JSR
+; WARNING: self-modifying code. read_sector modifies the operand
+; of the CPX, setting it to the number of valid data bytes in the
+; sector just read. The initial value of $7d represents the number of
+; data bytes in a sector that's full of data (125 bytes of actual data).
+ CPX #$7d ; are we done with all the bytes in this sector?
+ BNE return_next_byte ; if not, go do the next one
+ LDA DAUX1 ; have we read the last sector?
+ ORA DAUX2 ; (if so, the "next sector" stored at DAUX1/2 will be 0)
+ BNE try_read ; if not, go read the next sector
+OFFSET_SCREENOFF equ *-boot_record
+ .if SCREEN_OFF ; installer option C, "turn off screen after loading"
+ STA SDMCTL ; turn off the screen (er, why?)...
+ .else
+ LDA SDMCTL ; don't turn off the screen
+ .endif
+ JMP (RUNAD) ; ...we're done loading, go run the binary!
+ LDA #>buffer
+ STA DBUFHI ; set sector buffer (lo byte presumably defaults to 0?)
+ LDA #$80 ; sector size for SIO: 128 bytes for single density
+ LDA #$40 ; data direction = read (bit 6 set, bit 7 clear)...
+ STA DSTATS ; DSTATS is where we store the data direction
+ JSR SIOV ; all set up, so call SIO
+ BMI try_read ; on error, just retry (forever, if need be)
+ ; set up SIO sector number for next time:
+ LDA sector_link_hi ; The high 2 bits of the sector link (AKA next sector in
+ ; file) are stored in the LOW 2 bits of sector_link_hi,
+ ; along with the file number in bits 2-7
+ AND #$03 ; mask off file number
+ LDA sector_link_lo ; sector link, low 8 bits
+ ; rotate PF color
+OFFSET_ROTCOLOR equ *-boot_record
+ .if ROTATE_COLOR ; installer option B
+ .else
+ .endif
+ ; save number of data bytes in sector
+ LDA sector_byte_count
+ AND #$7f ; hmm, is this really necessary?
+ STA get_next_byte+1 ; WARNING: self-modifying code (see above)
+ ; init source and destination indices
+ LDY #$00
+ LDX #$00
+ LDA buffer,X
+; Simulate JSR through keyb_get_lo. This is one of those Atari
+; "entry point minus one" vectors. To call it, you push it onto the
+; stack and do an RTS (works because a real JSR saves the PC minus 1 on
+; the stack).
+; Becauses it gets the vector from ROM instead of hard-coding it in
+; the get_key routine, this code will work on all Atari models (400/800,
+; XL/XE). It's a compromise between hardcoding the address and doing
+; a full-blown IOCB setup and CIO call.
+ LDA keyb_get_hi
+ LDA keyb_get_lo
+;;; Data
+display_list: ; display list, $084A - $0867
+ ; 3 "blank 8 scans", a GR.2 line with LMS, then screen RAM address
+ .byte $70,$70,$70,$47,<screen,>screen ; "pppGh."
+ ; blank 8 scans, then 20 GR.1 lines, then a jump back to the
+ ; start of the display list.
+ .byte $70,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06 ; "p......."
+ .byte $06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06 ; "........"
+ .byte $06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$41,<display_list,>display_list ; ".....AJ."
+ ; screen RAM, $0868 - $087F and beyond
+OFFSET_TITLE equ *-boot_record
+ ; $00 is a space, lowercase letters come out as caps (color reg 1)
+ .byte $00,$00,$00,$00 ; 4 spaces for centering
+ .byte "atari", $00, "arcade" ; "ATARI ARCADE" in green
+ .byte $00,$00,$00,$00 ; rest of the GR.2 line (20 bytes total)
+menu: ; the filenames start getting stored here, 2nd line of the display
+ ; 4 filler bytes, so we come out at an even 3 sectors (384 bytes)
+ .byte $00,$00,$00,$00
+;;; End of code. Rest of file is boring documentation :)
+; Atari Binary Load File Format - A Primer
+; The binary load format was first defined for Atari DOS 1.0, and supported
+; by all DOSes for the Atari. There's no formal standard that I'm aware of;
+; the closest thing is probably the binary load implementation in Atari
+; DOS 2.0S or 2.5 (the most widely-used DOSes from Atari), but that's
+; copyrighted code, so it couldn't be used as a base to build on or as a
+; module for another DOS.
+; Sadly, Atari didn't add a CIO SPECIAL (aka XIO from BASIC) command to load
+; binary files as part of their DOS's public API... so anyone who wanted to
+; write a game-loader or menu that runs under DOS would have to write their
+; own loader (for compatibility with many DOSes), or just assume they'll
+; be running under DOS 2 and JSR to the unpublished entry point within DOS
+; (which changed between DOS 2 and 2.5). Some third-party DOSes (SpartaDOS,
+; MyDOS) included a CIO/XIO call for loading and/or running binary files,
+; which meant a menu program was easy to write in just a few lines of
+; BASIC, but it wouldn't work on standard Atari DOS, and might not even
+; be portable from Sparta to MyDOS, if they didn't choose the same CIO
+; command for binary loading.
+; None of this DOS-related discussion is relevant to Fenders, though.
+; The whole point of Fenders is to do away with the overhead of DOS, so:
+; - You don't have to keep copies of DOS.SYS (39 sectors) or DUP.SYS (42
+; sectors) on your disk. Together these take up over 10% of the available
+; storage on a DOS 2 formatted disk. With Fenders you get all 707 sectors
+; to use for game storage.
+; - You don't have to wait for a full-blown DOS boot. It takes a while
+; to load DOS.SYS and DUP.SYS (81 sectors, taken together), which are a
+; rather complete file management system and menu interface that you don't
+; need for playing games. With Fenders, you get your menu almost instantly.
+; - Once DOS and DUP are loaded, you have to type "A Return Return" to
+; get a disk directory, then "L Return FILENAME Return" to load a file.
+; With Fenders, you type one letter.
+; There is no support in the OS ROM for the binary load format, or for
+; the disk device at all at the CIO level (the ROM does have SIO routines
+; for reading/writing raw sectors, which is what Fenders uses). There are
+; many binary loader implementations on the Atari. Each third-party DOS
+; generally had to roll its own, and there were numerous "No DOS" and
+; "Game DOS" utilities (like Fenders) that had to implement read-only
+; support for the DOS 2 filesystem along with a binary loader. Fenders
+; does this in 330 bytes of code (including the user interface).
+; An Atari binary load file consists of one or more segments, each with
+; its own load address and end address.
+; A segment is:
+; FFFF leader (bytes 0 and 1) - A two-byte leader: $FF, $FF
+; Required for 1st segment, optional for others
+; Load address (bytes 2 and 3 in standard 6502 LSB/MSB)
+; End address (bytes 4 and 5)
+; (Load address - End address + 1) bytes of data to be loaded
+; Fenders actually doesn't require the FFFF leader even for the first
+; segment, and could deal with multiple FFFF leaders if present: it
+; just skips over them. I haven't checked to see if Atari DOS does
+; the same thing or not.
+; A well-formed binary load file must have an end address higher than the
+; start address for every segment. It's undefined what happens otherwise
+; (Fenders quits loading if the current address ever wraps around from
+; $FFFF to 0000, I don't know what it does if the end address is the same
+; as the start address).
+; There's no rule against having overlapping segments, but it's kind
+; of an odd thing to do.
+; After each segment is loaded, a loader must check INITAD (a 16-bit
+; vector at location $02E2) to see if the segment loaded anything at
+; that address. If so, a JSR through the vector is performed, with the
+; expectation that the loaded program's initialization routine will run
+; and then do an RTS to return control to the loader. This is often used
+; (or abused) by crackers to load a screen with their name/logo. In a
+; real DOS, IOCB #1 is left open, so theoretically the init routine could
+; read data from the file, located between segments as it were. Fenders
+; doesn't do this, as it doesn't implement a CIO handler at all. Any program
+; that relies on this behavior won't work with Fenders, which isn't much
+; of a limitation (I doubt this capability has ever been used in the
+; entire history of the Atari. It might be useful for something like an
+; auto-relocating load?). Use of the init vector is optional. Since it's
+; checked after every segment, there can be more than one init routine
+; run this way.
+; After all segments have been loaded, a loader must check RUNAD (16-bit
+; vector located at $2E0) to see if any segment loaded anything at that
+; address. If so, a JSR through the vector is performed to run the main
+; routine of the just-loaded program, which may or may not do an RTS to
+; return control to the caller. In a real DOS, the RTS will generally redraw
+; the DOS menu or print a new command prompt (whatever makes sense). Fenders
+; does a JMP (RUNAD), not expecting the loaded program to return (most
+; games just run forever).
+; If RUNAD never gets loaded, a real DOS will return to its menu or prompt
+; without trying to run anything. You could use this to just load some
+; data (a font, maybe) into memory. Fenders will crash if RUNAD never gets
+; loaded, since it's set to 0 by the OS (a JMP (0) happens, transferring
+; control off to never-never-land). Again, not much of a limitation, since
+; it's intended for running games, not general-purpose data-file loading.
+; There is ABSOLUTELY NO protection against a binary file trying to
+; load on top of Fenders while it's running (or the memory-mapped
+; I/O registers, or zero page, or anywhere it wants to). There is also
+; no protection against a loaded init routine messing up the zero page
+; pointers or disk buffer. In practice, this doesn't happen often
+; (and a "rude" file that did this would probably have problems loading
+; under a standard DOS, too).
+; This information comes from various sources. I probably gleaned most of
+; it from "Mapping the Atari" or the Compute! magazine "Insight: Atari"
+; column, way back when. Both of these are available on the web now:
+; Mapping the Atari, De Re Atari, and a lot of other books can be
+; found at http://www.atariarchives.org
+; Most of the old Compute! and Antic magazines have been scanned and
+; archived at http://www.atarimagazines.com/
+; There's also a "Digital ANALOG Project" that's got a lot of Analog
+; magazine issues archived: http://www.cyberroach.com/analog/
+; For a compact reference to the binary load format, see:
+; http://www.atarimax.com/jindroush.atari.org/afmtexe.html
+; TODO: I want to add high speed I/O to Fenders, for use with the SIO2PC
+; and AtariSIO (or APE).