diff options
-rw-r--r--ztunekey.pngbin0 -> 55391 bytes
5 files changed, 157 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/find_key b/find_key
index 5e5e035..c391e65 100755
--- a/find_key
+++ b/find_key
@@ -55,8 +55,9 @@ $0: Find key of music in audio (or maybe video) files.
Usage: $0 [-m|-M] file.wav [file.wav ...]
--m: Force major keys to relative minor
--M: Force minor keys to relative major
+-q: Quiet, only output the most likely key.
+-m: Force major keys to relative minor.
+-M: Force minor keys to relative major.
exit 0;
@@ -70,6 +71,9 @@ for(@ARGV) {
$fold_major = 0;
$fold_minor = 1;
+ } elsif(/^-q/) {
+ $quiet++;
+ next;
my $sec;
@@ -79,22 +83,23 @@ for(@ARGV) {
$sf = Audio::SndFile->open("<", $_);
if($@) {
- warn "Extracting to tmp.wav\n";
- system("mplayer -vo null -ao pcm:fast:file=tmp.wav \"$_\"");
+ my $rq = $quiet ? "-really-quiet" : "";
+ warn "Extracting to tmp.wav\n" unless $quiet;
+ system("mplayer $rq -vo null -ao pcm:fast:file=tmp.wav \"$_\"");
$sf = Audio::SndFile->open("<", "tmp.wav");
$_ = "tmp.wav";
$sec = ($sf->frames) * (1 / $sf->samplerate);
- printf "file is %03.2f sec\n", $sec;
+ printf "file is %03.2f sec\n", $sec unless $quiet;
my $oldstamp = -1;
my $oldkey = -1;
- my $got = `vamp-simple-host qm-vamp-plugins:qm-keydetector "$_" 2`;
+ my $got = `vamp-simple-host qm-vamp-plugins:qm-keydetector "$_" 2 2>/dev/null`;
die "Analysis failed\n" unless defined $got;
- print "\n";
+ print "\n" unless $quiet;
my @got = split "\n", $got;
## for my $line (@got) {
@@ -122,24 +127,25 @@ for(@ARGV) {
} elsif($fold_minor) {
$key = get_relative_minor($key);
- if($key =~ /m$/) {
- $relkey = get_relative_major($key);
- } else {
- $relkey = get_relative_minor($key);
- }
+ $relkey = get_relative_key($key);
if($oldstamp != -1) {
$times{$oldkey} += ($stamp - $oldstamp);
$oldstamp = $stamp;
$oldkey = $key;
- print "$stamp: $key ($relkey)\n";
+ print "$stamp: $key ($relkey)\n" unless $quiet;
$times{$oldkey} += ($sec - $oldstamp);
- print "\n";
- for(sort { $times{$b} <=> $times{$a} } keys %times) {
- printf "%3s: %4.2f sec, %4.2f%%\n", $_, $times{$_}, $times{$_} / $sec * 100;
+ print "\n" unless $quiet;
+ my @sorted = sort { $times{$b} <=> $times{$a} } keys %times;
+ if($quiet) {
+ print $sorted[0] . " (" . get_relative_key($sorted[0]) . ")\n";
+ } else {
+ for(@sorted) {
+ printf "%3s: %4.2f sec, %4.2f%%\n", $_, $times{$_}, $times{$_} / $sec * 100;
+ }
@@ -153,6 +159,16 @@ sub get_relative_minor {
return $relative_minors{$key} || $key;
+sub get_relative_key {
+ my $key = shift || die "missing key";
+ if($key =~ /m$/) {
+ $relkey = get_relative_major($key);
+ } else {
+ $relkey = get_relative_minor($key);
+ }
+ return $relkey;
Output of plugin:
- Estimated key (from C major = 1 to B major = 12 and C minor = 13 to B minor = 24)
diff --git a/tunebass b/tunebass
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5394abc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tunebass
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Ear tuner for guitar and bass. Install tunebass on your $PATH, and
+# symlink it to tunegtr.
+# this used to be a one-liner:
+#play -n synth 2 pluck ${1:-A2} repeat 99999
+case "$0" in
+ *gtr*|*guit*)
+ notes="E4 B3 G3 D3 A2 E2"
+ note=6
+ lastnote=6
+ ;;
+ *)
+ notes="G2 D2 A1 E1"
+ note=4
+ lastnote=4
+ ;;
+prompt="Space: next string, BkSpc: prev string, 1-$lastnote: strings, q: quit, ?: help"
+# these seem like they ought to be the arrow keys, but they're actually
+# \n and \b... kcud1 and kcub1 are the 'application mode' versions, which
+# doesn't do us any good here.
+#down="$( tput cud1 )"
+#left="$( tput cub1 )"
+# these are correct for xterm and derivatives, and for the linux console.
+down="$( printf "\x1b\x5bB" )"
+left="$( printf "\x1b\x5bD" )"
+up="$( tput cuu1 )"
+right="$( tput cuf1 )"
+pageup="$( tput kpp )"
+pagedown="$( tput knp )"
+esc="$( printf "\x1b" )"
+echo "$prompt"
+while true; do
+ narg="$( echo $notes | cut -d' ' -f $note )"
+ if [ "$oldnote" != "$note" ]; then
+ [ "$pid" != "" ] && kill "$pid"
+ echo -e -n "\rString: $note Note: $narg"
+ tput el
+ play --buffer 1024 -qn synth 2 pluck $narg repeat - &>/dev/null &
+ pid="$!"
+ oldnote="$note"
+ fi
+ key=
+ read -rs -N5 -t 0.1 key
+ if [ "$key" != "" ]; then
+ case "$key" in
+ [1-9])
+ [ "$key" -le "$lastnote" ] && note=$key ;;
+ a|A|h|H|||$left|$pageup)
+ note=$(( note + 1 )); [ $note -gt $lastnote ] && note=1 ;;
+ d|D|l|L|' '|' '|$right|$enter|$pagedown)
+ note=$(( note - 1 )); [ $note = 0 ] && note=$lastnote ;;
+ s|S|j|J|$down)
+ note=$lastnote ;;
+ w|W|k|K|$up)
+ note=1 ;;
+ \?)
+ echo
+ cat <<EOF
+Use space + backspace, arrow keys, pageup/down, WASD, HJKL, or numbers
+1 to $lastnote to pick a string. Tune your strings to the notes you hear.
+Press Q or Escape to exit.
+ ;;
+ $esc|q|Q) break ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+kill "$pid"
diff --git a/ztunekey b/ztunekey
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..da69d56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ztunekey
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# icon from:
+# https://vectorified.com/images/guitar-tuner-icon-28.jpg
+# ...installed via:
+# convert guitar-tuner-icon-28.jpg .local/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/ztunekey.png
+ZOPT='--width 300 --height 100 --title Tuning/Key'
+if [ "$file" = "" ]; then
+ file="$( audtool --current-song-filename )"
+ if [ "$file" = "" ]; then
+ zenity --error $ZOPT --text="No song is playing!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+if [ ! -e "$file" ]; then
+ zenity --error $ZOPT --text="No such file: $file"
+ exit 1
+bn="$( basename "$file" )"
+( find_tuning -q "$file" > /tmp/tuning.$$ &
+ find_key -q "$file" > /tmp/key.$$ &
+ wait ) | zenity --progress $ZOPT --icon-name=ztunekey --text="$bn" --pulsate --auto-close
+zenity --info $ZOPT --icon-name=ztunekey --text="$bn Tuning: $( cat /tmp/tuning.$$ ) cents Key: $( cat /tmp/key.$$ )"
+rm -f /tmp/tuning.$$ /tmp/key.$$
diff --git a/ztunekey.desktop b/ztunekey.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..184792e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ztunekey.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Exec=/home/urchlay/bin/ztunekey %f
diff --git a/ztunekey.png b/ztunekey.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d152c37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ztunekey.png
Binary files differ