path: root/listbas.1
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1 files changed, 361 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/listbas.1 b/listbas.1
index 110fde5..a79c7d0 100644
--- a/listbas.1
+++ b/listbas.1
@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ level margin: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]
.\" new: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]
.in \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]u
-.TH "LISTBAS" 1 "2024-07-05" "0.2.1" "Urchlay's Atari 8-bit Tools"
+.TH "LISTBAS" 1 "2024-07-24" "0.2.1" "Urchlay's Atari 8-bit Tools"
listbas \- List the source of a tokenized Atari 8-bit BASIC program
-listbas [\fB\-v\fP] [\fB\-i\fP] [\fB\-a\fP | \fB\-m\fP ] \fBinput\-file\fP
+listbas [\fB\-a\fP | \fB\-d\fP | \fB\-m\fP | \fB\-x\fP | \fB\-U\fP] [\fB\-B\fP] [\fB\-u\fP] [\fB\-i\fP] [\fB\-l\fP] [\fB\-n\fP | \fB\-C\fP] [\fB\-v\fP] [\fB\-c\fP \fIcolors\fP] [\fB\-r\fP \fIline\-range\fP] \fBinput\-file\fP
\fBlistbas\fP acts like the \fILIST\fP command in BASIC. It reads a
@@ -41,27 +41,120 @@ format.
By default, output is Unicode in UTF\-8 encoding, with ANSI/VT220
escape sequences for inverse video and color syntax highlighting.
+\fBlistbas\fP supports several BASIC dialects used on the Atari. By
+default, the BASIC dialect is autodetected by running \fBwhichbas\fP(1)
+as an external process. To override this, see the \fB\-b\fP option, below.
-.SS List options
+.SS BASIC options
.B \fB\-b\fP
-Use bold, for color output. This may make it easier to read on
-some terminals. Or, it may hurt your eyes...
+Set the BASIC dialect the program will be treated as. This disables
+autodetection. Supported dialects are:
+.INDENT 7.0
+.B \fB\-ba\fP
+Atari BASIC.
+.B \fB\-ba+\fP
+.B \fB\-bt\fP
+Turbo BASIC XL.
+.B \fB\-bxl\fP
+.B \fB\-bxe\fP
+See \fBBASIC DIALECTS\fP below for details.
+.B \fB\-r\fP \fIline\-range\fP
+Show only part of the listing. \fIline\-range\fP can be a single line, or
+a comma\-separated pair of starting and ending line numbers (e.g. \fB100,200\fP).
+If the start line number is omitted (e.g. \fB,100\fP), it will be treated as
+\fB0\fP (meaning, list from the beginning of the program). If the ending line
+number is omitted (e.g. \fB100,\fP), it means "list until the end of the program".
+\fB\-r,\fP is equivalent to not using the \fB\-r\fP option at all.
.B \fB\-i\fP
-Include the immediate mode command (line 32768) in the output.
+Include the immediate mode command (line 32768) in the output. This option has no
+effect if the \fB\-r\fP option is used to stop listing before the end of the program.
+.B \fB\-l\fP
+Do not print line numbers at the start of each line. \fBGOTO\fP, \fBGOSUB\fP,
+\fBTRAP\fP, and \fBTHEN\fP target line numbers are still printed.
+.B \fB\-t\fP
+Do not indent, if the program is Turbo BASIC, BASIC/A+, BASIC XL, or BASIC XE.
+By default, indentation is enabled for everything but Atari BASIC.
+If you want to indent an Atari BASIC program, use \fB\-bt\fP or \fB\-bxe\fP\&.
+.B \fB\-k\fP
+Do not print keywords in mixed case (e.g. \fBPrint\fP, \fBGraphics\fP),
+for BASIC XL or BASIC XE. Equivalent of \fBSET 5,0\fP\&.
+.SS Output modes
+The default output mode is Unicode/UTF\-8 representations of ATASCII
+.INDENT 0.0
+.B \fB\-U\fP
+Output Unicode/UTF\-8 representations of ATASCII characters. This is
+the default output mode; the \fB\-U\fP option is provided so you can
+override \fB\-a\fP, \fB\-d\fP, \fB\-m\fP, \fB\-x\fP in \fBLISTBAS_OPTS\fP (see
+\fBENVIRONMENT\fP, below).
+.B \fB\-x\fP
+Output Unicode/UTF\-8 representations of the XL International Character
+Set, rather than ATASCII.
.B \fB\-a\fP
Output raw ATASCII; no translation to the host character set. Must be
-used with redirection; \fBlistbas\fP will not write ATASCII to the terminal.
+used with redirection or a pipe; \fBlistbas\fP will not write ATASCII to the terminal.
+ATASCII output does not support color (because ATASCII doesn\(aqt).
+.B \fB\-m\fP
+Output "magazine listing". See the \fB\-m\fP option for \fBa8cat\fP(1) for details.
+Color is supported in this mode. No Unicode/UTF\-8 characters are printed in
+this mode.
+.B \fB\-d\fP
+Print dots rather than Unicode/UTF\-8 characters. Color and inverse
+video are still supported in this mode, but no Unicode/UTF8 characters
+are printed. Use this only if your terminal \fIreally\fP doesn\(aqt support
+Unicode (e.g. \fBrxvt\fP(1))... but even then, \fB\-m\fP is preferred,
+because you can\(aqt tell what the dots are supposed to represent.
+.SS Other display options
+.INDENT 0.0
+.B \fB\-C\fP
+Enable color syntax highlighting. This option is enabled by default;
+the \fB\-C\fP option is provided so you can override \fB\-n\fP in
.B \fB\-n\fP
-No color. Has no effect if \fB\-a\fP or \fB\-m\fP are in effect, since these
-modes don\(aqt support color anyway.
+No color. Has no effect if \fB\-a\fP is in effect, since this
+mode doesn\(aqt support color anyway. Disabling color does not
+disable reverse video.
-.B \fB\-m\fP
-Output "magazine listing". See the \fB\-m\fP option for \fBa8cat\fP for details.
+.B \fB\-B\fP
+Use bold for color output. This may make it easier to read on
+some terminals. Or, it may hurt your eyes...
+.B \fB\-u\fP
+Use underlining for inverse video, rather than reverse video output.
+.B \fB\-c\fP \fIcolors\fP
+Customize the color scheme. See \fBCOLORS\fP, below, for the format of the
+\fIcolors\fP argument. Once you\(aqve found a set of colors you like,
+you can place this option in the \fBLISTBAS_OPTS\fP environment variable
+to use your colors by default. See \fBENVIRONMENT\fP, below.
.SS General Options
@@ -76,48 +169,184 @@ Print version number and exit.
Verbose operation. When displaying a number in verbose mode, it will
be prefixed with \fI$\fP if it\(aqs in hex, or no prefix for decimal.
+Note that Turbo, BASIC XL, and BASIC XE are all proper supersets of
+Atari BASIC, so you can view an Atari BASIC program with any of
+\fB\-bt\fP, \fB\-bxl\fP, or \fB\-bxe\fP\&. Also, BASIC XE is a superset of BASIC XL
+(provided BASIC XL\(aqs disk\-based toolkit extended commands are not used),
+so you can usually use \fB\-bxe\fP on a BASIC XL program.
+BASIC/A+ uses incompatible tokens, so its programs can\(aqt be viewed as
+any of the others. Trying to do this results in a very funny\-looking
+listing, with commands like \fBPOSITION\fP with no arguments (or with a
+string argument, or \fBPOSITION #6;"string"\fP; it so happens A+ uses the
+same token number for \fBPOSITION\fP that the other BASICs use for
+\fB?\fP). The same thing would happen if you booted BASIC/A+ on an Atari
+and tried to \fBLOAD\fP an Atari BASIC program. I can\(aqt help but think
+this is a major reason BASIC/A+ didn\(aqt sell that well (fortunately,
+OSS realized their mistake and fixed it in BASIC XL).
+If you see lots of "bad token XX" messages, or if the code
+just doesn\(aqt make any sense, you\(aqre using the wrong BASIC
+option. \fBwhichbas\fP(1) can usually detect the BASIC a program was
+written in, but if the results are ambiguous, \fBlistbas\fP will assume
+Turbo BASIC XL. If this is wrong, use \fB\-bxl\fP or \fB\-bxe\fP to force
+the issue.
Color output only works on terminal emulators (or real terminals)
that support ANSI/VT220 style escape codes. This includes all modern
-terminal emulators, and most not\-so\-modern ones in the UNIX world.
+terminal emulators, and most not\-so\-modern ones in the UNIX world. See
+\fBNOTES\fP for a list of tested terminal emulators.
+You can customize the colors by using the \fB\-c\fP \fIcolors\fP option, either
+on the command line, or in the \fBLISTBAS_OPTS\fP environment variable.
+\fIcolors\fP is a string of exactly 8 characters, each of which must be the
+digits \fI0\fP through \fI7\fP to specify a color, or the letter \fIn\fP to specify
+no color.
-The color scheme is:
+The colors are the standard ANSI ones, plus \fIn\fP:
-.B \fByellow\fP
-Commands. Also "command operators" such as the \fBGOTO\fP in \fBON/GOTO\fP and
-the \fBSTEP\fP in a \fBFOR\fP command. These are really operators as far as
-BASIC is concerned, but it makes more sense to colorize them as commands.
+.B \fI0\fP
-.B \fBgreen\fP
-Operators (except functions and "command operators").
+.B \fI1\fP
-.B \fBpurple\fP
+.B \fI2\fP
-.B \fBred\fP
-Numbers (except line numbers at the start of a line) and string
+.B \fI3\fP
+Yellow (or brown/orange, on some terminals).
-.B \fBcyan\fP
-Line numbers at the start of a line, comments (\fBREM\fP text) and \fBDATA\fP elements.
+.B \fI4\fP
+.B \fI5\fP
+Purple (aka violet).
+.B \fI6\fP
+.B \fI7\fP
+.B \fIn\fP
+No custom color. Output will be in the terminal\(aqs default foreground color.
-Variable names and commas between \fBDATA\fP elements are not highlighted,
-so they\(aqll appear in the default foreground color (usually white if the
-terminal has a black background, or black if the background is white).
+The order they\(aqre used in the \fIcolors\fP argument is:
+.INDENT 0.0
+.B \fB1\fP
+BASIC keywords. Default: \fI3\fP (yellow).
+.B \fB2\fP
+Operators, including quotes around strings and commas between \fBDATA\fP items. Default: \fI2\fP (green).
+.B \fB3\fP
+Functions. Default: \fI5\fP (purple).
+.B \fB4\fP
+Constants (numeric or string). Default: \fI1\fP (red).
+.B \fB5\fP
+Line numbers (at the start of a line only; \fBGOTO\fP and \fBGOSUB\fP line numbers
+are constants). Default: \fI6\fP (cyan).
+.B \fB6\fP
+\fBREM\fP text. Default: \fI4\fP (blue).
+.B \fB7\fP
+\fBDATA\fP items (but not the commas between them). Default: \fI6\fP (cyan).
+.B \fB8\fP
+Variable names. Default: \fIn\fP (uncolorized).
+So, the default color scheme is equivalent to:
+.INDENT 0.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+\fB\-c\fP \fI3251646n\fP
-Note that nothing is highlighted in blue. This is because it\(aqs
-difficult to read on many terminals. Also, black and white are not
-used because presumably, one or the other is the background color of
-the terminal.
+Black and white are not used by default because presumably, one or the
+other is the background color of the terminal.
+.SS Indentation
+The indentation isn\(aqt all that well\-tested yet, but so far it seems work
+correctly. The \fB\-t\fP option is the equivalent of \fB*L\-\fP for Turbo,
+or \fBSET 12,0\fP for BXL/BXE. The different BASICs have different
+indentation rules; try viewing the same Atari BASIC program with
+\fB\-bt\fP, \fB\-bxl\fP, and \fB\-bxe\fP to compare them.
+\fBlistbas \-t\fP is also (as far as I know) the only way to \fBLIST\fP
+a BASIC/A+ program without indentation, since BASIC/A+ itself doesn\(aqt
+have a way to disable it.
+Turbo BASIC, at least, will "max out" the indentation level at some
+point. Once there are 60 or so levels of indent, it stops adding
+more. \fBlistbas\fP doesn\(aqt emulate this behaviour (shouldn\(aqt be a
+problem, it\(aqs a pathological case).
+BASIC XL actually does indentation within a line. If you write:
+.INDENT 0.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+.ft C
+.ft P
+\&...BXL lists it as:
+.INDENT 0.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+.ft C
+10 If A: If B: If C:Rem
+.ft P
+\fBlistbas\fP only indents at the start of a line, so this behaviour is
+not emulated.
+One thing \fBlistbas\fP gets right: the \fBLIST\fP command in Turbo, A+,
+BXL, and BXE always starts out with 0 indent spaces, if you\(aqre only
+listing part of a program. BXE example:
+.INDENT 0.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+.ft C
+10 While 1
+20 If Peek(764)<>255
+30 ? "SOMEONE PRESSED A KEY":Poke 764,255
+40 Endif
+50 Endwhile
+.ft P
+\&...but if you give a \fBLIST 30\fP in BXE, you\(aqll get line 30 without any
+indentation. \fBlistbas\fP does this, too, if you use the \fB\-r\fP option.
+.SS Protected Programs
\fBlistbas\fP will refuse to operate on a LIST\-protected program with
scrambled variable names. For code\-protected programs, it will stop at
the line with the invalid offset. Use \fBunprotbas\fP(1) to remove the
+.SS Comparison to chkbas
\fBlistbas\fP is similar to Jindroush\(aqs \fBchkbas\fP(1). The main differences are:
@@ -127,13 +356,16 @@ looks very similar to how it would appear on the Atari.
.IP \(bu 2
\fBlistbas\fP does color syntax highlighting.
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBlistbas\fP only supports Atari BASIC, not Turbo BASIC or BASIC XL/XE.
+\fBlistbas\fP supports OSS BASIC/A+ in addition to Turbo and BXL/BXE.
+.IP \(bu 2
+\fBlistbas\fP indents BASIC/A+, Turbo, BXL, and BXE code, just like the
+actual BASICs do.
.IP \(bu 2
\fBlistbas\fP doesn\(aqt show information about the variables. Use \fBvxrefbas\fP(1)
for that.
.IP \(bu 2
-\fBlistbas\fP will not write ATASCII data to your terminal. By default, it uses
-\fBa8cat\fP(1) to convert the output to something human\-readable
+\fBlistbas\fP will not write ATASCII data to your terminal. By default, it
+converts ATASCII characters into Unicode/UTF\-8 characters
that won\(aqt confuse the terminal. When outputting raw ATASCII (\fB\-a\fP option),
it refuses to run if standard output is a terminal.
.IP \(bu 2
@@ -143,11 +375,97 @@ specifically asked to do so.
\fBlistbas\fP doesn\(aqt print a banner on startup.
.IP \(bu 2
\fBlistbas\fP tells you if the program is protected, and refuses to operate
-on variable\-protected programs.
+on variable\-protected programs. For code\-protected programs, it lists
+the program up to the "poisoned" line (normally the last line).
+.SS Terminal Support
+The color and inverse/bold/underline support assumes your terminal supports
+ANSI/VT220 escape codes... but it does \fInot\fP use \fBcurses\fP(3X) or
+\fBterminfo\fP(5), or even look at \fBTERM\fP in the environment. It just
+blindly emits the escape codes. Likewise, Unicode characters are printed
+in UTF\-8 encoding, without actually checking whether the terminal or the
+current locale supports UTF\-8.
+\fBlistbas\fP has been tested and is known to work in at least these
+.INDENT 0.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+\fBrxvt\-unicode\fP, aka \fBurxvt\fP\&. This is the terminal the author uses.
+\fBxterm\fP \- tested frequently. Requires the XTerm.locale resource
+to be set to \fBUTF\-8\fP (e.g. in \fB~/.Xdefaults\fP), or the \fB\-lc\fP
+and/or \fB\-en UTF\-8\fP command line options.
+\fBLinux console\fP \- works fine, but good luck finding a font with
+all the Unicode graphics characters. Better use \fB\-m\fP\&.
+\fBkitty\fP \- very fancy terminal emulator that supports both X11 and
+Wayland. \fBlistbas\fP was only tested on X11.
+\fBxfce4\-terminal\fP \- version 0.8.10, with XFCE4 4.16.0.
+\fBkonsole\fP \- the KDE terminal, from KDE 5.90.
+\fBgnome\-terminal\fP \- version 3.43.90.
+\fBst\fP \- minimal terminal from suckless.org, version 0.9.2.
+\fBmlterm\fP \- version 3.9.3.
+\fBkmscon\fP \- version 9.0.0. \fI\%https://github.com/Aetf/kmscon\fP
+\fBfbterm\fP \- version 1.8. \fI\%https://github.com/sfzhi/fbterm\fP
+Also, \fBrxvt\fP and \fBaterm\fP don\(aqt support Unicode, but they will
+otherwise work (display color and inverse) with the \fB\-m\fP or \fB\-d\fP
+options to \fBlistbas\fP\&.
+.SS HTML Output
+I thought about adding an HTML output option, but there\(aqs no need: if you want
+a colorful listing of an Atari BASIC program, install \fBaha\fP(1) from
+\fI\%https://github.com/theZiz/aha\fP (or your distro\(aqs package repo) and run
+something like:
+.INDENT 0.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+.ft C
+listbas PROGRAM.BAS | aha > program.html
+.ft P
+.INDENT 0.0
+If this environment variable is set, \fBlistbas\fP parses its value as though
+the contents were placed on the command line as options, preceding any actual
+option. Example:
+.INDENT 7.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+.ft C
+export LISTBAS_OPTS="\-c123456 \-d"
+.ft P
+If you place the above line in your shell\(aqs startup script, \fBlistbas\fP will
+use your custom color scheme, and will default to the "dots" output mode. If
+you then run \fBlistbas\fP the \fB\-c\fP and/or \fB\-x\fP, \fB\-m\fP options, the options
+on the command line will override the environment.
-0 for success, 1 for failure.
+0 for success, 1 if there was an error reading the input (e.g. file
+not found), or 2 if the input file has invalid tokens (if this
+happens, you will also see a warning about it on stderr).
WTFPL. See \fI\%http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/\fP for details.
@@ -164,11 +482,13 @@ Watson <\fI\%urchlay@slackware.uk\fP>; Urchlay on irc.libera.chat \fI##atari\fP\
@@ -179,13 +499,15 @@ Watson <\fI\%urchlay@slackware.uk\fP>; Urchlay on irc.libera.chat \fI##atari\fP\
Any good Atari 8\-bit book: \fIDe Re Atari\fP, \fIThe Atari BASIC Reference
Manual\fP, the \fIOS Users\(aq Guide\fP, \fIMapping the Atari\fP, etc.