README for Urchlay's fork of hcalc

hcalc is a small (137x174 pixels minimum) TI Programmer II
semi-clone for Unix/X11 and Windows 95/NT[*]. It doesn't take up much
space, and supports decimal, hex, binary, and octal modes.

This is a fork of hcalc with some fixes and enhancements.

Original hcalc is by DJ Delorie, and can be found here:
This version dates back to the late 90s, when computer monitors had
lower resolution. It uses a 125x147 window, which is pretty small and
hard to read on a modern display (particularly a 4K one). It's also
harder to click on the tiny buttons.

Sometime around 2007, Theodore Kilgore forked hcalc and made some
- Increase the application's window size by 2x (from 125x147
  to 250x294). This helps some with modern displays.
- Make the window manager's close button work.
- Change the build system from make to cmake.
- Add a copy of the GPL as COPYING, since the original version
  doesn't have it (though the site states that it's GPL).
This was released as hcalc-1.2, and can be found here:
Also, this is the version packaged by Gentoo.

In 2024, I (B. Watson, urchlay@slackware.uk) have made many further
changes. See CHANGES for the list. See the man page for full
documentation (something that was lacking in the previous releases).

[*] Not tested on Windows. May or may not work. Don't ask me for help
    with it.