path: root/SBoTools
diff options
authorB. Watson <yalhcru@gmail.com>2021-06-24 04:09:05 -0400
committerB. Watson <yalhcru@gmail.com>2021-06-24 04:09:05 -0400
commita5a96cd7ae566bb1ee168cae14e1d1101bcd1797 (patch)
tree46b7a4bd41d3e577ad08a70a1dc7bd91f995e5d7 /SBoTools
parent44be4bb654e313344a427f35a527de3e636f4a61 (diff)
SBoTools: add maintainer info
Diffstat (limited to 'SBoTools')
2 files changed, 28 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/SBoTools/config.py b/SBoTools/config.py
index b13dc28..d07f840 100644
--- a/SBoTools/config.py
+++ b/SBoTools/config.py
@@ -33,10 +33,8 @@ conf.registerGlobalValue(SBoTools, 'dbpath',
registry.String("/home/slackfacts/supybot/SBoTools.sqlite3", _("""Path to sqite3 database.""")))
conf.registerGlobalValue(SBoTools, 'maxresults',
- registry.Integer(5, _("""Maximum number of results to send to client.""")))
+ registry.Integer(5, _("""Maximum number of results for sbosearch command""")))
+conf.registerGlobalValue(SBoTools, 'maxdeps',
+ registry.Integer(10, _("""Maximum number of dependencies for sboinfo command""")))
-## conf.registerGlobalValue(SBoTools, 'slackpath',
-## registry.String("/data/mirrors/slackware/slackware64-14.2", _("""Filesystem path to Slackware mirror (NO trailing slash!)""")))
-## conf.registerGlobalValue(SBoTools, 'baseurl',
-## registry.String("https://slackware.uk/slackware/slackware64-14.2", _("""Web URL of Slackware mirror (NO trailing slash!)""")))
diff --git a/SBoTools/plugin.py b/SBoTools/plugin.py
index 0e18e9d..24df7ce 100644
--- a/SBoTools/plugin.py
+++ b/SBoTools/plugin.py
@@ -40,6 +40,13 @@ class SBoTools(callbacks.Plugin):
maxresults *= 5
return maxresults
+ def getMaxDeps(self, msg):
+ maxdeps = self.registryValue('maxdeps')
+ if msg.channel is None:
+ # private message, increase limit
+ maxdeps *= 10
+ return maxdeps
def InitDB(self):
if self.db is None:
filename = self.registryValue('dbpath')
@@ -142,25 +149,33 @@ class SBoTools(callbacks.Plugin):
db = self.InitDB();
cursor = db.cursor()
- if(category is None):
- cursor.execute("select b.id, b.name, c.name, b.descrip, b.version from builds b, categories c where b.category = c.id and b.name = ?", (build,))
- else:
- cursor.execute("select b.id, b.name, c.name, b.descrip, b.version from builds b, categories c where c.id = ? and b.category = c.id and b.name = ?", (category, build,))
+ sql = """select b.id, b.name, c.name, b.descrip, b.version, m.name, e.addr
+ from builds b, categories c, maintainers m, emails e where """
+ if(category is not None):
+ sql += "c.id=" + str(category) + " and "
+ sql += """b.category = c.id and b.maintainer = m.id and b.email = e.id
+ and b.name=?"""
+ cursor.execute(sql, (build,))
result = cursor.fetchall()
if(len(result) == 0):
irc.reply("no results found")
lines = []
- for (bid, bname, cname, bdescrip, bversion) in result:
- lines.append(cname + "/" + bname + " v" + bversion + ": " + bdescrip)
- cursor.execute("select b.name from builds b, deps d where d.build_id=? and b.id=d.depends_on", (bid,))
+ for (bid, bname, cname, bdescrip, bversion, maint, email) in result:
+ lines.append(cname + "/" + bname + " v" + bversion + ": " + bdescrip +
+ ", " + maint + " <" + email + ">")
+ maxdeps = self.getMaxDeps(msg)
+ cursor.execute("select b.name from builds b, deps d where d.build_id=? and b.id=d.depends_on limit ?", (bid,maxdeps+1))
depres = cursor.fetchall()
if(len(depres) != 0):
deps = ""
for (depname) in depres:
- deps += depname[0] + " "
- lines.append("deps: " + deps)
+ deps += " " + depname[0]
+ lines.append("deps:" + deps)
+ if(len(depres) > maxdeps):
+ lines.append("[too many deps, only showing " + str(maxdeps) + "]")
irc.replies(lines, joiner=' | ')