diff options
14 files changed, 1361 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crc32 b/crc32
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1adfa3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crc32
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Horribly inefficient way to calculate crc32 of a file.
+rm -f $Z
+zip -q $Z "$1"
+zipinfo -v $Z | grep CRC | sed 's,.* ,,'
+rm -f $Z
diff --git a/dumprpath b/dumprpath
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cc07fd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dumprpath
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+for i in "$@"; do
+ echo -n "$i: "
+ objdump -x "$i" | grep RPATH
diff --git a/imagebin b/imagebin
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a5de360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/imagebin
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# pastebin an image. if xsel is installed, copy the URL to the X clipboard.
+# uses this API: https://ibin.co/tools.php
+# no support for using a login + API key, don't need it.
+ curl -F file="@${1:-}" https://imagebin.ca/upload.php | \
+ grep ^url: | \
+ cut -d: -f2-
+if [ -n "$url" ]; then
+ echo "$url"
+ which xsel &>/dev/null && echo -n "$url" | xsel
diff --git a/netqiv b/netqiv
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c5bea0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netqiv
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+set -e
+mkdir -p ~/.netqiv
+cd ~/.netqiv
+wget "$1"
+qiv "$@" "$( basename "$1" )"
diff --git a/slacklog b/slacklog
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..819b4b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slacklog
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+exec tmux new links ftp://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/slackware/slackware-$VER/ChangeLog.txt
diff --git a/smartfmt b/smartfmt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..71ca8c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/smartfmt
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# wrapper for fmt, detects when every line has
+# the same prefix (or is blank) and passes the prefix
+# as a -p option to fmt. Called by ~/.vimrc, F mapping.
+sub shortest {
+ my $oldprefix = shift;
+ my $line = shift;
+ my $newprefix = "";
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < length($oldprefix) && $i < length($line); $i++) {
+ last if substr($line, $i, 1) ne substr($oldprefix, $i, 1);
+ $newprefix .= substr($line, $i, 1);
+ }
+ return $newprefix;
+$nonblank = 0;
+while(<STDIN>) {
+ chomp;
+ s/^\s+$//;
+ push @lines, $_;
+ next if /^$/;
+ $nonblank++;
+ if(not defined $prefix) {
+ $prefix = $_;
+ } elsif($prefix ne "") {
+ $prefix = shortest($prefix, $_);
+ }
+$width = 71;
+if($nonblank > 1 && $prefix ne "" && ($prefix =~ /[^A-Za-z]$/)) {
+ $opt = ' -p' . quotemeta($prefix) . ' ';
+ if(@ARGV && ($ARGV[0] eq '-s')) {
+ $width = (length($prefix) + 71);
+ }
+$opt.= "-w $width -g $width";
+#warn "line: $_" for @lines;
+#warn "opt: $opt";
+open OUT,"|fmt $opt" or die $!;
+print OUT "$_\n" for @lines;
+close OUT;
diff --git a/uleft b/uleft
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0efe972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uleft
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# uleft, uright, ukill, ufull, unext - start & kill urxvt with
+# preferred geometry. the terminals persist when their shells exit
+# (they just start a new one).
+# any arguments passed to this script are passed thru to urxvt.
+murder_shell() {
+ # kill the shell that called the shell that's running this script
+ kill $( ps -o ppid --no-headers $( ps -o ppid --no-headers $$ ) )
+ exit 0
+get_next_geom() {
+ # lets this script alternate between starting left and right terminals
+ if [ ! -e ~/.uleftright ] || grep -q right ~/.uleftright; then
+ echo left > ~/.uleftright
+ else
+ echo right > ~/.uleftright
+ fi
+ echo "$G"
+case "$0" in
+ *kill*) murder_shell ;;
+ *left*) G=$GLEFT ;;
+ *full*) G=$GFULL ;;
+ *next*) G=$( get_next_geom ) ;;
+ *) G=$GRIGHT ;;
+urxvt -g "$G" "$@" -e sh -c "while true; do bash -login; done" &>/dev/null &
diff --git a/unibmptxt.pl b/unibmptxt.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e20de65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unibmptxt.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,875 @@
+use warnings;
+no warnings 'utf8';
+use utf8;
+@block4x4s = split "", " ▗▖▄▝▐▞▟▘▚▌▙▀▜▛█";
+for($i = 0; $i < 95; $i++) {
+ <DATA>; # skip comment
+ for($j = 0; $j < 6; $j++) {
+ my $row = <DATA>;
+ chomp($row);
+ $row =~ s/X/1/g;
+ $row =~ s/\./0/g;
+ #warn @s;
+ $font[$i + 32][$j] = $row;
+ }
+ <DATA>; # skip blank
+if(!@ARGV) {
+ @ARGV = (
+ " !\"#\$%&'()*+,-./",
+ "0123456789:;<=>?",
+ "PQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_",
+ "\`abcdefghijklmno",
+ "pqrstuvwxyz{|}~");
+for $input (@ARGV) {
+ my @lines = ();
+ for(split "", $input) {
+ my $o = ord($_);
+ next if $o < 32 || $o > 126;
+ for(0..5) {
+ $lines[$_] .= $font[$o][$_];
+ }
+ }
+# always want an even number of columns
+ if(length($lines[0]) % 1) {
+ $lines[$_] .= "0" for 0..5;
+ }
+#print "$_\n" for @lines;
+ my @output = ();
+ for($y = 0; $y < 6; $y += 2) {
+ my $out = "";
+ for($x = 0; $x < length($lines[0]); $x += 2) {
+ my $index = 0;
+ $index |= 8 if substr($lines[$y], $x, 1) eq '1';
+ $index |= 4 if substr($lines[$y], $x + 1, 1) eq '1';
+ $index |= 2 if substr($lines[$y + 1], $x, 1) eq '1';
+ $index |= 1 if substr($lines[$y + 1], $x + 1, 1) eq '1';
+ $out .= $block4x4s[$index];
+ }
+ push @output, $out;
+ }
+ print "$_\n" for @output;
+=for reference
+# __DATA__ section originally made thus:
+open my $f, "</home/urchlay/5x7.bdf" or die $!;
+$in_bitmap = 0;
+@bitmap = ();
+while(<$f>) {
+ chomp;
+ if(/^ENCODING\s+(\d+)/) {
+ $encoding = $1;
+ next;
+ }
+ if($in_bitmap) {
+ if(/^ENDCHAR/) {
+ $in_bitmap = 0;
+ $bitmaps{$encoding} = [ @bitmap ];
+ } else {
+ push @bitmap, $_;
+ #warn "encoding $encoding, byte $_";
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(/^BITMAP/) {
+ $in_bitmap = 1;
+ @bitmap = ();
+ }
+ }
+## for(sort { $a <=> $b } keys %bitmaps) {
+## print $_ . " => " . join(" ", @{$bitmaps{$_}}) . "\n";
+## }
+for($i = 32; $i < 127; $i++) {
+ print "# $i " . chr($i) . "\n";
+ for(@{$bitmaps{$i}}) {
+ my $byte = hex($_);
+ my $bin = sprintf("%08b", $byte);
+ $bin =~ s/000$//;
+ $bin =~ s/0/./g;
+ $bin =~ s/1/X/g;
+ print $bin . "\n";
+ }
+ print "\n";
+# This stuff was taken from 5x7.bdf, but hand-edited to make it 6 rows
+# high, proportional, and fix some of the uglier glyphs.
+# 32
+# 33 !
+# 34 "
+# 35 #
+# 36 $
+# 37 %
+# 38 &
+# 39 '
+# 40 (
+# 41 )
+# 42 *
+# 43 +
+# 44 ,
+# 45 -
+# 46 .
+# 47 /
+# 48 0
+# 49 1
+# 50 2
+# 51 3
+. X..
+# 52 4
+# 53 5
+# 54 6
+# 55 7
+# 56 8
+# 57 9
+# 58 :
+# 59 ;
+# 60 <
+# 61 =
+# 62 >
+# 63 ?
+# 64 @
+# 65 A
+# 66 B
+# 67 C
+# 68 D
+# 69 E
+# 70 F
+# 71 G
+# 72 H
+# 73 I
+# 74 J
+# 75 K
+# 76 L
+# 77 M
+# 78 N
+# 79 O
+# 80 P
+# 81 Q
+# 82 R
+# 83 S
+# 84 T
+# 85 U
+# 86 V
+# 87 W
+# 88 X
+# 89 Y
+# 90 Z
+# 91 [
+# 92 \
+# 93 ]
+# 94 ^
+# 95 _
+# 96 `
+# 97 a
+# 98 b
+# 99 c
+# 100 d
+# 101 e
+# 102 f
+# 103 g
+# 104 h
+# 105 i
+# 106 j
+# 107 k
+# 108 l
+# 109 m
+# 110 n
+# 111 o
+# 112 p
+# 113 q
+# 114 r
+# 115 s
+# 116 t
+# 117 u
+# 118 v
+# 119 w
+# 120 x
+# 121 y
+# 122 z
+# 123 {
+# 124 |
+# 125 }
+# 126 ~
diff --git a/urxvt-change-font b/urxvt-change-font
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6556a2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/urxvt-change-font
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Read default from X resources
+DFLT="$( xrdb -query |grep '^URxvt\*font'|cut -f2 )"
+DFLT="${DFLT:-xft:Deja Vu Sans Mono:size=13}"
+echo "Setting urxvt font to '$FONT'"
+printf '\e]710;%s\007' "${1:-$FONT}"
diff --git a/utf8ord b/utf8ord
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f413906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utf8ord
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -CIOESA -w
+use charnames qw/:full/;
+#print ord($_), "\n" for @ARGV;
+for(@ARGV) {
+ for(split "") {
+ my $c = ord;
+ printf("%s\t%d\t%04x\t%s\n", $_, $c, $c, charnames::viacode($c)) for split "";
+ }
diff --git a/vipaste b/vipaste
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..15cc892
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vipaste
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+usage() {
+ cat <<EOF
+$SELF - edit X11 selection buffer
+Usage: $SELF [-n]
+Loads the current contents of the X11 selection (copy/paste) buffer
+into an editor. After editing & exiting the editor, the results are
+copied back into the selection buffer, for pasting elsewhere.
+The last line (only line, for 1-line selections) will have its newline
+removed, if there is one.
+If the file is empty after editing, or if the editor exits with
+non-zero (error) status, the selection buffer won't be altered.
+To start with an empty buffer rather than the current selection, use
+the -n option.
+The editor to be run is set via VISUAL in the environment. If it's not
+set, EDITOR is used if set. If neither is set, vi is used. If you're
+going to run this without a terminal (e.g. using xbindkeys or a "Run
+Program" dialog), you'll want to set VISUAL to something that doesn't
+require a terminal (e.g. a GUI editor like gvim or gedit).
+Requires xsel and perl on the PATH.
+Written by B. Watson <yalhcru@gmail.com> and released under the WTFPL.
+ exit $1
+set -e
+SELF="$( basename $0 )"
+CMD="xsel -o"
+[ "$1" = "--help" ] && usage 0
+[ "$1" = "-n" ] && CMD=":" && shift
+[ "$1" != "" ] && usage 1
+TMPFILE="$( mktemp -t $SELF.XXXXXX )"
+trap "rm -f \"$TMPFILE\"" EXIT
+# remove the newline(s) from the end of the file
+perl -i -0777 -pe 's/\n*$//' "$TMPFILE"
+[ -s "$TMPFILE" ] && xsel -i < "$TMPFILE"
diff --git a/wide.pl b/wide.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dc93be7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wide.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+=head1 NAME
+wide.pl - print double-width characters
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+=head2 From the shell:
+wide.pl <[args ...]>
+=head2 From within irssi:
+/script load wide.pl
+/wide [args]
+wide.pl converts printable ASCII characters to their double-width
+equivalent from the Unicode 0xff block. See:
+Characters that don't have double-wide equivalents are simply printed
+with a trailing space.
+This script can be run standalone or as an irssi /script. For things to work
+properly in irssi, you'll need UTF-8 and Unicode support in irssi and in the
+terminal you're using to run irssi.
+When run standalone with no arguments, reads from stdin and writes to stdout.
+If arguments are given, they're treated as input (not filenames). Use shell
+redirection to read from a file: wide.pl < message.txt
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Urchlay <yalhcru@gmail.com>
+=head1 LICENSE
+wide.pl is released under the WTFPL: Do WTF you want with this.
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+sub wide {
+ my $text = shift;
+ my $res = "";
+ for (split "", $text) {
+ my $c = ord($_);
+ if($c >= 0x21 && $c <= 0x7e) {
+ $res .= chr($c + 0xfee0);
+ } else {
+ $res .= "$_$_";
+ }
+ }
+ return $res;
+# main() if we're not running under irssi
+if(__PACKAGE__ eq 'main') {
+ no warnings 'utf8';
+ exec "perldoc $0" if @ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /--?h(elp)?/;
+ if(@ARGV) {
+ print wide($_) for @ARGV;
+ print "\n";
+ } else {
+ while(<>) {
+ chomp;
+ print wide($_);
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ exit 0;
+# irssi stuff here
+require Irssi;
+Irssi->import(qw/command command_bind/);
+our $VERSION = "0.1";
+our %IRSSI = (
+ authors => 'Urchlay',
+ contact => 'Urchlay on FreeNode',
+ name => 'wide',
+ description => 'print double-width characters',
+ license => 'WTFPL',
+ url => 'none',
+ );
+sub cmd_wide {
+ my ($text, $srv, $chan) = @_;
+ return unless $text;
+ return unless $srv;
+ return unless $chan;
+ $chan->command('MSG ' . $chan->{name} . ' ' . wide($text));
+command_bind("wide", \&cmd_wide);
diff --git a/x1 b/x1
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e3f3dca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x1
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+case "$1" in
+ "") ;;
+ /*) ;;
+ *) WM=/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.$1 ;;
+[ ! -x "$WM" ] && WM="$( which $1 )"
+echo startx $WM -- :1
+exec startx $WM -- :1
diff --git a/xcleanpaste b/xcleanpaste
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c122002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xcleanpaste
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 NAME
+xcleanpaste - join multi-line copy/paste into one long line
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<xcleanpaste> [-n] [-u] [-e<line-ending>] [-v] [xsel-options]
+"Cleans" the X selection buffer: trims whitespace from the start
+and end of every line, replaces all newlines with spaces, replaces
+all tabs with 3 spaces each. Result is written back to the selection
+buffer, where you can paste it into whatever application you want.
+This is useful even for single-line pastes: it removes tabs and any
+newline at the end, so e.g. copying a command from a browser into the
+shell won't trigger tab-completion or execute the command immediately.
+The selection buffer is read/written using xsel, which must be
+installed and available on your PATH.
+xcleanpaste is best used by binding to a key using xbindkeys or
+similar, though you can run it from the shell too.
+If you're using keybinding, you probably want at least separate keys
+for xcleanpaste with no options and xcleanpaste with the -u option
+(URL cleaner; see below).
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-e><line-ending>
+Replace line endings with the given string rather than a space. Don't
+use a space between the -e and the ending. Beware of shell quoting
+=item B<-n>
+Replace line endings with the string " \n " rather than a space. This is
+space, backslash, lowercase n, space. Equivalent to B<-e ' \n '>.
+=item B<-u>
+Remove CGI arguments from any URLs found in the buffer. Some sites
+including tracking info, e.g. https://site.blah/stuff?sessionID=12345,
+which you shouldn't be pasting into anything others can see (e.g. IRC
+or emails).
+=item B<-v>
+Verbose mode. Shows lines read and written from the xsel instances on
+stderr. Not much use with xbindkeys though.
+Any other arguments are passed to xsel. This is probably only useful
+for xsel's -p/-s/-b options (see xsel man page).
+=head1 EXAMPLE
+In B<~/.xbindkeys>:
+ "xcleanpaste &"
+ Control+Alt + period
+ "xcleanpaste -u &"
+ Control+Alt + slash
+If you copy these three lines:
+ This is
+ a long URL:
+ https://long.url?with=lots&of=arguments
+Then press Ctrl+Alt+Period, then paste into some window, you will get:
+ This is a long URL: https://long.url?with=lots&of=arguments
+If you instead press Ctrl+Alt+Slash, you'll get:
+ This is a long URL: https://long.url
+=head1 AUTHOR
+xcleanpaste was written by B. Watson <yalhcru@gmail.com> and released
+under the WTFPL: Do WTF you want with this.
+( $SELF = $0 ) =~ s,.*/,,;
+@xselargs = ();
+$line_ends = " ";
+$url_clean = $verbose = 0;
+for(@ARGV) {
+ if(/^-?-h(?:elp)/) {
+ exec "perldoc $0";
+ exit 1; # if the exec failed
+ } elsif(/^-v/) {
+ $verbose++;
+ } elsif(/^-n/) {
+ $line_ends = " \\n ";
+ } elsif(/^-u/) {
+ $url_clean = 1;
+ } elsif(/^-e(.*)$/) {
+ if(!defined($1) || $1 eq "") {
+ die("$SELF: no space allowed between -e option and its argument\n");
+ }
+ $line_ends = $1;
+ } else {
+ push @xselargs, $_;
+ }
+$xsel_extra_args = join(" ", @xselargs);
+warn "$SELF: xsel arguments: \"$xsel_extra_args\"\n" if $verbose;
+# We have to read the entire output of xsel -o into memory before
+# spawning the xsel -i, because otherwise the 2nd xsel will obliterate
+# the selection buffer the first one's still trying to read from.
+open my $in, "xsel -o $xsel_extra_args|" or die $!;
+while(<$in>) {
+ chomp;
+ warn "$SELF: read line $.: $_\n" if $verbose;
+ s,\s+$,,; # remove any trailing whitespace
+ s,^\s+,,; # remove any leading whitespace
+ s,[\r\n], ,g; # replace all CR or LF with a single space
+ s,\t, ,g; # replace all tabs with 3 spaces
+ if($url_clean) {
+ # get rid of ? and anything after it, in anything that looks like a URL
+ s,(https?:\/\/[^?\s]*)\?\S+,$1,g;
+ }
+ s/\S$/$&$line_ends/; # our ending LF became a space above; make it
+ # whatever the line ending is supposed to be
+ push @lines, $_;
+close $in;
+$output = join("", @lines);
+$output =~ s/\s+$//; # trim trailing whitespace from last line only
+warn "$SELF: writing: $output\n" if $verbose;
+open my $out, "|xsel -i $xsel_extra_args" or die $!;
+print $out $output;
+close $out;