path: root/noobfarm.removed
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+This chatting has been translated from Finnish to English.
+<Goblet> let's emulate netbios?
+<Goblet> HEY I'M HERE
+lt;_jv> HEY I'M HERE
+<Luosto> HEY I'M HERE
+<sjmSK> AT LEA
+<sjmSK> NOT ME
+<_jv> NOT ME
+<bLeRp> MEEEE!
+oblet> (blerp is a samba box)
+<__pint> HEY I AM HERE!
+<Luosto> "Sami does not like his configuration..."
+<__pint> I VOTE THAT I WI
+<__pint> I AM!
+<__pint> I AM!
+<sjmSK> I'M NOT
+holox> ME!
+<__pint> IS ANYONE HERE?
+<__pint> ME!
+<bLeRp> MEEEEE!
+<holox> I'M HERE!
+<Goblet> NICE THAT
+<__pint> MEEEE!
+<bLeRp> NO, I AM!
+<__pint> but let's stop before someone will try transferring a file.
+<bLeRp> I'M
+<Goblet> __pint, luckily :)
+<__pint> NO, MEEEE!
+<Goblet> cool netbios emulation
+<__pint> <blue screen&
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1
+ Added: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 15:58:34 UTC
+-!- Lambda [n=kvirc@adsl-69-211-221-67.dsl.wotnoh.ameritech.net] has joined
+< Lambda> help
+< Lambda> please
+< Lambda> i got pwnt
+< Lambda> my uber ass couldnt sustain the uber ness
+< Lambda> of another jeet motherfucker
+< Lambda> :)
+< Lambda> lmfao
+< Lambda> uber pwnt
+< Lambda> i got uber pwnt
+< Lambda> help e
+< Lambda> help
+< Lambda> please
+< Lambda> oh god
+< Lambda> please help me
+< Lambda> HELP
+< Lambda> PLEASE
+-!- Talib [n=karabah@gt-gw.troyanda-icecream.com] has quit []
+-!- mode/#slackman [+o robw810] by ChanServ
+< Lambda> SUC MY BALLS
+< Lambda> :)
+< Lambda> :)
+<@robw810> excuse me?
+< Lambda> SUCK
+< Lambda> MY
+< Lambda> BALLS
+< Lambda> LMFSAO
+< tewmten> oh lawd is dat sum trolling?
+< Lambda> LMFAO
+< Lambda> SUCK MY BALLS
+< Lambda> UR THE TROL
+< Lambda> ROFL
+< Lambda> ?
+< Lambda> BY ME
+< theblackbox> lol, how creative
+< Lambda> :)
+< rob0> Lambda: watch out, there's an op here.
+< Lambda> I OWN J00
+< rob0> bye
+< Lambda> LMFAO
+< Larhzu> Never let a "friend" use a computer while you are away.
+< Lambda> ABOUT NO OP
+-!- mode/#slackman [+b *!*@adsl-69-211-221-67.dsl.wotnoh.ameritech.net] by
+-!- Lambda was kicked from #slackman by robw810 [robw810]
+* rob0 pats robw810 on the back :)
+<@robw810> :D
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #6
+ Added: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 16:39:44 UTC
+<@sadiq> there should be a "Debian sucks" syntax highlight on Pastebin.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #11
+ Added: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 16:58:09 UTC
+<d3ity_> aight im gonna peace out for a bit
+<d3ity_> lube my asshole with some neosporin
+<Dominian> hehe
+<robw810> You'd have to dab some on your ass to catch him
+<Dominian> might as well use bengay
+<Dominian> no pun intended
+<robw810> haha
+<Dominian> hehe
+<Dominian> well maybe a little
+<Straterra> wow
+<Straterra> That joke was lamer than F.D.R's legs
+<robw810> That was wrong
+<Dominian> lol
+<robw810> That was "Helen Keller burns her hands trying to read a waffle iron"
+<Straterra> lol
+<Dominian> lol
+<robw810> Wrong like "That noobs brain must be as mushy as Terri Schiavo's"
+<Dominian> lmao
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #14
+ Added: Fri, 08 Dec 2006 04:23:19 UTC
+< `2StupidDogz> http://rafb.net/paste/results/TFtyc534.html
+< `2StupidDogz> any ideea?
+< feindbild> `2StupidDogz: ok ... /usr/local/include/gnu/stubs.h doesn't come
+from a package if it's nowhere in /var/log/packages/ ... sorry ... but something
+that you either installed from source or with a installer must have created
+/usr/local/include/gnu/stubs.h ... I can not help you to remove it cleanly ...
+< `2StupidDogz> pffff.. .so there is nothing i can do?
+< robw810> `2StupidDogz: are you sure you haven't tried to build glibc yourself?
+< `2StupidDogz> i think i tryied..
+< robw810> yeah
+< robw810> WHY?
+< `2StupidDogz> dont know, im a newb... i thought it would help out..
+< feindbild> `2StupidDogz: help out what? ^^
+< robw810> Do you go out and rebuild the ENGINE of your CAR because you think it
+will "help out?"
+< `2StupidDogz> ...
+< robw810> (if you don't know beans about car engines)
+< `2StupidDogz> youre right..
+< `2StupidDogz> how do i copy one dir. to another? cp <dir> <new_dir> ?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #15
+ Added: Sun, 10 Dec 2006 13:58:10 UTC
+< Zal> how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?
+< straterra> Depends
+< straterra> x86 or x86_64 ?
+< fadumpt> a woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would chuck if i
+a woodchuck could chuck wood
+< straterra> no...an x86_64 woodchuck can chuck more wood than an x86 woodchuck,
+but with a larger memory footprint
+< fadumpt> depends on how well the woodchuck was compiled for the wood
+< straterra> Or if its even in an wood environment
+< straterra> What if its in emulation in a "zoo" ?
+< Zal> chzoo -r SanDiego
+< Zal> er, -z :-)
+< mwalling> no, -r
+< fadumpt> of course woodchucks can't chuck wood so first a team would have to
+be setup to write the "chuck_wood" module and compile it in to the woodchuck
+< mwalling> for the woodchuck and all wood chuck offspring
+< straterra> fadumpt: its a theoretical situation, soo
+< straterra> fadumpt: There is a problem though..I'm not sure the woodchuck has
+the appropriate license that would allow you to add a function to it
+< straterra> Gotta ask that one dude that holds the license..uh..what was his
+< rapid> <include <woodchuck.h>
+< mwalling> straterra: i belive wood chucks are under the gwl
+< fadumpt> they'd have to fork woodchuck code into a new project called Chukwood
+and then it would be put under the GPL
+< straterra> Oh, ok then.
+< mwalling> general woodchuck license
+< straterra> What about procreation though?
+< mwalling> Zal: it would be chzoo -R, because you wouldn't want to seperate the
+< straterra> We would have to compile two similar woodchucks
+< Zal> mwalling ok, I'll go with that
+< mwalling> i think the gwl allows for infinite reproduction
+< Zal> what about woodchuck clusters?
+< straterra> I'm not sure if a vanilla woodchuck would be binary compatible with
+a patched woodchuck
+< Zal> gentoo has optimized woodchucks
+< straterra> Yeah..but the gentoo woodchuck has like a bazillion deps to it
+< mwalling> how much wood would a bewolf cluster of woodchucks chuck if a
+ bewolf cluster of woodchucks could chuck wood?
+< straterra> Hmm..what speed backbone?
+< mwalling> see rfc 1149
+< straterra> And I don't think woodchucks have alot of memory
+< phrag> mwalling, rofl
+< straterra> mwalling: yeah...but avian carrier has alot of loss and high
+< straterra> Might need something a bit faster
+< fadumpt> someone would come along and make the memory code more efficient
+< straterra> fadumpt: or a dedicated swap space for it
+< fadumpt> some woodchuck hackers will later figure out how to add more memory
+through step by step brain surgery
+< mwalling> as far as trusted networks go, i think that any network that takes a
+shit on your car should not be trusted
+< straterra> mwalling: ROFL
+< fadumpt> ROFL
+< inflex> O_o
+< fadumpt> iunno, squirrel networks are rather useful
+< straterra> Does a woodchuck have any redundancy?
+< straterra> I would HATE to have my woodchuck daemon die on me
+< mwalling> could smell bad
+< fadumpt> only if you mirror 2 woodchucks
+< straterra> That could work
+< straterra> Would have to quickly replace the downed woodchuck though
+< phrag> am i drunk?
+< straterra> phrag: perhaps
+< mwalling> phrag: are we all?
+< fadumpt> yeah, but if you keep a pond of woodchucks nearby, it won't be a
+* skac pulls out the breath tester.
+< fadumpt> write a script that automatically loads the new woodchuck when one
+goes down
+< mwalling> fadumpt: a pool of wood chucks?
+< skac> phrag: just breath in to this sir.
+< fadumpt> sure
+* phrag burns sais woodchucks in a blazing woodchuck inferno
+< skac> the green light came on, what does that mean?
+< phrag> it means i'm good to go
+< fadumpt> as long as it's not a red let, that means imminent destruction
+< mwalling> boom
+< fadumpt> and then someone comes along and writes Beaver
+< fadumpt> then we're all screwed
+< fadumpt> it'll probably be AnimalSoft though and it'll be closed source
+< fadumpt> lawsuits insue
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #18
+ Added: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 21:05:30 UTC
+< straterra> I had a dream Microsoft tried to sue me for copyright infringement
+last night
+< straterra> Swear to god
+< JKnife> o.O that must have been a BAD dream
+< straterra> Yeah
+< straterra> And Microsoft was all like "This programs infringes on our
+copyright" and I said "Well, show me the code that I stole from you then" and
+they said "Fine..we will.."
+< JKnife> the windows code came to you in a dream!
+< straterra> I asked for proof again...and was met with a "Fine!! We will!!" but
+they never did
+< straterra> Typical Microsoft vaperware, bleh
+< straterra> Heh..so that is what Linus feels like :/
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #20
+ Added: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 16:21:55 UTC
+* Alan_Hicks just "fixed" a Windows 2000 Server that's been "broke" and offline
+for six months.
+< Dominian> let me guess.... you put linux on it
+< Dominian> hhe
+<+Alan_Hicks> Nope. The power button was broke.
+<+alienBOB> Haha
+< Dominian> lol
+< Dominian> that's hiliarious
+<+Alan_Hicks> What's really hilarious is the $3k server I sold them to replace
+this machine. :^)
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #27
+ Added: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 20:32:10 UTC
+* Dominian compiles Alan_Hicks with warnings
+< Dominian> he works fine most of the time
+< Alan_Hicks> include/hicks/brain.h: warning #warning "Kernel too big to boot on
+most systems."
+< Dominian> Alan_Hicks: hmm...
+< Dominian> Alan_Hicks: the warning I get it is warning #warning "Kernel is in
+'wishing' state; may be unstable"
+< Alan_Hicks> Ah! You must have an older version of me. Try upgrading to the
+latest release.
+< Dominian> odd...
+< Alan_Hicks> Bare in mind, that the compile takes a very long time and the
+resulting binary is huge.
+< Dominian> Alan_Hicks: well its full of crap.. is why.
+* Dominian edits out the crap
+< Alan_Hicks> Dominian: Ah! Just run "make enima"
+< Dominian> enema
+< _not_3oo3> SPU is broken, too. (Spelling Processor Unit)
+< Alan_Hicks> Sorry, it's enima. My kernel hackers can't spell. :^)
+< Dominian> Alan_Hicks: make enima causes a system melt down.... and make enema
+literally causes the machine to shit itself.
+< Dominian> hmm maybe my configure options were off or something...
+< Dominian> ./configure --prefix=/usr --without-ego --with-common-sense
+--give-me-a-huge-truck --where-the-hell-are-my-tires --lizella-rocks
+< Dominian> hmmm..
+< Dominian> configure works...
+< Alan_Hicks> That's possible. Did you include the kernel option for
+pre-emption? That always causes problems. The ESP sub-system isn't fully
+supported yet.
+< Dominian> hmmm.. .wait
+< Dominian> its the $ARCH
+< Dominian> export $ARCH=backwoods-hick-compat
+< Dominian> aha.. now make works
+< Dominian> shit.. wait
+< Dominian> nope..
+< Alan_Hicks> You completely forgot --with-chewing-tobacco
+< Dominian> Alan_Hicks: tried that.. it screwed up the binary...
+< Alan_Hicks> Dominian: Did you also include --with-state=drunk?
+< Dominian> Alan_Hicks: ah!
+< Dominian> Alan_Hicks: there we go..
+< Dominian> --build=backwoods-hick-compat
+< Dominian> THERE we go
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #36
+ Added: Fri, 04 May 2007 02:40:38 UTC
+< fred87> Ubuntu is an african word for "I can't figure out how to configure
+slackware"; Gentoo is a redneck word for "I can't figure out how to configure
+slackwae, but watching shit scroll by on my screen means I'm better than you"
+< Larhzu> So... Debian means that "I like splitting packages more than most
+people can with a blender" and Slackware means that "I have no idea which of 250
+X.org packages I need so I must install them all". O_o
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #42
+ Added: Thu, 17 May 2007 19:12:27 UTC
+< andarius_> i am installing PBJ
+< mwalling> peanut butter jelly time?
+< mwalling> "its peanut butter jelly time"
+* andarius_ googles
+< andarius_> i really should not watch stuff like that while drinking
+* andarius_ is now afraid of dancing bannanas
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #44
+ Added: Sat, 19 May 2007 12:10:30 UTC
+* BP{k} tries to ponder how Jeremy Clarkson descriped the french again.
+< BP{k}> "Cheese munching surrender monkeys "
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #50
+ Added: Fri, 25 May 2007 13:36:24 UTC
+< VOYAGER> A Very loud, unattractive, mean woman walked into WalMart with her
+ kids, yelling obscenities at them all the way through the entrance.
+ The WalMart Greeter says "Good Morning and welcome to Walmart. Nice
+ children you have there. Are they twins??
+ The ugly woman stopped yelling long enough to say, "Hell no they
+ oldest one's 9 and the other one's 7. Why the hell would you think
+ twins? Are you blind, or just stupid?"
+ "I'm neither blind nor stupid", replied the greeter. "I just couldn't
+ believe you got laid twice."
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #52
+ Added: Sat, 26 May 2007 04:01:23 UTC
+< rworkman> Soul_keeper: http://rlworkman.net/pkgs/ <-- openoffice.org 2.2.0
+< Soul_keeper> rworkman, yeah but it's no good if i don't have the
+prerequisites installed also
+< Soul_keeper> i need certain perl modules and now apparently libpam
+< Soul_keeper> anyone know where to find the libpam homepage ? freshmeat and
+google are playing dumb
+< rworkman> Soul_keeper: Surely you're not trying to build OOo from source??
+< Soul_keeper> rworkman, of course
+< Soul_keeper> trying to do it within the hour as well ...
+< rworkman> Heh
+< Soul_keeper> ok got it
+< rworkman> Go ahead and give up. It will be easier on you to admit failure
+< Soul_keeper> rworkman, lol
+< rworkman> I'm serious.
+< Soul_keeper> nah i've compiled openoffice before
+< rworkman> Last I checked, OOo was about 230 MB of *compressed* source. You're
+looking at a 10-12 hour build on a *fast* P4 (and that's at a
+ minimum)
+< Soul_keeper> probably 3hrs
+< Soul_keeper> it seems to think my java version is too old, even tho i
+installed the latest last week ...
+< Soul_keeper> libjli.so => not found
+< Soul_keeper> java is broken i guess
+< Soul_keeper> good thing i'm doing things the hard way else i wouldn't have
+< WallRat007> That's why I insist on doing things the hard way, too. :)
+< rworkman> You have the jre or jdk installed?
+< Soul_keeper> jre
+< rworkman> That's why I suggest the easy way. It cuts down on bad bug reports
+of things being "broken" from people who don't know any better.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #59
+ Added: Tue, 29 May 2007 12:44:56 UTC
+< Straterra> I would rather rip my fucking ball out with a toothpick and a spork
+--- time passes ---
+< fred87> erm... wait a second...
+< fred87> "ball", singular?
+< fred87> not "balls"?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #61
+ Added: Thu, 31 May 2007 03:38:49 UTC
+This one's from fortune, but it's worthy IMHO:
+A computer salesman visits a company president for the purpose of selling
+the president one of the latest talking computers.
+Salesman: "This machine knows everything. I can ask it any quesstion and it'll
+give the correct answer. Computer, what is the speed of light?"
+Computer: 186,000 miles per second.
+Salesman: "Who was the first president of the United States?"
+Computer: George Washington.
+President: "I'm still not convinced. Let me ask a question. Where is my
+Computer: Your father is fishing in Georgia.
+President: "Hah!! The computer is wrong. My father died over twenty years ago!"
+Computer: Your mother's husband died 22 years ago. Your father just landed a
+twelve pound bass.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #70
+ Added: Wed, 06 Jun 2007 18:54:35 UTC
+Phone conversation with customer...
+customer: $APPNAME doesn't work
+me: whats the error?
+customer: i dont know. i closed it.
+me: can you reproduce it?
+customer: $APPNAME was unable to locate $EXTERNALCOMPONENT.
+me: did you install $EXTERNALCOMPONENT?
+customer: i didn't know i had to
+me: it was mentioned in the README file
+customer: wheres that?
+me: it was displayed at the end of the installer
+customer: oh. i usually just close those things
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #75
+ Added: Fri, 08 Jun 2007 17:43:53 UTC
+< dentonj> what's up?
+< orlan> my 22"<g>
+< tuxq> sick bastard
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #87
+ Added: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 02:02:49 UTC
+( oldude67) got to remember that one...no linuxpackages...
+( qartis) oldude67: echo " linuxpackages.net" >> /etc/hosts
+( qartis) oldude67: then you're safe
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #93
+ Added: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 04:16:57 UTC
+< fred87>
+< fred87> please to be rewriting in sed :)
+< BP{k}> fred87: please to be supplyink virgins .. so I will be able to sed
+this, da?
+< Straterra> I'm a virgin
+< fred87> there ya go.
+< BP{k}> s/virgins/female\ virgins/g
+< Straterra> BAH
+< Straterra> :/
+< fred87> BP{k}: bah, just give Straterra a sex change.
+* BP{k} sighs
+< BP{k}> s/female\ virgins/genetic\ female\ virgins/g ;)
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #96
+ Added: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 13:44:48 UTC
+From the alt.os.linux.slackware fortune mod:
+Those Slackware users are weird-
+I don't mean weird in the "they are not like us" kind of weird,
+but in the "Welcome to the cult" kind of weird.
+Its almost scary...
+ -- Faux_Pseudo
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #98
+ Added: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 13:45:10 UTC
+< fred87> heheh the scottish guy in the pub here on the phone; "there's
+thousands of bloody retards with laptops in the pub, running linux!"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #105
+ Added: Mon, 02 Jul 2007 00:07:54 UTC
+21:26 < Straterra> I'm sure I can find one around here
+21:27 < macavity> dont forget to kick the disc across the floor before
+unleashing paranoia on it :P
+< BP{k}> Straterra: use your "100,000 porn sounds CD" ;)
+< Straterra> I'm not scratching that
+< Straterra> Are you fucking nuts?
+< macavity> lol
+< BP{k}> Straterra: uhm yes ..
+< BP{k}> or in your case "nut" ;)
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #112
+ Added: Sat, 07 Jul 2007 03:59:38 UTC
+< scorche> chris_punches: klines arent really *requested*
+< chris_punches> that's fine, but I really think something _should_ be done
+about it; obviously that's
+ at your discretion
+< chris_punches> i have logs of the attack if you guys need them
+< starshine> chris_punches: there are many things staff try to do before
+applying global sanctions like k-lines
+Schroeder> it's hardly something for the Freenode staff to get involved in
+< Alan_Hicks> "attack"... To quote..... "You keep using that word. I do not
+think it means what you
+ think it means."
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #142
+ Added: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 01:31:10 UTC
+A shepherd was herding his flock in a remote pasture when suddenly a brand-new
+BMW drives up in a cloud of dust.
+The driver, a young man in an Armani suit, Gucci shoes, Ray Ban Sunglasses and
+YSL tie, leans out the window and asks the shepherd: "If I tell you exactly how
+many sheep you have in your flock, will you give me one?"
+The shepherd looks at the man, obviously a yuppie, then looks at his peacefully
+grazing flock and calmly answers: "Sure. Why not?"
+The yuppie parks his car, whips out his Dell notebook computer, connects It to
+his AT&T cell phone, surfs to a NASA page on the internet, where he calls up a
+GPS satellite navigation system to get an exact fix on his location which he
+then feeds to another NASA satellite that scans the Area in an ultra high
+resolution photo.
+The young man then opens the digital photo in Adobe Photoshop and Exports it to
+an image processing facility in Hamburg, Germany. Within seconds, He receives an
+email on his Palm Pilot that the image has been processed And the data stored.
+He then accesses a MS-SQL database through an ODBC connected Excel spreadsheet
+with hundreds of complex formulas. He uploads all of this Data via an email on
+his Blackberry and, after a few minutes, receives a response. Finally, he prints
+out a full colour, 150-page report on his hi-tech, miniaturized HP LaserJet
+printer and finally turns to the Shepherd and says: "You have exactly 1586
+"That's right. Well, I guess you can take one of my sheep." says the shepherd.
+He watches the young man select one of the animals and looks on amused as the
+young man stuffs it into the trunk of his car.
+Then the shepherd says to the young man: "Hey, if I can tell you exactly what
+your business is, will you give me back my sheep?"
+The young man thinks about it for a second and then says: "Okay, why not?"
+"You're a consultant." says the shepherd.
+"Wow! That's correct," says the yuppie, "but how did you guess that?"
+"No guessing required", answered the shepherd. "You showed up here even though
+nobody called you; you want to get paid for an answer I already knew, to a
+question I never asked; and you don't know crap about my business... Now give me
+back my dog.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #144
+ Added: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 01:31:37 UTC
+From #freenode:
+< chris_punches> starshine: that's kind of what happened....i had an op lose his
+mind, and im concerned he might continue; im more or less being preventative
+< chris_punches> actually, ban evasion would be through proxy abuse in most
+situations; if he evades the ban I'll certainly contact you guys.
+< Schroeder> chris_punches: why would you contact them?
+< Schroeder> if he evades a ban in YOUR CHANNEL, then it is YOUR PROBLEM
+< Schroeder> Freenode staff only are concerned with NETWORK-WIDE problems
+< Schroeder> which this is not, and won't be
+< Schroeder> and if you're "concerned he might continue", then don't ever give
+him ops again
+< Schroeder> I mean, seriously
+< chris_punches> Schroeder: if it's ban evasion, he's using it to commit an IP
+crime on freenode
+ servers. It's in the policies. Schroeder I understand
+that you're acquainted with
+ the abuser but I don't think this is your issue.
+Schroeder> chris_punches: oh, bull fucking shit
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #145
+ Added: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 01:32:32 UTC
+From #freenode:
+< rob0> Personally, I don't understand what ##slacknewbs is supposed to be.
+What's the point in a
+ channel for "n00b" questions without anyone to answer them?
+< Alan_Hicks> Ok ok ok.... can I say this in #freenode without getting
+< mwalling_> usually bp{k} or i would answer or redirect into ##slackware
+< rob0> Anyway, I'm done here, sorry for the noise #freenode :)
+< Alan_Hicks> rob0: He was just cloning the old #mandrake channel. ;-)
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #146
+ Added: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 01:32:50 UTC
+< Dagmar> I upgraded openssl and sshd and forgot about openVPN and *bang* my
+butt was offlint. Heh
+< Zalamander> "*bang* my butt" -- Dagmar
+< Dagmar> Hey now not fair. Quoting *entirely* out of context
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #148
+ Added: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 21:29:24 UTC
+< thrice`> lol, i'm such a geek. I just added a "changelog.txt" to document
+changes I've made to this file :)
+< mwalling_> umm
+< mwalling_> i put a svn repos on a machine in the backroom and pushed
+tortoiseSVN to all of the clients
+< mwalling_> i win :P
+< thrice`> lol
+< thrice`> yeah
+< thrice`> ;)
+< heret|c> umm
+< heret|c> i went to the main office part of the plant last night for a survey,
+blonde woman hands me my paperwork i take it and walk out and stop at an open
+door and peer in. guy i work with walks buy, i point into the open room at a
+network rack and say "nice rack".. he looks back at the woman in the other room
+and says.. yeah i noticed.
+< heret|c> i win.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #152
+ Added: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 19:20:07 UTC
+( Alan_Hicks) TCP and UDP work very similarly. You can think of UDP as the
+retarded cousin of TCP.
+( amrit) "durrrr.. i can send data!!!11"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #159
+ Added: Wed, 01 Aug 2007 01:25:44 UTC
+( fred) okay... i just read "man modprobe" as "mod_manprobe"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #177
+ Added: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 13:07:45 UTC
+02:51 -!- DiGitalX [n=DiGi7alX@] has quit ["DELETE FROM Windows
+ WHERE ProgramName = 'mIRC';"]
+02:51 < fred> bah
+02:51 < fred> lies.
+02:51 < ^Jenn> haha
+02:51 < fred> "DROP TABLE Windows;"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #197
+ Added: Sat, 25 Aug 2007 04:02:31 UTC
+< RudyValencia> Is there a generic term for the type of show American
+ Idol is?
+< fred> "Trash"?
+< Lux01> I'd say it but afaik this is a no swearing channel
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #199
+ Added: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 21:04:57 UTC
+< Dagmar> Some quick work with esdrec piped over ssh to esdplay, and you can
+grab a mic and say "STOP MASTURBATING" out the remote speakers
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #204
+ Added: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 19:10:10 UTC
+< FFighter> I can't type the "/" in the console, it just beeps and nothing is
+< FFighter> Does anyone know what could be wrong
+< rg3> FFighter: congratulations, you've got the Fucking Weird Problem of the
+Week :D
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #208
+ Added: Sat, 01 Sep 2007 03:58:09 UTC
+11:33 -!- Daverocks [n=me@unaffiliated/daverocks] has quit ["find / -name
+*yourbase* -exec chown us:us {} \;"]
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #210
+ Added: Tue, 04 Sep 2007 03:32:51 UTC
+< fred> curz0r: short version: chris joins ::: someone else "What do I do?" :::
+chris "google." ::: everyone "chris: you're an idiot" ::: chris demonstrates
+this more ::: chris gets kickbanned
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #229
+ Added: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 22:56:47 UTC
+< visof_> bradmw i downloaded all files "
+< lt_kije> visof_: stop
+< lt_kije> you don't understand what you're doing
+< lt_kije> and you're wasting our time
+< lt_kije> your options are:
+< lt_kije> 1) buy a CD set
+< lt_kije> 2) read the FAQ, man pages and whatever else you stumble across for a
+while and then come back
+< lt_kije> you're out of free questions here
+< lt_kije> do some work on your own
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #231
+ Added: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 22:56:53 UTC
+* slackuser_ctba is gone.. autoaway after 15 min ..[cyp(l/on.p/on)]
+< BP{k}> slackuser_ctba: we dont give a shit. please be turnink that off.
+* CaptObviousman frowns at slackuser, why the hell do people feel the need to
+announce that crap?
+* slackmagic stabs slackuser_ctba
+-!- mode/##slackware [+o Alan_Hicks] by ChanServ
+< nullboy> i sense a distrubance
+* mwalling_ feels a chill
+< CaptObviousman> FINISH HIM!
+< slackmagic> YOU CAN DO IT!!
+* DieRatte hears drums beating in the distance
+-!- slackmagic was kicked from ##slackware by Alan_Hicks [Please turn off your
+auto-away message when you rejoin.]
+< DieRatte> lol
+< nullboy> lmao
+< mwalling_> LOL
+< mwalling_> Alan_Hicks: you missed
+< BP{k}> Alan_Hicks: wrong person :| it was slackuser_ctba that had his autoaway
+< nullboy> Alan_Hicks: check your sights
+< nullboy> lol
+-!- slackmagic [i=soldier@unaffiliated/slackmagic] has joined ##slackware
+< Alan_Hicks> Damn that TAB completion!
+< CaptObviousman> I believe that's what we call a "fumble"
+< BP{k}> TabCompletion: 1 Alan_Hicks: 0 ;)
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #238
+ Added: Sat, 15 Sep 2007 02:01:46 UTC
+< mwalling_> bah... are their any good trouble shooting charts for dell lappys?
+firehouse has one that won't turn on, wants me to try and fix it before
+considering it junk.
+< Dagmar> Search the outside of the chassis carefully... Do you see a sticker
+that says "Dell"?
+< Dagmar> If the answer is "yes", then it's junk.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #258
+ Added: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 19:29:22 UTC
+< JamieT> Dagmar 2.6.20.BT-PwnSauce-NOSMP is the kenrnel
+< Dagmar> Oh, then you're not *our* problem
+< Dagmar> You have fun getting Mr. PwnSauce to make a package that doesn't suck.
+< Dagmar> The rules for this are very simple.
+< Dagmar> Anyone using leetspeek or "pwn" in their package text has to fix their
+own stuff
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #263
+ Added: Sun, 23 Sep 2007 12:29:20 UTC
+<BadHorsie> anybody heard of a .gurus file that works as a sudo?
+<_sho_> no
+<_sho_> what is it
+<BadHorsie> looks like an ascii text filled with lines of usernames able to
+perform operations as root, i.e. "user1# SU csh" to spawn a cshell as root
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #277
+ Added: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 04:43:32 UTC
+<snowdonke1> dieratte: What command should I use to ping the router? I checked
+the ethernet cable, everything secure. There are 3 other comps on the network
+that can connect to Internet alright.
+<DieRatte> snowdonke1, Id use "ping"
+<fred> snowdonke1: How about 'ping' ?
+<drijen> psstt, i think it might be "ping"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #295
+ Added: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 00:40:40 UTC
+< andarius> anyone with work in their nick is special :)
+-!- CaptObviousman is now known as CaptObviouswork
+< FriedBob> Special in what way though?
+-!- mwalling is now known as mworking
+< FriedBob> Special in the "My mommy says I'm special" sense?
+< rworkman> shit
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #298
+ Added: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 09:10:12 UTC
+* Old_Fogie wonder's if he is the only one on the internet with cream on his
+desk for true "medicinal purposes".
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #302
+ Added: Thu, 04 Oct 2007 04:20:33 UTC
+< CaptObviousman> ho man, I just came across the dumbest thing I"ve ever read on
+the web
+< Alan_Hicks> http://www.linuxpackages.net ?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #306
+ Added: Sat, 06 Oct 2007 03:23:04 UTC
+<Dominian> Hostname: Leave.
+<Dominian> Hostname: Do NOT discuss warez in this channel.
+<Hostname> Dominian, f**k
+<Dominian> Hostname: You have to finish that off with a "you" if you plan to
+insult me correctly.
+<Hostname> Dominian, Kobold.
+<Dominian> Hostname: Wow. Impressive. Say something I don't understand to make
+you self feel so high and mighty.. nice.
+<Hostname> Dominian, kraut
+<Dominian> Hostname: You really suck at insults.. just so you know.
+<Dominian> and apparently at picking nicks for IRC as well.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #316
+ Added: Tue, 09 Oct 2007 22:57:29 UTC
+drijen - heretic, whats stupid - outside of work, those bean
+ counters would laugh
+drijen - but in work
+heretic - yeah
+drijen - "omg hes a terroist, hes talking abuot BOOBIES.
+drijen - here for the logs:
+drijen - BOOBIES
+drijen - BOOBIES
+drijen - BOOBIES
+drijen - BOOBIES
+drijen - BOOBIES
+drijen - and chocolate.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #327
+ Added: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 01:22:35 UTC
+<patbam> hi, when i attach an external usb drive i get "attached scsi disk
+sdb", and it shows up in the device manager (ubuntu). but i can't figure out how
+to access the contents
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #338
+ Added: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 04:31:55 UTC
+< CaptObviousman> no, you can't "unget" herpes
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #339
+ Added: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 15:30:01 UTC
+<cpeek> i will not be coming here anymore because of ill treatment
+<sekhmet> cpeek: Yet here you are!
+<cpeek> earlier i was booted from the session for posting an error message i was
+asked to post
+<sekhmet> cpeek: Quit whining. You were told to pastebin, not paste.
+<sekhmet> Also read the section entitled \"On Not Reacting Like A Loser\" from
+<cpeek> i can get help elsewhere from kinder people
+* cpeek has quit (Client Quit)
+* sekhmet thanks cpeek for the info
+* cpeek has joined #linuxhelp
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #364
+ Added: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 05:14:21 UTC
+< Dominian> mwalling: I think I\'m going to have a \"quote-ee\" of the month
+< Dominian> and I think for the past 4 months.. straterra has one
+< straterra> ive won for the last 4 months?
+< straterra> id like to thank my libido...
+< straterra> and..uhm...my parents...and \'chucks..and all people who believed i
+never could...and where right
+< straterra> id like to thank god..for hating me enough to make me want to rape
+dead things and bots..
+< straterra> and...finally, id like to thank my chloroform supplier. Thanks mom!
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #368
+ Added: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 05:25:14 UTC
+<Wuju> Hello is this channel dead?
+<abnerdoon> yes, very much so
+<Wuju> Abnerdoon do you know script programming? ${name+word}
+<abnerdoon> nope
+<abnerdoon> sorry
+<Wuju> I do not see any difference between the ${} or without the ${}
+<Wuju> you can easily assign a variable with linux by typing x = 5 and r = 3
+<abnerdoon> I\'ve messed around a little
+<Wuju> then do x + r = 7
+<abnerdoon> but I don\'t really know anything
+<Wuju> What are you doing in here then?
+<abnerdoon> because I don\'t know script?
+<abnerdoon> lol
+<abnerdoon> and x + r doesn\'t equal 7
+<abnerdoon> ;)
+<abnerdoon> heh
+<grepper> abnerdoon: what are you trying to do ? Set to $word if name is unset
+<abnerdoon> not me, wuju
+<Wuju> me
+<Wuju> I know how to assign variables
+<Wuju> i just need to understand whats the difference between using ${} <--
+with brackets and without
+<grepper> foo=chocolate; echo ${foo}bar
+<grepper> it protects the variable
+<Wuju> you mean it allows me to use echo?
+<Wuju> without it it won;t work on echo, correct me if i am wrong
+<grepper> it allows you to get chocolatebar :)
+<grepper> echo $foobar would not work
+<abnerdoon> lol
+<Wuju> exuse me
+<Wuju> how do i clear all assigned variables
+<Wuju> and one assigned varible
+<grepper> unset foo
+<Wuju> thanks
+<grepper> or foo=\"\" if you just want to empty it
+<Wuju> im reading the set manual
+<Wuju> for unset all
+<Wuju> instead of relogging
+<Wuju> unset -k ??
+<venger> i wouldn\'t unset all variables for your current shell... spawn a new
+one and work there
+<venger> if you dump your PATH you\'ll get tons of errors
+<Wuju> oh yeah
+<Wuju> from set
+<Wuju> i won\'t even beable to use bash i agree
+<Wuju> lol this is stupid i cant do multiplication
+<Wuju> let me try `` characters
+<grepper> echo $((3*3))
+<Wuju> wait a minute..
+<Wuju> (( means numbers and { means string
+<Wuju> correct me if i am wrong if thats for linux
+<Wuju> Thanks
+<grepper> { } can be used for grouping commands
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #373
+ Added: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 09:49:24 UTC
+< CaptObviousman> argh
+< CaptObviousman> you people need to learn that I am not Catoptromancy
+< Catoptromancy> heh
+< CaptObviousman> I get back and think someone said something to me, and
+ invariably it\'s because you asked a question
+* CaptObviousman starts a class entitled, \"Tab Completion, Or How To Be
+ A Lazy Fucker The Proper Way\"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #386
+ Added: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 20:39:56 UTC
+<SlayckX> foo.gz.sh how to open it ??
+<sekhmet> SlayckX: What\'s the output of: file foo.gz.sh
+<SlayckX> i guess it hould be a directory.
+<sekhmet> SlayckX: No, I mean, run the command \"file foo.gz.sh\" and let us
+know what it says
+<SlayckX> ok
+<SlayckX> konsole: ERROR: can not execute ././linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.s
+<sekhmet> Er, you\'re not really listening
+<sekhmet> But regardless, if that\'s a quake3 demo, then it *is* probably a
+shar, which means that you need to execute it
+<sekhmet> either with \"sh file\" or by chmodding it appropriately (755 should
+do) and then running it
+<SlayckX> didn\'t work with either.
+<SlayckX> yes I ran it and thats what happeneing.
+<SlayckX> how i can run it as ./ or sh
+<sekhmet> pastebin your terminal where you\'ve been trying this
+<SlayckX> ./linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.shkonsole: ERROR: can not execute
+<SlayckX> I already pasted this
+<sekhmet> *sigh*
+<sekhmet> 1) google \"pastebin\" 2) pick one 3) copy-and-paste your whole
+terminal screen into it 4) post the link here
+<SlayckX> why?
+<SlayckX> I am giving you the output / what is happening...
+<sekhmet> SlayckX: Do you do this to everyone who tries to help you?
+<sekhmet> I wanted to see exactly what you were typing in, too
+<sekhmet> Instead, I think I\'ll just go get dinner instead
+<SlayckX> yes that would be better.
+<SlayckX> bon appetit :)
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #389
+ Added: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 13:51:02 UTC
+<alkos333> I\'m trying to grep for a tab, but when I press the actual TAB key,
+it gives me a list of files instead of \"^I\"
+<Kaapa> ^V + tab
+<alkos333> Kaapa: What\'s ^V on the keyboard?
+<Kaapa> alkos333: ctrl+v
+<alkos333> Kaapa: If I do ctrl+v+tab, it takes me one tab to the left in mrxvt
+<Kaapa> that\'s a tab ! :p
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #399
+ Added: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 17:35:26 UTC
+<C_Kode> Hey all. How do you reset a vnc account after to many login failures?
+ I\'m not finding anything on Google.
+<savetheWorld> C_Kode: look up \"pam\" pluggable authorization module
+<savetheWorld> (or something like that)
+<C_Kode> Thanks, looking into it now.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #402
+ Added: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 17:35:55 UTC
+* drijen waves at kethry too, in case shes behind BP{k}
+<BP{k}> nope, she\'s in kitchen preparing a new batch of happyness ;)
+<fred> I just got a mental image of kethry in labour on the kitchen floor, with
+bp{k} shouting \"Where\'s my damn bread?!\"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #404
+ Added: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 17:47:08 UTC
+< thrice`> \"the tailgate party has been cancelled due to budget constraints\"
+< thrice`> fuck, my company blows
+< Dominian> er..
+< mwalling_> thrice`: hahaha
+< Dominian> lmao
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #406
+ Added: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 14:39:55 UTC
+<rob0> Officer: \"Didn\'t you know it was illegal to kill 22 toddlers?\"
+ \"Oh. I forgot. Sorry.\"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #414
+ Added: Sat, 03 Nov 2007 03:20:42 UTC
+< nycjv321> has anyone ever ran \"rm -rf / \"before? (my motherboard is using
+8megs of shared video ram btw so that might be why)
+< rob0> Let me try it now. That should be as root, right?
+< rob0> ok
+< nycjv321> yes I believe so :D
+< nycjv321> rob0, dont LOL
+-!- rob0 [i=rob0@sorry.nodns4.us] has left ##slackware [\"Connection reset by
+<nycjv321> lol dude I thought he knew what he is doing
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #416
+ Added: Mon, 05 Nov 2007 12:08:36 UTC
+<phroggy> Any idea why inetd would be complaining \"bind: Address already in
+use\" due to a conflict with itself?
+<phroggy> I really don\'t think anything else is listening on this port...
+<phroggy> hm, wait, maybe something was, that\'s weird.
+<phroggy> never mind, I think I got it.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #423
+ Added: Wed, 07 Nov 2007 03:04:48 UTC
+< macavity> damn.. noone asks \"whats a dickfor?\"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #430
+ Added: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 16:38:07 UTC
+< thadood> whats the apt-get equivelent in slackware ?
+< rworkman> thadood: run "whoami" from an xterm.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #445
+ Added: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 06:46:29 UTC
+WARNING: This is long, and that's even with considerable snipping.
+ Even so, this is worth the read... :-)
+<oneforall> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Init#BSD-style reading thsi its clear
+that sys-v style and BSD-style are diffrent and it does say that slackware
+cleary uses BSD-style .The usage on most Linux distributions is compatible with
+System V, but some distributions, such as Slackware, use a BSD-style fact is
+slackware juat uaes part of sys-v but more bsd-style
+<Dagmar> Yeah, but the fundament of the matter is that it's still SysV because
+we have inittab and runlevels.
+<oneforall> uses the run level but all startup is done with BSD init runs the
+initialization shell script located in '/etc/rc',
+<Motoko-chan> Slackware uses a system-v compatible init program.
+<Motoko-chan> But the scripts bend the startup to be bsd-like.
+<oneforall> BSD-style
+<oneforall> SysV-style read it
+<oneforall> its your own link you posted its pretty clear and yes some thing as
+allways are a bit diffrent because most things in linux are allways writen with
+rh and clones of it
+<Motoko-chan> I think you are confused. RedHat is not a source of anything.
+<Motoko-chan> Runlevels = system-v init
+<Dagmar> I can assure you that if a system has init and runlevels, it's a SysV
+init system
+<oneforall> Motoko-chan I will say it one more time I know that part of it is
+used fir the runlevels but not as much as you clame its only part ogf it .
+<Motoko-chan> Slackware has runlevels, therefore, it is a system-v init.
+<Motoko-chan> HOWEVER
+<Motoko-chan> It uses single-file startup scripts (albeit one per runlevel), so
+it is BSD-like in that aspect.
+<Dagmar> Patrick just writes his init scripts in BSD-style
+<Dagmar> THis does not make it a BSD init
+<oneforall> The usage on most Linux distributions is compatible with System V,
+but some distributions, such as Slackware, use a BSD-style there is nothing hard
+to see what that says
+<rworkman> Why is this concept seemingly so hard to grok?
+<Motoko-chan> rworkman, because they don't know how to read or think.
+<oneforall> its not
+<Dagmar> I have yet to see a LInux distribution that wasn't sysV init, aside
+from a lot of these dinky embedded ones
+<oneforall> read
+<Motoko-chan> oneforall, there are many parts to the init system.
+<oneforall> there isa whole or part and I agree on only part like it says . not
+all like is clamied here
+<Motoko-chan> When any UNIX-style system boots, it loads a program called "init"
+<Motoko-chan> This determined how it boots.
+<Dagmar> It's not what init does that makes it BSD or SysV init.
+<Dagmar> It's whether or not you HAVE an init system with runlevels.
+<Motoko-chan> For BSD systems, init runs one specific file.
+<oneforall> well stop telling people its all sys-v when its not he only uses a
+part of it and in a diffrent way than most
+<Dagmar> The scripts being BSD-style in Slackware doesn't make it a BSD init.
+<Dagmar> Not one little bit.
+<Motoko-chan> For System-V, it handles what level to load, and determines how to
+run based on that.
+<rworkman> oneforall: it *is* all SysV init though.
+<Dagmar> It means we have BSD-style init scripts. No more, and no less.
+<Motoko-chan> It uses a file called inittab to determine this.
+<Motoko-chan> Slackware then uses a BSD-style single-file-to-start-stuff method.
+<Motoko-chan> Other systems opt for a more "pure" System-V approach and make
+things modular.
+<Dagmar> If we weren't sysv, you couldn't type `telinit 4` to start X, for one
+<Motoko-chan> Read /etc/inittab in Slackware some time.
+<oneforall> no but thats the bsd and it made to work with both
+<oneforall> you just eat your own words
+<Motoko-chan> Huh?
+<rworkman> oneforall: no, you're reading what you *want* to read.
+<Motoko-chan> [23:58] <Motoko-chan> Runlevels = system-v init
+<Motoko-chan> [23:59] <Motoko-chan> No levels (just single and multi) = BSD init
+<Dagmar> oneforall: On a BSD init, init runs *one* file period, no matter what
+runlevel because it has no runlevels
+<Dagmar> If inittab is there definining runlevels, it's SysV, period.
+<oneforall> System V Compatibility read that again and read what you just said
+<oneforall> it uses bsd style and it clear
+<Dagmar> Runlevels and inittab are what *make* the system SysV
+<Dagmar> For the last bloody time... "BSD-style" != "BSD init"
+<Dagmar> Maybe we *do* need to get Pat to clarify this crap
+<Motoko-chan> All this "compatibilty" does it run the start scripts like how
+other modular systems do.
+<rworkman> oneforall: that SysV compatibility is there to provide compatibility
+to things expecting *pure* SysV init *layout*
+<Motoko-chan> It doesn't mean that Slackware uses BSD's init.
+<rworkman> What's this link Pat has up?
+<Dagmar> I can't think of any other reason why people would be so ready to deny
+it's existance.
+<Motoko-chan> It just means it adds a system for those things that don't expect
+Slackware's style.
+<Motoko-chan> rworkman, http://www.slackware.com/config/init.php
+<oneforall> rworkman the fact is its not ALL sys-v it only partly used
+<rworkman> no.
+<Motoko-chan> It says nothing about what they are taking it to mean
+<Motoko-chan> "BSD-style file layout"
+<Motoko-chan> That is THE ONLY BSD STUFF IT CLAIMS
+<Dagmar> THat Slackware doesn't by default make use of a jillion symlinks does
+*not*, I repeat, does *not* make it not sysv
+<rworkman> oneforall: Slackware uses SysV init. Period.
+<lapinours> oneforall: see www.oreilly.de/artikel/freebsd_basics.html, it has
+helped me once to understand the difference.
+<oneforall> well read it the way you want but its plane and clear
+<rworkman> Yes, it is.
+<Motoko-chan> Yes it is.
+<oneforall> Slackware includes System V init compatibility. Many other Linux
+distributions make use of this style instead of the BSD style. Basically each
+runlevel is given a subdirectory for init scripts, whereas BSD style gives one
+init script to each runlevel.
+<oneforall> thats says diffrent that what you claim
+<Motoko-chan> [00:08] <Motoko-chan> "BSD-style file layout"
+<Dagmar> oneforall: "BSD style" != "BSD init"
+<Motoko-chan> No, you are reading it WRONG.
+<oneforall> BSD style gives one init script
+<oneforall> notice they are init scripts
+<Motoko-chan> Correct.
+<Dagmar> So what?
+<Motoko-chan> Like I said, delete /etc/inittab and reboot.
+<Dagmar> We have an init daemon.
+<Motoko-chan> If it really is BSD init, it doesn't need it since that is
+system-v init.
+<Dagmar> That makes us SysV.
+<Dagmar> Why is this so hard for people
+<Dagmar> If you don't have an init daemon, it's likely you're looking at a BSD
+<oneforall> Motoko-chan how stuoid are you I repeatly said it uses part i knwo
+if you take out that part yopur
+fucked duh it only a f..g part
+<oneforall> remove all the bds rc file and reboot
+<Dagmar> oneforall: It's _the_ f..g part.
+##slackware: mode change '+o rworkman' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.
+##slackware: mode change '+b %oneforall!*@*' by
+<rworkman> oneforall: I hate to do that to a channel regular, but you know
+... and a few minutes later...
+<rworkman> Okay, guys, to clear the air:
+<rworkman> 07:10 < rworkman> volkerdi: would you be willing to clarify
+http://www.slackware.com/config/init.php to indicate that Slackware *does* use
+SysV init. It seems that some refuse to listen to reason.
+<rworkman> 07:22 < volkerdi> rworkman: I'd think that /etc/rc.d/rc.sysvinit
+being run whenever the runlevel is changed might be a clue, along with the
+appearance of the new directories (which worked before too, but had to be made
+<Dagmar> hehe
+<rworkman> Anyone else want to argue?
+<Dagmar> Apparently having to answer that baffled Pat as much as it did some of
+<rworkman> :)
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #446
+ Added: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 07:48:12 UTC
+[00:22] dadexter (n=martin@modemcable062.99-80-70.mc.videotron.ca) joined
+[00:23] <macavity> the readme for squid on SBo is borked up.. consistency of
+keeping the comment *above* the setting is a must
+[00:23] <macavity> and a half'n'half approach is even worse :P
+[00:24] <dadexter> I would agree... if the README wasn't so long
+[00:24] <dadexter> to read
+[00:24] <macavity> :P
+[00:25] <dadexter> anyway... off for the night... tata
+[00:25] <macavity> you just got here
+[00:26] <macavity> but ta ta..
+[00:26] <dadexter> ya... wanted to login remotely, then say something totally
+useless, and leave
+[00:26] <mesa-opiate> haha
+[00:26] <macavity> dadexter: mission accomplished then! :P
+[00:26] <dadexter> I could have just walked in and say "I love
+[00:27] <dadexter> and then leave, but I figured it was too useless for my taste
+[00:27] <dadexter> ok... gnite
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #449
+ Added: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 21:10:22 UTC
+< Beineri> KDE 4.0 - code name "For /dev/null"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #453
+ Added: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 22:12:51 UTC
+<Meta> Cops have a bad case of hand fetish, don't they?
+<Meta> I mean, the first thing they usually say is "Show me your hands!".
+(#totse @ slashnet.org)
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #491
+ Added: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 15:51:56 UTC
+< mwalling_> anyone want my pickle?
+< dadexter_laptop> no
+< Dominian> mwalling_: straterra
+< mwalling_> they gave it to me at the deli, and i don't want it
+< dadexter_laptop> they "gave" it to you?
+< mwalling_> straterra: you want it?
+< dadexter_laptop> you know... I was born with mine
+< straterra> Want...what?
+< mwalling_> straterra: my pickle
+< dadexter_laptop> mwalling_'s pickle
+< straterra> I don't eat people's pickels
+< straterra> Especially not people named Mark
+< mwalling_> i didn't ask for it, she just stuck it in with my sandwich
+< straterra> Last time I did that, all the switches in the sever room died..bad
+< dadexter_laptop> wait
+< dadexter_laptop> mwalling_: SHE had a pickle???
+< mwalling_> 12:58 < mwalling_> they gave it to me at the deli, and i don't want
+< straterra> Ok, Mr. Eddie Murphy
+< dadexter_laptop> so... SHE stuck HER pickle in your sandwich???
+< mwalling_> no
+< bird603568> :o
+< mwalling_> not IN my sandwich.
+< mwalling_> next to my sandwich
+< straterra> In your mouth?
+< mwalling_> in the same box
+< mwalling_> i don't like pickles
+< dadexter_laptop> me neither
+< straterra> Is sandwhich a metaphor for your penis..and "same box" a metaphor
+for your anus?
+< dadexter_laptop> straterra: i gues
+< straterra> If so..that makes alot of sense
+< bird603568> no pickle would be penis
+< straterra> Duh
+< dadexter_laptop> but I'm still interested in the fact that SHE had a pickle
+< mwalling_> yes.
+< mwalling_> she got it out of a jar
+< plee> yes.. some people do that
+< dadexter_laptop> last time I tried to take my pickle off, it hurt for a
+freakin week
+< mwalling_> ok
+< straterra> mwalling_: Hmm...
+< mwalling_> i'm going to throw out my pickle
+< straterra> Was it a shaved pickle?
+< mwalling_> straterra: no, quarted
+< mwalling_> lengthwise
+< straterra> Hmm
+< dadexter_laptop> mwalling_: then you'll be a girl... a pickle-less one!!!
+< straterra> I'm into that kinky shit
+< mwalling_> going once!
+< straterra> mwalling_: ok, I'll take it
+< mwalling_> ok... how much does perishable shipping cost?
+< plee> mwalling, nothing if you don't tell anyone
+< mwalling_> plee: i want straterra to be able to eat my pickle when he gets it
+< plee> hehe
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #504
+ Added: Fri, 28 Dec 2007 18:08:51 UTC
+16:21 -!- BlackSunrise [~andrew@66-168-147-2.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has
+joined #debian
+16:21 < BlackSunrise> hey
+16:21 < BlackSunrise> cansomeone help me
+16:21 < lamby> !ask
+16:21 < dpkg> If you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem
+with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. when I try
+ to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___."
+Don't ask if you can ask, or if anyone uses it, or
+ pick one person to ask (ask the whole channel!). We're all
+volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't
+ get an answer, ask later or ask debian-user@lists.debian.org
+16:21 < BlackSunrise> !ask wine
+16:22 < BlackSunrise> hmmn
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #522
+ Added: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 16:51:50 UTC
+< rworkman> It's like those warning messages about "do not use in shower" that
+they put on hair dryers. They wouldn't be there if some dumbass hadn't done it.
+< PanzerMKZ_> or the people that complain there is no stop direction on the
+rinse and repeat
+< rworkman> PanzerMKZ_: who did that? They should still be washing. See? People
+don't follow directions.
+< rworkman> Give that person a hair dryer already.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #526
+ Added: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 00:53:50 UTC
+< ainrout> is linux another type of ubuntu, or is it just a "kernel"?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #528
+ Added: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 00:53:54 UTC
+< Dagmar> "I am stupid as a rock"
+< Dagmar> I beat my head on this issue for two hours straight one night about
+fifteen years ago before I realized my idiocy
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #530
+ Added: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 21:19:44 UTC
+< straterra> "Look at me..I'm a certified Linux admin..but..i don't know what
+screen does!"
+< mwalling> hehehe
+< vbatts> ha
+< StevenR> straterra: that screen displays whatever is sent to it
+* CaptObviousman face palms
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #533
+ Added: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 23:00:34 UTC
+< straterra> I love this laptop stand
+< LoganTheRed> straterra: what is it?
+< Dominian> They call it the "erection"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #554
+ Added: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 19:48:13 UTC
+< straterra> "The ChristOS 2.0 now released! Just in time for nuclear
+ holocaust! Jesus's return now runs kernel 2.6.24..."
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #563
+ Added: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 21:32:30 UTC
+<opertinicy_> NopaTop-: who is "linux" in your idea?
+<NopaTop-> opertinicy_ well its GNU, stallman and the other jews
+<NopaTop-> jews should be banned from opensource movement, all they want to do
+is make money from it
+<NopaTop-> like stallman? why won't he take the xemac patches? because they wont
+make him money to further the zionist agenda
+<NopaTop-> I am reading about BSD, it seems it was some early linux code fork by
+gays?!?! WTF
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #565
+ Added: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 14:39:28 UTC
+(Brian is a coworker)
+Straterra: I thought up a name for my to-do project
+Straterra: STD
+Brian: stuff to do?
+Straterra: Stands for...wait for it...Simple To-Do
+Straterra: though..stuff to do sounds better
+Brian: I like mine better. :)
+Straterra: I do too
+Straterra: I think I shall steal it
+Brian: How about Stuff to Friggin Undertake?
+Straterra: lol
+Straterra: Dude
+Straterra: Rename RT that
+Brian: STFU would rock
+Straterra: STFU.workdomain.com
+Straterra: "did you submit that to STFU?"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #569
+ Added: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 19:17:40 UTC
+<USCA> us & ca universities
+<USCA> > You are all invited to us & ca universities
+<amrit|wrk> huh?
+<Fiver> gee, thanks. are you going to pay my tuition? ;)
+<amphi> USCA: you're too kind ;)
+<kasc> so whom exactly do i put in the field "pays for everything"?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #573
+ Added: Sun, 03 Feb 2008 16:11:55 UTC
+< SiegeX6> while :; do for i in {1..5}; do for j in {1..12}; do echo -n "Badger
+ "; done; ((i!=5)) && echo -n "Mushroom Mushroom "; done; echo -e "\nA Snake, a
+snake, snake, a snake, oh it's a snake\n"; done
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #586
+ Added: Fri, 08 Feb 2008 16:21:36 UTC
+16:14 <+rworkman> Purino diet - long story short: I was in Wal-Mart checking
+out. I picked up the 50lb bag of dog food and put it on the counter, and the
+woman behind me says "You have a dog?" I couldn't resist.
+<+rworkman> Me: "Nope. I'm getting back on the Purina diet. I used to weigh
+over 250lbs, and as you see, I lost about 60 lbs on it." She says, "You look
+like you lost more than that."
+<+rworkman> Me: "Oh yea, well, I lost another 30 in the hospital - just got out
+last week."
+<+rworkman> Her: "Oh, the dog food is toxic?" Me: "No."
+<+rworkman> "I was sitting in the middle of the road licking my ass, and a car
+hit me"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #607
+ Added: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 21:19:51 UTC
+<drijen> dammit, why do i always have to help the helpless
+<drijen> i'm like angel, with no buffy
+<nullboy> just do what i do "i don't think i can help you any longer."
+<thrice`> <3
+<LoganTheRed> and who doesn't want a hot, nubile blonde girl around?
+<LoganTheRed> especially with a hot, nubile, brunette sister
+<LoganTheRed> and a hot, nubile, bisexual, redheaded friend
+<CaptObviousman> you know I was going to say something, but after reading the
+last three lines, I've no idea what it was
+<LoganTheRed> I wondered why it suddenly got very quiet in here
+<nullboy> did someone say bisexual female?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #625
+ Added: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 21:32:01 UTC
+< andarius> mcedit ... real men use vim :P
+< nullboy> the tun/tap setup gives the guest its own IP on the same subnet as
+the host OS
+< evilfourzero> eelriver: yes
+< rob0> s/JKWood/smart-aleck/
+< JKWood> Not this again...
+-!- JKWood is now known as smart-aleck
+< rob0> WOW it worked!!
+< nullboy> lmao
+< andarius> mv smart-aleck /dev/null ?
+-!- smart-aleck [n=JKWood@h66.40.88.75.ip.alltel.net] has quit ["Termination
+< andarius> sweet
+< rob0> That worked too!
+< Buggaboo> What worked?
+< rob0> mv smart-aleck /dev/null
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #629
+ Added: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 23:47:59 UTC
+sgran: OsamaK: I highly recommend reading the manpages
+OsamaK: "manpages"?
+sgran: OsamaK: I highly recommend some basics in Unix, then
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #645
+ Added: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 16:37:16 UTC
+<GoRpO> i have a problem ..
+<GoRpO> a reiserfsck --rebuilt-tree was executed in a ntfs partition ...
+<ciosad> doh
+<GoRpO> what can i do to repair this ?
+<amphi> GoRpO: --rebuild-tree is scary enough on reiserfs
+<GoRpO> exactly ... but me cause this error ... executing rebuild-tree on ntfs
+<amphi> GoRpO: reiser-fsck has been described as a "horror reanimator" ;) see
+<GoRpO> ok ,, but i need repair this ntfs partition
+<GoRpO> execute rebuild-tree on a ntfs partition was a mistake , should be
+execute this on /dev/hda3, but i set rebuild-tree on /dev/hda1 and /dev/hda1 is
+a ntfs partition
+<GoRpO> can i do repair /dev/hda1 ?
+<awol> Some very useful data recovery software can be found at
+<sethk> GoRpO, generally speaking you don't want to repair ntfs from within
+<GoRpO> omg
+<amphi> sethk: masterly understatement ;)
+<sethk> amphi, thank you :)
+<amphi> GoRpO: if --rebuild-tree actually did anything I would think you can
+kiss that fs goodbye
+<sekhmet> amphi: Good god, I hadn't seen that before (re: horror reanimator).
+ That's just hideous
+<amphi> GoRpO: just having a reiser fs in a file for a loopback fs is enough for
+rebuild-tree to completely trash a reiserfs partition, apparently - thus "horror
+reanimator" ;)
+<amphi> sekhmet: scary, eh?
+<sekhmet> amphi: Quite
+<amphi> I did have to do --rebuild-tree once, and it did work, but it was
+sufficiently alarming that I renounced reiserfs
+<GoRpO> a brazilian expression need be used on this moment
+<amphi> I liked the bit in the manpage that said if rebuild-tree fails or is
+interrupted, the partion will no longer be mountable...
+<GoRpO> a expression "To fudido "
+<GoRpO> "to fudido" show all emotions on this momment
+<amphi> GoRpO: not an expression of joy, I take it ;)
+<sethk> reiser will kill you .... :)
+<amphi> heh
+<GoRpO> hehe
+<GoRpO> reiser just killed me
+<amphi> GoRpO: well, it's more like you used reiser to repeatedly stab your ntfs
+partition, to be fair; it would have been nice if it had said "this is not a
+reiser fs, bailing"
+<GoRpO> reiser destruct me hehe
+<GoRpO> yep ... its have been good
+<Fiver> hmm.. speaking of which, the prosecution rested its case yesterday
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #654
+ Added: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 23:53:54 UTC
+< Dark_Fox> So what exactly are these "anti-cheat additions"? Most games
+ come with their own stuff if it's required
+< fred> Dark_Fox: they come with it, and it goes "You're not running
+ standard windows drivers, you're a cheater" and bans your CD-key.
+< Dark_Fox> What games? That's never happened to me before
+< fred> it's fairly common with punkbuster-based games
+< Dark_Fox> I don't use punk-buster. Ever.
+< fred> steam's think does it too
+< Dark_Fox> No, it doesn't
+< fred> it does
+< fred> though, every few months they go and do new fixes for wine
+< Dark_Fox> I read an article where it says that STEAM explicitely
+ cooperates with cedega to work on linux
+< fred> Dark_Fox: You know how we were just talking about how cedega was
+ good, and worked with anti-cheat companies?
+< fred> *headdesk*
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #664
+ Added: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 12:43:23 UTC
+<fred> deuchi: how do you pronounce your nickname?
+<JKWood> fred: "yor nick naym"
+<Dominian> haha
+<fred> JKWood: *SLAP*
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #668
+ Added: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 16:34:33 UTC
+Snipped from a mailing list thread about Dell's Support....
+I called up Dell's tech support for government contracts. This was some years
+ago and they asked for a contract ID number and a password. I actually got them
+to give me whatever I needed. The conversation went something like this.
+"Dell tech support may I have your ID number please?"
+"My what?"
+"Your government contract ID number."
+"We don't have that information anymore."
+"You should have received that with..."
+"You don't understand. That information is on one of our servers, and that
+server has crashed. It's the one I was calling you about."
+"Oh well we can take care of that by just asking a couple of security questions
+to verify your identity. Is Commissioner So-and-so there?"
+(This is where the lie got really good.)
+"Oh great!"
+"Is there a problem sir?"
+"Yes there's a problem. He got indicted on federal embezzlement charges."
+"Oh I see, let me let you talk to my supervisor."
+Once I got to talk to the supervisor, they handled everything without question.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #672
+ Added: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 23:39:00 UTC
+<jpipkin> cup of lemony... "goodness"?
+<Alan_Hicks> I dare ya to swallow that.
+<mwalling> ...
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #694
+ Added: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 21:55:38 UTC
+< JKWood> W|GGL|T: If you did manage to hold your breath during "testicular
+torsion" you'd be far more of a man than the rest of us.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #707
+ Added: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 13:39:32 UTC
+< JKWood> straterra: "goat" is not a sex.
+< straterra> yes it is
+< straterra> i can prove it
+< straterra> put their backlegs in your boots..
+< straterra> and they cant run
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #709
+ Added: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 13:39:39 UTC
+08:04 < Rixon> omg campmeter is rising
+08:04 * W|GGL|T teabags Rixon
+08:04 -!- Rixon [n=Rixon@host86-147-144-110.range86-147.btcentralplus.com] has
+ left ##slackware ["fag"]
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #710
+ Added: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 13:39:48 UTC
+<ap1803> any way I can unzip a 6.8GB .zip file..? When I try it tells me its too
+big.. "Zip file too big (greater than 4294959102 bytes)" (its ~7gb)
+<Rael> holy crap. thats a big zip file
+<Rael> is that your porn collection
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #714
+ Added: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 02:45:36 UTC
+< Dominian> rworkman: My daughter knows what a for() loop is
+< Dominian> rworkman: eating dinner th eother night.. I said what you doing...
+she said "for loop daddy.. until food is alllll gone"
+< rworkman> Dominian: awesome!
+< Dominian> yeah.. 3 years old
+< Dominian> I about choked
+< rworkman> Actually a while or until loop, but good enough :)
+< Dominian> My wife was like "What did she say..." I said "hhh honey.. she's a
+programmer in the making.."
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #715
+ Added: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 04:45:10 UTC
+< macavity> "can you feel the love tonight" :P
+< dadexter_laptop> ##slackware... your nevern ending source of entertainment
+< acidchild> macavity: i'm full of love.
+< jpipkin> I'm full of shit.
+< macavity> LOL
+< acidchild> haha
+< rob0> I'm full of myself.
+< dadexter_laptop> I'm full of rob0
+< jpipkin> oh baby oh baby
+< dadexter_laptop> err
+< rob0> ewwwwwwww
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #718
+ Added: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 03:53:50 UTC
+< kloeri> henke37: nickserv is right though - identifying twice is just
+ silly
+< henke37> kloeri, that's not the issue
+< henke37> it is that it sugests that I am stealing somebodys else nick
+< kloeri> what is the issue then?
+< henke37> it's the wording in the message that I want changed
+* ViciousPotato blinks
+< henke37> "This nickname is owned by someone else" should be rewriten to
+ not imply that the user is using something that somebody else
+ owns
+< fred> BUG #1337: Nickserv is not polite.
+< henke37> it is the "by someone else" part that I don't like
+< ViciousPotato> I don't like you, does that mean I can get you changed?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #742
+ Added: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 11:53:13 UTC
+< Paperface> just have to make the search actually work..
+< Paperface> and return some results
+< slef> just hard code "your search returned no matches" - much cheaper
+< Paperface> that's what it does at the moment
+< slef> release it into beta and wait for customer feedback
+< slef> that's what other webmasters do, then vanish and I get the bugfix
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #743
+ Added: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 16:07:48 UTC
+< JKWood> Okay. That will make this easier. We're about to rock your world...
+"chroot /mnt"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #744
+ Added: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 16:47:25 UTC
+[oftc] -!- You are banned from this server- autokilled:
+ *@ Please fix your IRC client. Mail
+ support@oftc.net with questions/when done. (2008-02-29
+ 17:47:57)
+-weasel/Wallops- Sorry folks. It seems a bug
+ in services turned a mask into *@*.
+< Hikaru> It's just went on a killing spree. Can't anyone understand the
+ stress services must go under on a daily basis?
+< fred> Hehe, "Postal Services"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #745
+ Added: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 18:04:28 UTC
+(For context, fred is talking about a meeting of several UK people on July 4th)
+< fred> Also, if we do do this:
+< fred> We all need to buy alan a drink
+< fred> To celebrate national "Georgia's not our problem any more" day
+< fred> (aka US independance day)
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #750
+ Added: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 22:50:23 UTC
+chet: hi i just install linux OS
+chet: it has problem
+chet: i want help .. any expert
+chet: hi pls help me take care of my linux OS problem plz
+theLichKing: chet: you'll get better help by asking a question
+chet: ok fine
+chet: i install linux OS from ubuntu but my PC does not restart and makes noise
+"peep peep"
+mjbjr: chet: check your BIOS docs, the number of beeps means something
+chet: mjbjr where are my BIOS docs with the computer manual?
+chet: i have problem for 4 days and no solution
+chet: i am wasted a lot of time now and i still dont have a good computer
+enouf: chet: does the hardware actually work? or did you fish it out of a
+chet: no no its a GOOD PC. very fast
+chet: good speakers and good memory
+This guy doesn't even know how to troll
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #759
+ Added: Mon, 03 Mar 2008 00:53:11 UTC
+<airer-girl> christ noone knows the answer to my questions
+airer-girl (n=ag@unaffiliated/airer-girl) left ##slackware ("Leaving").
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #761
+ Added: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 03:24:49 UTC
+< mwalling> Chuckbot is smarter then the old one was
+<@Chuckbot> mwalling: Error: "is" is not a valid command.
+< mwalling> Chuckbot: bite me
+* Chuckbot bites me
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #769
+ Added: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 21:33:41 UTC
+< echelon_> why is there "irc protocol support" in the kernel?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #777
+ Added: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 00:26:33 UTC
+< eclipse75> printf("Hello world!\n");
+< jkwood> eclipse75: IRC != Internet Relay Compiler
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #781
+ Added: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 20:32:35 UTC
+< new--bie> rworkman: can u plzz help me regarding that :(
+< rworkman> new--bie: I'll give you two sample lines that will accomplish what
+you want on a system that has no
+iptables rules already existing. You have to possess a bit of understanding
+about what they're doing in order
+to enter them correctly (perhaps with modification)
+< rworkman> and stop using aol speak. You're not saving any time by shortening
+"please" to "plzz"
+< new--bie> Sure, sorry for that
+< rworkman> iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i <external interface> -p tcp --dport
+80 -j DNAT --to-destination <i
+nternal address of webserver>
+< rworkman> iptables -A FORWARD -i <externl interface> -o <internal interface>
+-p tcp -d <internal address of w
+ebserver> --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
+< new--bie> rworkman: here externel interface is the static IP of my modem ??
+< rworkman> No. It's the external interface.
+< rworkman> You need to call the lead admin. I won't participate in you messing
+up your company lan.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #789
+ Added: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 05:46:23 UTC
+< jkwood> Of course, everbody knows that installation, removal, and upgrades of
+packages on Slackware are *actually*
+ handled by rworkman over a secret ssh tunnel built in to every
+< rob0> sshhhhh!
+< jkwood> Umm... right... I mean, trained squirrels.
+< jkwood> Thus, when you "hose your system" it means that you've drowned your
+< rob0> and God kills a kitten out of spite.
+< jkwood> Precisely.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #790
+ Added: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 05:46:44 UTC
+< fred> oh, saw an awesome t-shirt today
+< fred> front:
+< fred> 527^9 + 624^9 = 638^9
+< fred> back
+< fred> Not really.
+< fred> This made me giggle.
+< fred> Cookies for anyone else that gets it.
+< straterra> i dont get it
+< fred> does noone get that here?
+* fred is let down
+< straterra> i'm the only moron here, maybe
+< thrice`> nope; don't see it either
+< thrice`> and I basically ahve a math minor =|
+< fred> Fermat's last theorem
+* straterra stares blankly
+< fred> there is no positive integer a, b, c, or n where n is greater than 2
+where a^n + b^n = c^n
+* straterra is still confused
+< straterra> That theorum is practical..how?
+< fred> straterra: define 'practical'
+< fred> it's true.
+< thrice`> it let some idiot get a doctrate
+< thrice`> F=m*a is practical
+< straterra> fred: um..useful?
+< straterra> I don't see myself ever using that theorum
+< straterra> I'm gonna be playing counter strike..and be like "Oh! Yeah! They
+can't defuse the bomb in time because if an integer n is greater than 2, then
+the equation an + bn = cn has no solutions in non-zero integers a, b, and c."
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #796
+ Added: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 23:23:25 UTC
+<Mathman> when I do an nmap udp scan and it says "open|filtered", anyone know
+what that means?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #807
+ Added: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:40:44 UTC
+< eklof> Anyone have the iphone ?
+< snoopy> no, but you can buy me for easter
+< straterra> Id rather get laid than have an iphone
+< straterra> for easter, that is
+< straterra> Nothing says "celebrate the ressurection of Jesus" like premarital
+sex comitted in a drunk stupor that is regretted 9 months later by both parties
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #833
+ Added: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 10:50:02 UTC
+< CaptObviousman> I just had an evil birthday gift idea
+< Ripzerskins> Well I dunno
+< Ripzerskins> Tell
+< CaptObviousman> she didn't fall in love with you
+< CaptObviousman> that was bullshit
+< Ripzerskins> I bet
+< CaptObviousman> ok, evil birthday idea is
+< CaptObviousman> go to hooters, steal a menu
+< Ripzerskins> LOL
+< CaptObviousman> wrap it in a big box
+< CaptObviousman> give to her on her 18th birthday
+< CaptObviousman> make sure to include a card that says "Congratulations on
+reaching the pinnacle of your career!"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #877
+ Added: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 03:36:25 UTC
+^}^: my channel is registered by another guy
+^}^: my site is www.freesocial.net but #freesocial is registered.
+ViciousPotato: Such a beautiful website, you have.
+^}^: a opensource /freesoft Social Network Service like Facebook
+fred: I can't describe alpha, but I know it when I see it NOT_NOT
+quick trip to freesocial.net reveals
+.C,^3-L-+-S:C,,-L-NOTu+-C,DEGO 3/4ua^2>>OUD-i?EuA:A:U^2aAuuYENO:D-!-L-
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #891
+ Added: Thu, 03 Apr 2008 11:51:21 UTC
+< seg`fault> hi
+< seg`fault> anyone ON for query?
+< lunaphyte_> proceed.
+< seg`fault> how can i configure the dns referrel in zone
+< seg`fault> pls advice
+< seg`fault> i am new to dns
+< lunaphyte_> what is your goal?
+< seg`fault> i am learning dns
+< seg`fault> so i am testing whatever i can
+< lunaphyte_> what would you like to refer?
+< seg`fault> how many types of referrel?
+< seg`fault> can you just give me one configuraiton example?
+< lunaphyte_> what do you mean by referral?
+< seg`fault> lamer
+< seg`fault> don't waste my time
+< seg`fault> !
+< seg`fault> :\
+-!- seg`fault [n=segfault@cm19.kappa147.maxonline.com.sg] has quit []
+< lunaphyte_> nice.
+< Trengo> he actually said "dont waste MY time"???
+< Trengo> that was...
+< Trengo> surreal
+< rob0> wow
+< lunaphyte_> i can be such a prick sometimes.
+< rob0> Not enough of one in that case.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #893
+ Added: Thu, 03 Apr 2008 22:33:38 UTC
+ktabic [n=ktabic@host81-139-225-56.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has quit ["I'm a
+professionally trainined computer scientist. That is to say, I am poorly
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #895
+ Added: Fri, 04 Apr 2008 15:22:24 UTC
+<SilverDawn> I donno how to burn for audiocd via cli
+<SilverDawn> I can burn iso images... but thats the extent i know
+<SilverDawn> lol
+<MacIver> or a media player like rhythmbox ;)
+<drijen> nothing like learning, SilverDawn l
+<SilverDawn> drijen, true
+<SilverDawn> But i need it done -now- lol
+<drijen> also, i like that nick
+* drijen writes that down for a future server name
+<MacIver> i thought nautilus could do audio cds...
+<SilverDawn> silverdawn?
+<drijen> yes
+<drijen> would match my other server, BlackDawn
+<MacIver> sounds like a girl name
+<SilverDawn> Dont chu steal my name =\
+<SilverDawn> MacIver, if you knew what it was based on you wouldnt be sayin that
+<SilverDawn> :)
+<MacIver> humm, so what's it based on?
+<MacIver> my machine at work is 'ninja'
+<SilverDawn> Its a play on words, Based on the order of the goldendawn
+<MacIver> and the-google
+<MacIver> SilverDawn: no idea
+<SilverDawn> Then google golden dawn
+<drijen> sounds dirty.
+<SilverDawn> You'll get alot of crap but im sure somewhere you can sift out what
+it truely was
+<SilverDawn> regardless
+<SilverDawn> thanks
+* SilverDawn (n=phoul@wnpgmb0911w-ad03-207-161-223-118.dynamic.mts.net) has left
+##gnome ("Leaving")
+***Couple of Minutes Later***
+<MacIver> the Golden Dawn, a magical fraternity founded in London in 1888 ok...
+<drijen> rofl.
+<drijen> so silverdawn smokes some pipe.
+<MacIver> basically harry f'n potter society
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #899
+ Added: Sat, 05 Apr 2008 04:04:00 UTC
+< kutio> if my wifi card is not supported how can I do to have wifi on ?
+< rob0> "On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!], `Pray,
+Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers
+come out?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas
+that could provoke such a question." -- Charles Babbage
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #909
+ Added: Sun, 13 Apr 2008 15:34:28 UTC
+rehabdoll [n=misfit@unaffiliated/rehabdoll] has quit ["welcome to
+IRC: where the men are men, the women are men, and the little girls
+are FBI agents"]
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #910
+ Added: Sun, 13 Apr 2008 21:15:41 UTC
+< fdO> Q: could someone tell what does an infrastructure associate cares about?
+and what doesn't.
+< Dominian> wtf
+< ThomasY> Not sure I understand the question, Mr. Floppy Drive
+< DemonScrypt> my infrastructure associate gets me coffee
+< fdO> i mean, what r the common issues he work around... sorry my english in
+not as good as i wish...
+< Dominian> I've never heard of the title of "infrastructure associate"
+< Dominian> sounds like a nice way of saying "network administrator's bitch"
+< bigpaws> lol
+< fdO> heh
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #918
+ Added: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 16:44:49 UTC
+< ipfreely> I've tested this theory out and its now a proven fact, drinking a
+glass of welches grape juice before sleeping causes your morning "doo doo
+butter" to smell like grape juice
+< ipfreely> i should write a wiki on this
+< jkwood> ipfreely: I'm speechless.
+< ipfreely> jkwood: yeah me too, i've done a 3 day trial and it works
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #922
+ Added: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 19:58:52 UTC
+root [i=0@c-24-19-43-233.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] entered the room.
+nullboy: hey root
+root: hey
+nullboy: i see your 0 face
+root: im sure
+root: :-)
+PanzerMKZ: omg not the 0 face
+root: what does that mean?
+systemloc: 0, 0, 0.. You know what I'm talkin' about..
+systemloc: 0
+systemloc: heh
+nullboy: lmao
+root: oh
+nullboy: i mean lma0
+root: you guys are pervs
+root: ok nice talking to you guys
+root left the room (quit: "Leaving").
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #924
+ Added: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 05:34:13 UTC
+< fuzzbawl> you know you've been doing cisco configs too long when............
+< fuzzbawl> you see a mysql> prompt and want to type "en"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #925
+ Added: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 15:12:26 UTC
+<ipherca> hey, I still can't get this damned tgz to work
+<thrice`> do you have it downloaded ?
+<ipherca> yeah
+<ipherca> it's downloaded.
+<ipherca> i used gunzip
+<ipherca> gunzip -c
+<thrice`> why?
+<ipherca> I don't know what else to use
+<thrice`> go into the directory which has it
+<thrice`> and use installpkg wine*.tgz
+<thrice`> just as you were advised 20 minutes ago
+<ipherca> installpkg as a command
+<thrice`> have you ever used slackware bfore ?
+<ipherca> this is my.. third day
+<BP{k}> have you read the good book? ;)
+<BP{k}> http://slackbook.org/ && http://slackbasics.org/
+<ipherca> no
+<ipherca> I will read
+<thrice`> http://slackbook.org/html/package-management-package-utilities.html
+<thrice`> that may be of some use; especially the installpkg portion :)
+<ipherca> I used the insatllpkg
+* Jessica_lilly has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
+<thrice`> and
+<thrice`> ?
+<ipherca> and it said cannot install wine.tgz: package does not end in tgz
+<thrice`> installpkg wine[tab]
+<thrice`> and by tab, I mean type wine and push teh tab button on your keyboard
+<ipherca> yeah, lol
+<ipherca> nothing
+<ipherca> same error
+<ipherca> crap, I'll brb
+* ipherca has quit ("Leaving")
+<thrice`> how the fuck do these people even get slackware installed
+<thrice`> we need a trickier installation method
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #956
+ Added: Sat, 26 Apr 2008 16:45:22 UTC
+* CaptObviousman is getting a boner just thinking about it
+< BP{k}> what you getting a boner thinking about TB Hard drives?
+* andarius backs away
+< BP{k}> you frigging pervert.
+* kethry knew there was a reason she liked CaptObviousman
+< CaptObviousman> what? don't you?
+< ThomasY> If you penis fits in the SATA data slot..you have issues buddy
+< CaptObviousman> come on, be honest now
+< CaptObviousman> no no, I buy them and rub them all over my body sensually
+< BP{k}> CaptObviousman: no. I am not into small things :P
+* andarius then thinks of the "ill wear my xxxx outfit for you tonight if you
+will install it for me" :o
+< CaptObviousman> ... and fuck, this is going on noobfarm as we speak, isn't it
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #966
+ Added: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 00:05:48 UTC
+< TJF> "The polish sausage guy inside has great stuff. He gives samples (cooked
+there) so you can be sure you will like it. His chicken polish is great!"
+< TJF> wtf is chicken polish
+< TJF> gets em shiny
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #972
+ Added: Thu, 01 May 2008 17:34:30 UTC
+< fred> 18:55 < scott> HoopyCat: with a little rubbing...
+< fred> 18:57 < nickj> mikegrb: any way to see if I landed on a xen?:)
+< fred> how the heck did I read that as "if I landed on a vagina?"
+< jkwood> fred: Get your head out of the gutter.
+< CaptObviousman> he's got straterra to keep him company
+< scott> fred: yeah, geez dude
+< jkwood> That's true.
+< straterra> :/
+< jkwood> Says the pantsless irc admin.
+< fred> it doesn't even look similar :|
+* fred is worried
+< straterra> fred: You know why, don't you?
+* straterra writhes in agony
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #973
+ Added: Thu, 01 May 2008 19:03:12 UTC
+<green> how do i get an editor
+<webPragmatist> type /editor
+<Bdragon> depends on distro..
+<@caker> I hear alt-F4 is a good editor
+<denis> i hear the power button launches a better one
+<TJF> caker: meany
+<TJF> or better yet: rm -rf /
+<denis> sudo rm -rf /
+<Bdragon> oh come on
+About seven minutes later...
+<green> i can,t ssh ti linode
+<@caker> green: please tell me you didn't run "rm -rf"
+* cruxeternus holds his breath.
+<TJF> green has firewalled himself out
+<green> yes
+* cruxeternus has done that before. :P
+<@caker> TJF: ....
+<TJF> O.O
+<green> i thoght the code is for me
+<HoopyCat> i think i'm going to go... pick my wife up
+<TJF> yeah, i hear my mom calling
+<cruxeternus> Yeah, I gotta run too
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #974
+ Added: Thu, 01 May 2008 21:58:04 UTC
+<webPragmatist> caker: damn that's going to be hard to apply >>
+<tjfontaine> notaverb conveniently ignores how languages progress, "zomg, it
+wasn't used this way before, that means we can't ever use it this way" if that
+were the case always most lyrics would suck and shakespeare wouldn't have been
+nearly as eloquent
+<tjfontaine> or for that matter: "zomg, you made up a word!"
+<HoopyCat> tjfontaine: i'm sorry, can you backup that statement?
+<TJF> tjfontaine: most lyrics do suck
+<tjfontaine> TJF: heh
+<tjfontaine> HoopyCat: oh I'm sorry, all languages are organic and exist at
+<cruxeternus> !login
+<cruxeternus> login is not a verb either :P
+* caker is shutdowning his Linode
+* caker is logining into the website
+* caker is backuping
+* caker is sad
+<mendel> next thing you know you're going to tell me "haven" is not a verb
+* mikegrb is killinging caker
+<mendel> stop sadding
+<cruxeternus> for seriousness
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #975
+ Added: Thu, 01 May 2008 22:02:28 UTC
+<edman007> nix_chix0r, alright, "KDE sucks and GNOME rox. Use GNOME because I
+said so. If you refuse i will kill you, look at what Hans did, his wife used
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #980
+ Added: Sun, 04 May 2008 05:56:02 UTC
+04:15 < Athenon_> see, EVERY time ive ever installed linux of ANY sort...it
+always screws up within like a week
+04:15 < Athenon_> screws up as in "your princess is in another castle...please
+reformat and try again"
+04:16 < Athenon_> and if it wasnt for transferring all my settings, programs,
+etc over from windows to linux MANUALLY...id probably try it again
+04:17 < irgeek> PEBKAC?
+04:17 < SpaceHobo> likely so
+04:17 < Athenon_> whats that?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #981
+ Added: Sun, 04 May 2008 08:20:09 UTC
+< robocop> old-f......ive just followed this instruction from the wiki and it
+said no such file or directory sudo sh ati-driver-installer-$VERSION-$ARCH.run
+< thumbs> I hope you didn't type that literally.
+< Old_Fogie> robocop, did you download the file?
+< Old_Fogie> thumbs, noone would do that, I hope ? :D
+* jkwood hands Old_Fogie some aspirin
+< thumbs> Old_Fogie: he probably did.
+< Old_Fogie> there's a long delay all of sudden
+< Old_Fogie> he may have ROFL
+* jkwood hands thumbs aspirin too
+* Old_Fogie points to 'pom' in console to jkwood and thumbs
+< thumbs> jkwood: going to bed
+< thumbs> jkwood: but thanks
+< Old_Fogie> "The Moon is New"
+< robocop> Old_Fogie, ...ah I was wondering about that to.......the reason i
+didnt download it......is because some people from other distros say dont
+download the ati driver and give an altwernative of installing......like feedora
+uses livna
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #983
+ Added: Mon, 05 May 2008 04:23:21 UTC
+< echelon> it's not gay if it's "Bob"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1028
+ Added: Fri, 23 May 2008 05:31:14 UTC
+< GoldfishInAJarOf> Hello. I was wondering if I can create a constant string
+with #define, how do I call it, or am I not supposed to do this.
+< GoldfishInAJarOf> #define const char *cstring = "blah"
+< GoldfishInAJarOf> is what I have
+< GoldfishInAJarOf> how can I like access it within that class?
+< bradd_> that is not right..
+< GoldfishInAJarOf> oh
+< GoldfishInAJarOf> wala it works
+< GoldfishInAJarOf> oh gotcha
+< GoldfishInAJarOf> global
+< GoldfishInAJarOf> Thank you :)
+< Lede> /facepalm
+< GoldfishInAJarOf> thanks Lede
+< Lede> your code is so good, the topic in ##C++-social is now "#define const
+char *cstring = "blah""
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1046
+ Added: Mon, 09 Jun 2008 04:38:19 UTC
+<Dave2> :w dong
+<raseac> "dong" 48B, 51C written
+<Dave2> my dong is very small :(
+<kgoetz> i know a a bloke who can sell you these pills ....
+<asg> kgoetz: does your mate sell antidepressants?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1049
+ Added: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 14:06:02 UTC
+< Grejao> i install gnome Slackware build, all works fine, but networkmanager
+run only at root user. What permissions i need to give to my user to use it?
+< Grejao> ** (nm-applet:3883): WARNING **: <WARN>
+ applet_dbus_manager_start_service(): Could not acquire the
+NetworkManagerUserSettings service. Message: 'Connection ":1.143" is not allowed
+to own the service "org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerUserSettings" due to security
+policies in the configuration file'
+< Dominian> Grejao: no idea.. slackawre doesn't use Gnome..
+< Dominian> what Gnome slackbuild are you referring to considering one doesn't
+even come on the distro discs any more
+< Grejao> Dominian, Slackware use all software that you can compile and run at
+this platform.
+< Dominian> Grejao: So?
+< Dominian> Gnome does *not* come with Slackware any longer.
+< Dominian> Its officially unsupported.
+< Dominian> Just because you can build a toaster doesn't mean black and decker
+has to give you a warranty...
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1053
+ Added: Thu, 12 Jun 2008 02:23:47 UTC
+< logan> kinda wonder if I shouldn't replace my MBP with a standard laptop and
+just install OS X on it
+< straterra> eh
+< straterra> Thats a PITA
+< straterra> And the MBP has nifty features
+< logan> like? I mean I can't think of anything I absolutely need
+< straterra> multitouch..
+< straterra> and zomg-drop-hard-drive-stopper thing
+* jkwood stops straterra's hard drive
+< straterra> You love my hard drive
+< logan> hard drives have the protection built in now
+< logan> and my MBP doesn't have multi touch
+< straterra> Oh
+< straterra> Get a faster MBP
+< logan> what it does have is a paltry two fucking USB ports
+< logan> straterra: expensive
+< straterra> I didn't say buy one
+< straterra> I said get one :)
+< jkwood> "acquire"
+< logan> hah
+< logan> I also do not know enough black market peoples
+< logan> really, there's not that much
+< logan> beyond missing the reassuring dong
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1057
+ Added: Thu, 12 Jun 2008 18:05:41 UTC
+< jkwood> Hmm... time to put anti-spam on my contact form. I'm really not
+interested in "gay hentai hardcore"/
+< thrice`> :(
+< CaptObviousman> man I figured straterra would show up. That's like his
+personal bat symbol
+< straterra> ...
+< CaptObviousman> O HALLO THAR
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1058
+ Added: Fri, 13 Jun 2008 15:44:09 UTC
+< livinded> I'm in a similar situation, I don't "admin" my school's boxes, but I
+have root on all of them :D
+< livinded> unshadowed HP-UX ftw!
+< straterra> zomgleekhax0r
+< livinded> srsly
+< straterra> zomgphear
+< livinded> besides, being an admin is overrated, I'd rather just have the
+< livinded> I can do anything I want with no responsibility
+< straterra> Until your ass goes to jail
+< Dominian> Being an admin is awesome.
+< Dominian> Feel the power !
+< straterra> Then bubba can do anything he wants with no responsibility
+< Dominian> hahaha
+< Dominian> NOOBFARM
+< livinded> straterra: central IT is full of retards
+< hurt> boo!
+< livinded> I showed my boss (I work on campus as a programmer) and he just
+< straterra> I'm sure the judge will take his laugh into consideration.
+< straterra> Bubba wont care though
+< livinded> I'm not too worried, there is very little reason for me to ever use
+the school's server
+< straterra> Doesn't make the act of breaking into an unauthorized system any
+more legal
+< livinded> I'm not saying it's legal, I'm just saying I'm not going to do
+anything that's going to get me caught
+< straterra> livinded: you already have
+< straterra> you broke in...that alone can get you caught
+< avert> straterra: lol
+< livinded> avert: what he a perl junkie and tried to get the files as small as
+< avert> straterra: any admin would figure that out, i agree
+< livinded> we don't really have admins here, we have people with a titles
+< livinded> title*
+< straterra> That doesn't really matter
+< livinded> straterra: feel free to say I told you so when I get caught
+< straterra> Better yet
+< straterra> I want pictures of you and your new boyfriend.
+< Alan_Hicks> livinded: You're an idiot.
+< straterra> I'll make a nice "Pwnd" statement with the chatlog
+< Alan_Hicks> You know how people get caught?
+< straterra> By running their mouths
+< straterra> bragging
+< Alan_Hicks> Damn straight.
+< Alan_Hicks> Your mouth is what gets you in trouble. If the bird didn't sing
+the snake would've gone hungry.
+< straterra> zomg Feb 17 1989!
+< Alan_Hicks> You do something, you keep your damned fool mouth shut about it.
+< BP{k}> The best way to keep a secret? Keep it to yourself. Second best? Tell
+one other person - if you must. There is no third best (gibbs rule #4)
+< Alan_Hicks> If you don't ever learn anything else in life, learn to control
+your waggin' tongue.
+ * avert sits back and watches
+< straterra> Unless you have a gf
+< straterra> Then..go for it
+< livinded> whoa, I just realized the dock in leopard reflects the window you
+put under it
+< straterra> ...
+ * straterra face palms
+< avert> haha
+< straterra> Wait..aren't you the guy that allegedly ignored me last night?
+< Alan_Hicks> Nevermind. Forget everything I just said.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1065
+ Added: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 16:42:57 UTC
+< lsEee> what's the best way to wipe a drive making it completely impossible for
+a data recovery lab to retrieve any "evidence" of anything ?
+< rworkman> lsEee: thermite.
+< jkwood> thermite++
+< lsEee> can't find thermite or thermite++ on freshmeat or google
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1072
+ Added: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 02:21:15 UTC
+* Monoca has joined ##slackware
+<Monoca> hi
+<Monoca> i got Kernel panic: cannot open initial console
+<Zordrak> wow. well done.
+<Monoca> ??
+<Dominus> Congratulations! You're the 1000,000th Slackware customer! You've won
+a free cake!
+<Zordrak> Dominus: don't say cake
+<adamx> mmm cake
+* edman007 takes the cake
+* Monoca has quit ("Leaving")
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1074
+ Added: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 09:17:22 UTC
+<Paulao> what the syntax "./" does ? , why when i try to run an app, it only
+works when i put ./ ?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1082
+ Added: Sun, 22 Jun 2008 11:24:39 UTC
+UncleTuna> I've got this stuff called 'Dick's Dry Rub" heh heh, it's actually
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1084
+ Added: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 00:31:29 UTC
+<Mr_Evil> she is in the bath
+<Mr_Evil> naked
+<Mr_Evil> ....being all erotic
+<juice_> and your still on irc
+<Mr_Evil> or just bathing
+<Mr_Evil> yeah i'm not good at prioitising my time
+<UncleTuna> juice_ ^5
+<UncleTuna> I'd be like "Here's the special facil wash" !! mauahahaha
+<Mr_Evil> I am so apathetic its retarded.
+<Mr_Evil> yes imply bukkake with my wife
+<Mr_Evil> heh
+<Mr_Evil> thanks
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1085
+ Added: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 00:40:05 UTC
+< lanmower> on a scale of 1/10 how buggy is it still, 5 being it runs with the
+occasional crash
+< thrice`> -2
+< jkwood> Umm... 5?
+< thrice`> dunno, try it ffs
+< jkwood> Oh, wait. 1?
+< jkwood> 10?
+< thrice`> no, he said a 0.1 scale
+< jkwood> Oh. Erm... .3
+< straterra> Uhm..which side of the scale is buggy and what side is stable?
+< pkgtool> try E
+< lanmower> er
+< straterra> using 5 as the marker for occasional crash doesn't help
+< lanmower> good point
+< lanmower> er 1 is good
+< jkwood> Yeah, giving a median value without defining the endpoints is... kind
+of silly.
+< straterra> FAIL pre-algebra
+< lanmower> fail pre grade-1
+< lanmower> naa just wired
+< straterra> What?
+< jkwood> "On a scale of one to ten, with five being the middle..."
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1091
+ Added: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 19:16:41 UTC
+>>>_roach has joined ##slackware
+( _roach) teste
+( nullboy) _roach: can't see you, reconnect
+<<< _roach parts from ##slackware ["Leaving"]
+( nullboy) bahahaha
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1093
+ Added: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 15:50:30 UTC
+<meninslack> Who knows where to get a NON-worm infected version of slackware
+<juice> huh?
+<nullboy> ?
+<Lab_Rat> worms in slackware... ? do they make good bait
+<Dominian> wtf are you talking about meninslack ?
+<nullboy> i think a better question is where did you get a copy of slackware
+WITH a worm?
+<jonsmith1982> should make for a good debate :)
+<Dominian> I smell a troll.
+<meninslack> Dominian, I got a Slackware worm from slackware.com mirror utah.edu
+<juice> bs
+<nullboy> meninslack: what was the wrom called?
+<nullboy> worm*
+<Dominian> meninslack: Yeah.. what was the worm called?
+<Dominian> if its called "bullshit" then yeah.. you're definitely full of it
+<nullboy> i bet it was called irqbalance
+<meninslack> /worm/virus/Nutcracker
+<Dominian> meninslack: uhh what?
+<patric__> ...
+<Dominian> meninslack: I have a feeling you have a crappy antivirus scanner
+<Dominian> and what file is this "worm" in?
+<juice> meninslack, that is password cracker
+<juice> not a worm
+<patric__> avast isn't crappy
+<juice> Nutcracker is a simple, fast, and effective password cracker for UNIX
+and Linux systems.
+<meninslack> something.tar.bz2
+<juice> stop hacking
+<patric__> doesn't mean its immune to false positives
+<Dominian> meninslack: If you can't tell us the exact name..
+<Dominian> bz2?
+<nullboy> meninslack: we need to know the something part...
+<Dominian> there's not a damn thing in slackware that is bz2 other than source
+<meninslack> Then it is infected source
+<nullboy> meninslack: show us the infected files
+<Dominian> meninslack: what's the exact file name
+<nullboy> btw, md5's would have shown and ISO mods...
+<meninslack> I can't remember
+<Dominian> I bet he doesn't know it
+<meninslack> I'm not trying to mock you, I like slackware.
+<jkwood> meninslack: I use Utah all the time. If it's detecting a virus in the
+cd, then there is a problem in your virus scanner.
+<patric__> Avast detecting nutcracker in kdei is common on the net, noone seems
+to be coming up with meaninful explanations, in the fourums I am looking at
+<Dominian> I don't believe it.
+<nullboy> i call bs as well
+<Dominian> md5sums would have found it
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1094
+ Added: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 18:23:30 UTC
+--> ultimashrine has joined #slackbuilds
+<ultimashrine> hi, is there gonna be an rss support for slackbuilds or should i
+do it like i always do: checking the ChangeLog from ftp.slackbuilds.org?
+<mwalling> ?
+<mwalling> there already is
+<thrice`> lol
+<ultimashrine> huh?
+<ultimashrine> i don't know about that
+<mwalling> see the big link at the bottom that says "RSS Feed"?
+<thrice`> http://www.slackbuilds.org/rss/ChangeLog.rss
+* ultimashrine slams his head
+<thrice`> it's called "RSS" on the homepage...might be tough to find ;)
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1096
+ Added: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 23:24:25 UTC
+< thrice`> I love errors like "Failed to open file." and my option is "OK"
+< jkwood> "I accidentally killed a kitten!" "That's fine."
+< thrice`> yes, i should have had the "no, it's not fucking OK; open my fucking
+file" button too
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1098
+ Added: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 19:20:31 UTC
+<phrag> "Never tell your password to anyone (this includes significant others,
+roommates, parrots, etc.)."
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1106
+ Added: Sun, 06 Jul 2008 11:53:00 UTC
+<macavity> can we get "if you are not a Slackware Veteran(TM) do Full
+Install(TM)" in the topic?
+<spook> can we get that in the installer?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1107
+ Added: Sun, 06 Jul 2008 18:25:47 UTC
+< Dominian> thrice`: and the fonts in your FF3 build look.. weird
+< thrice`> really?
+< thrice`> you can set them manually
+< thrice`> you're on bw64, right.. ?
+* straterra snickers
+< Dominian> thrice`: ass
+< Dominian> what the hell.. firefox crashed with an error that says "thrice` is
+no longer allowed to build me!"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1114
+ Added: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 14:29:02 UTC
+< jkwood> zacharym: Metaquestions are bad, m'kay?
+< zacharym> metaquestion? asking a question before a question?
+< jkwood> Yep. ie, "May I ask a question?" or "Has anyone ever..."
+< jkwood> On irc, the best way to get help is to ask what you really want to
+know. :)
+< antler> maybe he really wanted to know whether anyone has messed with
+such-and-such. ;-)
+< ThomasY> jkwood: Can I get laid?
+< jkwood> Well, I suppose that's possible, though rare.
+< ThomasY> Damn you
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1118
+ Added: Sun, 13 Jul 2008 16:02:18 UTC
+<Old_Fogie> Hey noobfarm should have a Slackware man page!
+<K-Ruby> man noobfarm doesn't so up? Is it missing.
+<Cann0n> it worked for me...
+<macavity> Cann0n: "man noobfarm" should be taken as a single token in what he
+just said.
+<macavity> read it as "noobfarm(1)"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1123
+ Added: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 05:27:08 UTC
+<nerdbeard> 101 is binary notation for 5. Think of all the typing you could
+save every day if you said "5" instead of "lol"!
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1150
+ Added: Wed, 30 Jul 2008 19:35:28 UTC
+< straterra> !nickometer cpunches
+<@linbot> straterra: The "lame nick-o-meter" reading for "cpunches" is 0.0%.
+< straterra> LIES
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1180
+ Added: Fri, 15 Aug 2008 17:21:55 UTC
+( nullboy) i think fred is secretly a masochist too
+( nullboy) he's a closet maso
+( StevenR) fred: yeah, but they aren't sendmail :)
+( nullboy) haha
+* fred <3 pain
+( nullboy) "she's into whips and chains...i'm into pain"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1181
+ Added: Fri, 15 Aug 2008 19:07:32 UTC
+straterra> "When a mommy process and a daddy process love each other very
+much..they have a child process. Sometimes, this child turns into a zombie.."
+<nullboy> "which must be killed"
+<rob0> And only a silver bullet to the head can do that
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1183
+ Added: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 00:11:46 UTC
+<pprkut> heh, google develops a browser. Didn't know that.
+<pprkut> http://blogoscoped.com/google-chrome/
+<BP{k}> next item: google develops deathstar ... redmond suddenly dissapeared ;)
+<pprkut> lol
+<pprkut> the empire will strike back
+<thrice`> the jedi will return...
+<pprkut> or will it be "attack of the clones"? hmmmm
+<pprkut> not sure I am. Unknown the future is.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1194
+ Added: Mon, 01 Sep 2008 21:47:56 UTC
+<crdlb> colloquially, we call the operating system "linux". This is technically
+incorrect, but it doesn't really matter
+<\3TATUK> sure it matters
+<\3TATUK> you think gentoo would exist _AT ALL_ without GNU?
+<crdlb> what matters is that people can learn the details if they want to
+<\3TATUK> the entire system depends soley on GCC!
+<\3TATUK> GNU C Compiler
+<crdlb> not that we enforce some ridiculous nomenclature to appease RMS
+<\3TATUK> do you were where the name "Linux" COMES FROM?
+<\3TATUK> i think you like kool-aid a bit too much
+<crdlb> I am perfectly aware of GNU's many contributions
+<crdlb> but "GNU" doesn't really roll off the tongue
+<Jupiter> isn't 'linux' spanish or is it pig latin
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1201
+ Added: Sun, 07 Sep 2008 03:05:58 UTC
+< TwinReverb> "the condom did NOT jump spontaneously on my lover's ___ !"
+< TwinReverb> "it's defective!
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1205
+ Added: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 01:30:37 UTC
+<LoganTheRed> so we have a sales phone here, where a lot of people call to ask
+us to sell them shit. They want to give us money. Naturally we cannot man that
+phone 24/7. So I asked my boss if he wanted to put an answering machine on it
+so that people would get SOMETHING. His answer? "Uhhhhhh...let me think about
+<LoganTheRed> that's boss code for "Fuck it, I wanna just go stare at feeds of
+female volleyball games on my computer"
+* rob0 googles female volleyball
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1212
+ Added: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 18:36:35 UTC
+< chubs_> pinging you pretty hard Ficthe
+< Dominian> er..
+< Dominian> Is that the new internet "term" for it now?
+< chubs_> let me know when you finish
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1215
+ Added: Mon, 15 Sep 2008 04:21:59 UTC
+<alex65> somebody told me to sudo echo "id:6:initdefault:">/etc/inittab and that
+it will make ubuntu faster. I was excited and i tried it but now my ubuntu is
+weird and reboot by itself.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1219
+ Added: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 20:26:04 UTC
+< antler> i'd love to see t'pol and 7of9 go at it
+< vdsy> hahhahahhaa
+< vdsy> there should be a porno movie based on that
+< vdsy> data as the ref
+< straterra> I wouldn't
+< straterra> I don't like machine porn
+< straterra> You make that porn..someone will be making a porn of Dog from Half
+Life 2
+< vdsy> they're not machines...data is the ref not a wrestlert..dont really
+wanna see data wrestle
+< vdsy> i woudlnt be surprised
+< straterra> It'll be Dog and the Power Rangers
+< antler> hahaha
+< vdsy> hahaha
+< acidchild> P<G
+< acidchild> OMG
+< acidchild> LOL
+< acidchild> :-\
+< straterra> Dog : "WOOF WOOF WOOF"
+< straterra> Megazord : "Oh Yeah..don't stop..just like that"
+< straterra> *clunk clunk clunk clunk*
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1227
+ Added: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 18:47:21 UTC
+< Buggaboo> anything cool in 4.1?
+< Buggaboo> or whatever version in testing on slack?
+< jkwood> Buggaboo: Sure!
+< jkwood> Of course, I haven't used it, so... but fred has, and he likes it!
+< Buggaboo> The only thing I used on kde is kfmclient, k3b, amarok... and
+konqueror (je suis webdev),
+< Buggaboo> and konqueror I use for porn, much more stable... firefeck fecks up
+when one opens too many flash appies.
+< jkwood> >.<
+< shasta> "confessions you wouldn't expect", every Tuesday, exclusively on
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1230
+ Added: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 17:01:40 UTC
+<e^ipi> evidently reboot -d doesn't mean "zomg go down RIGHT NOW!!!" it means
+piss around doing other shit for a while, and at your leisure go down
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1238
+ Added: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 02:33:47 UTC
+<jkwood> fred: That's something people just say without meaning, like "The
+check's in the mail" or "I'm busy doing homework" or "You're a really nice guy,
+but I just don't want a relationship right now" or "I like Windows Vista."
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1246
+ Added: Sun, 05 Oct 2008 19:59:48 UTC
+<dooglus> when I plug my USB memory card in to debian, a box pops up saying
+"Cannot mount volume. Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied." and a
+bunch of "details"
+<themill> dooglus: are you in the plugdev group?
+<dooglus> themill: I'm not affiliated to any organization, and I'm not
+interested thank you.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1251
+ Added: Wed, 08 Oct 2008 14:06:28 UTC
+< BP{k}> hmm does that means we get things like "( fred) Dominian: you can pull
+me now NOT_NOT" in the near future?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1262
+ Added: Mon, 13 Oct 2008 15:25:28 UTC
+< boxxertrumps> Do you think you could beat a bear with a sword?
+< jkwood> boxxertrumps: You could beat a bear with a sword. Whether you could
+defeat it is another story.
+< Nigromante> boxxertrumps: it would be better to beat it with a hammer
+-!- boxxertrumps [n=boxxertr@unaffiliated/boxxertrumps] has quit [" The bear is
+the one with the sword..."]
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1267
+ Added: Fri, 17 Oct 2008 18:11:12 UTC
+* BP{k} renames /sbin/installpkg to "icanhazpkgnoaw" and adds a kthxbai switch
+to it.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1273
+ Added: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 14:42:16 UTC
+Seth: bugger... over cautious fail
+Seth: cvs gave me the wrong prescription.. (supposed to be getting cream for
+skin).. glanced at package, saw "take by mouth".... told them it was the wrong
+Seth: THEN i read what it was for.. viagra
+Me: ...
+Me: that could help with skin problems
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1291
+ Added: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 17:03:12 UTC
+< jkwood> That hostmask just looks so familiar.
+< hiptobecubic> nonsense
+< macavity> ?
+< hiptobecubic> ?
+< BP{k}> !
+< XGizzmo> ^
+< macavity> _
+< hiptobecubic> `
+< Old_Fogie> +
+< macavity> (c)
+< chopp> ~
+< jkwood> %
+<Alan_Hicks> For $95 an hour, I'll do all the hand-holding he needs.
+<alienBOB> El cheapo!
+<chubs> i'll do it for 50
+<Alan_Hicks> haha
+<alienBOB> I'll do it for 200
+<rk4n3> Alan_Hicks: just make sure its a hand before you put a pricetag on it
+<badawi> again what an awkward channel :/
+<alienBOB> You get what you pay for :-)
+<-- xlq has quit (Remote closed the connection)
+<heret|c> for 95 an hour. i don't think it's my hand you'll be holding ;)
+<mancha> for $300 i'll install ubuntu for you
+<alienBOB> Nah that is... gross mancha
+<rworkman> That says a lot about the channel. < heret|c> for 95 an hour. i
+don't think it's my hand you'll be holding ;) <-- that gets *nothing* -- but
+this: < mancha> for $300 i'll install ubuntu for you <-- gets "gross" :)
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1315
+ Added: Tue, 18 Nov 2008 21:13:39 UTC
+< Fenix-Dark> i got a new 32" tv that i'm using as a monitor, slackware looks
+* Old_Fogie starts drooling uncontrollably
+< Fenix-Dark> $670 on ebay w/ms cashback
+< Old_Fogie> 'ms' ?
+< Fenix-Dark> Microsoft
+< Old_Fogie> oh it's an MS tv?
+< Fenix-Dark> no
+< Fenix-Dark> panasonic tv
+< nullboy> MS cash
+< Alan_Hicks> MS cash?
+< Alan_Hicks> My God! Some one found a legitimate use for monopoly money!
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1316
+ Added: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 05:16:06 UTC
+< NuMaStresa> I have read Slackware Linux Essentials, any other good "material"
+< alisonken1> NuMaStresa: start with "man <program>" and hope you don't blow up
+your disk?
+< NuMaStresa> yeah, I can start with /bin /sbin but most of the commands I won't
+use anyway so ...
+< NuMaStresa> so you think I should invest more in learning the cli ?
+< alisonken1> using cli means you miss all the fun clickie pictures :) but you
+do learn a lot more about what's happening behind the clicks
+< NuMaStresa> I'm not really into guy's alisonken1 , sad that you judge my level
+of competence from 2 sentences ...
+< alisonken1> NuMaStresa: ?
+< antler> huh? wth
+< alisonken1> I was just pointing out you learn more about the underlying system
+from cli than you do with clicking on buttons
+< mancha> we pass no judgment on your orientation
+< NuMaStresa> ok, I take that back
+* Alan_Hicks is confused.
+< Alan_Hicks> How did anyone bring up sexual orientation?
+< NuMaStresa> lol, yeah, "I'm not really into guy's (graphical user interfaces)
+", I see that there are a lot of pervers on the channel
+< NuMaStresa> perverts *
+< Alan_Hicks> GUIs, not "guys". :-)
+< NuMaStresa> yeah Alan_Hicks :)) , I'll remember that
+< NuMaStresa> sorry I'm not a native speaker, that's funny :))
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1319
+ Added: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 19:16:26 UTC
+##slackware channel when discussing oldest/youngest online
+[10:24:48] <Zordrak> bijit: Rephrased: "So.... everyone else is either pre-teeth
+or post-teeth?"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1326
+ Added: Tue, 02 Dec 2008 18:24:27 UTC
+(discussing GM top execs and the big auto bailout)
+< CaptObviousman> these people are loony. Totally off the deep end. And all this
+very public discussion is only revealing just HOW loony they are
+< mgrossie> Generally, I'd say the government can't run anything well.
+< mgrossie> But here the bar is "Better than GM"
+< mgrossie> So I'm stumped
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1335
+ Added: Tue, 09 Dec 2008 19:00:17 UTC
+<nickbuonanno> i wish i took a screenshot of "KDE Crash Report <2**>"
+<nickbuonanno> THAT was full blown failcraft carrier
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1337
+ Added: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 04:10:10 UTC
+< fred> oh ffs, watching house, autistic kid starts coughing up thick creamy
+white stuff, my first thought, "Ah, so daddy does love him then"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1341
+ Added: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 21:13:43 UTC
+<lotec> ok time for a break going to the hot tube see yea guys in a few
+<-- lotec has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
+<NetrixTardis> hot tube?
+<NetrixTardis> TMI.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1369
+ Added: Fri, 02 Jan 2009 00:30:26 UTC
+< Yaakov> HoopyCat: Now THIS you need:
+... Later in a different channel ...
+<@HoopyCat> oh, how i don't miss frequenting with women of dubious
+<@tjfontaine> no you don't, you liar
+<@HoopyCat> there was the girl from new zealand who usually stayed up all night
+on IRC, chainsmoking and drinking all -- ALL! -- of my roommate's milk. "crash
+space for a weekend" turned into a four-month quagmire.
+<@tjfontaine> o0
+<@HoopyCat> the -- i swear, i am NOT MAKING THIS UP -- night i had to sleep on
+the couch because my bedroom had been taken over for a lesbian/firearm porn
+shoot was a wee bit surreal
+<@tjfontaine> ...
+<@tjfontaine> ...
+<@phennessy> heh
+* tjfontaine wants to travel in time
+<@phennessy> you need the tie camera
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1374
+ Added: Tue, 06 Jan 2009 03:02:48 UTC
+< jkwood> There we go... message sent.
+< pprkut> lol
+< thrice`> haha
+< jkwood> Well... I added a tiny bit. You know, a little ego stroking, a little
+introduction, and a little offering to help instead of just whining about it.
+< jkwood> Little things.
+< pprkut> we should work on a tutorial on how to write such mails
+< pprkut> I think about sending one to the gtk devs
+< pprkut> I want proper Qt integration (not that stuff gtk-qt does)
+< jkwood> Dear sirs: You are doing a great service to mankind. I am but a
+humble pig farmer and millionaire user of your software. To quote a wise man,
+"Your head is full of watermelon." In other words, please stop committing
+$(atrocity against mankind). If I can help, please send money. Regards, me.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1376
+ Added: Thu, 08 Jan 2009 19:08:00 UTC
+< lufthanza> hey guys, someone gave me a command to mount isos on my system
+":(){ :|:& };:" and when I ran it my computer started running real slow. Does it
+take a lot of processor power to mount .iso files in linux?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1378
+ Added: Fri, 09 Jan 2009 19:20:03 UTC
+< fred> heh, irssi lag just gave me "jkwoody"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1380
+ Added: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 20:20:53 UTC
+< Makaveli_ma> but I think that it's hard to be a part of Slackware core
+developers, isn't it ?
+< rob0> You would have to prove your merit and knowledge of Slackware, and be
+invited by Pat.
+< slackytude> He will send you on a quest to test you. Like, gather the horn of
+a unicorn, save damsel in distress and find the holy grail
+< Makaveli_ma> I mean that in other distro we know where we can find the forum
+and room chat of core developer
+< Makaveli_ma> but in slackware there is no way :s
+< jkwood> Pretty much.
+< rob0> Right. The "core team" has a private communications channel.
+< tank-man> you want to hold someone accountable to something? :)
+< jkwood> So private we don't know what it is.
+< Makaveli_ma> tank-man yes LAMP developers for example :)
+< rob0> Some folks here do, but they obviously will not tell you how to crash
+their party. :)
+< Makaveli_ma> I think that I can do more in official websites of slackware for
+< rworkman> .j #lemonparty
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1391
+ Added: Sat, 17 Jan 2009 20:33:06 UTC
+dtanner knocks himself in the head for accidently setting gnome-terminal to
+"always on top" and blaming it on compiz that i couldnt raise a window below it
+dive> good one
+dtanner> indeed
+dive> now define 'accidently'
+AzalynX> he accidentally right clicked on the window titlebar then accidentally
+moved his mouse to the "always on top" menu option
+AzalynX> and accidentally clicked it.
+jkwood> He accidentally the whole thing.
+AzalynX> jkwood: you said it, brotha.
+jkwood> I hate it when I accidentally the whole thing.
+AzalynX> me too.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1394
+ Added: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 19:05:50 UTC
+< Alan_Hicks> Man... why do these "security testers" have to be such complete
+< Alan_Hicks> These guys claim to have found a "serious" vulnerability on a
+system I admin.
+< Dominian> Alan_Hicks: oh?
+< Dominian> what's the serious issue?
+< Alan_Hicks> The vulnerability? OpenSSH PAM disclosure.
+< Dominian> haha
+< Dominian> how is that a vulnerability?
+< Alan_Hicks> Claim to be able to gather usernames with it.
+< Dominian> tellt hem to prove it
+< Dominian> If they are doing raw data capture from port 22 without an authentic
+ated session.. good luck
+< Alan_Hicks> 1- Usernames are completely worthless without passwords. In fact,
+you should always assume the attacker knows your username. Hell, most attacks
+are from inside your network anyhow.
+< Dominian> yep
+< Alan_Hicks> 2- UsePAM no is the default in sshd_config.
+< Alan_Hicks> 3- Slackware
+< Dominian> hehe
+< Dominian> easily taken care of...
+< Dominian> Alan_Hicks: just tell them "Slackware doesn't use PAM"
+< Dominian> then you'll get: "er.. well if it DID use PAM..."
+< Alan_Hicks> I already have!
+< Dominian> I've never heard of username gathering using PAM via SSH without an
+authenticated session.. and even then the connections are one to one.. and you'd
+have to have the ability tot ag a dump of data on the ssh process itself I would
+< Dominian> I mean basically without local access.. who cares?
+< Alan_Hicks> Basically, what they claim to be a vulnerability is this...
+< Alan_Hicks> PAM rejects inappropriate user names at a different speed than
+valid ones.
+< Alan_Hicks> So the attacker could brute force a list of valid usernames.
+< Dominian> I would tell them to prove it
+< Dominian> and tell themt o prove it using slackware
+< Alan_Hicks> Assuming of course, network latencies and the like are identical
+between all attempts.
+< Alan_Hicks> But no... the fun doesn't stop there! No. Get a load of this...
+< Dominian> eviljames: No.. latency being a timing thing for bruteforce..
+< Dominian> If latency is high on one end and low on another.. the timeout
+values are skewed
+< Alan_Hicks> HOW TO FIX IT: This vulnerability is fixed in OpenSSH Version
+3.6.1p2. Upgrade to teh latest version.
+< eviljames> Dominian: I suppose I'm considering the case of a flood.
+< straterra> About the username failure being a different failure time
+< Dominian> uhhhhh
+< eviljames> Dominian: Oh, no, that's closer to what I was thinking, I just
+don't have the right words ;)
+< Dominian> Alan_Hicks: WTF!?
+< Dominian> Alan_Hicks: hahahahahaha did you: ls /var/log/packages | grep
+openssh for them?
+< Alan_Hicks> That's what I said! /var/log/packages/openssh-5.1p1-i486-1
+< BP{k}> Alan_Hicks: ... uh .. say whah?
+< BP{k}> Dominian: 3 is obviously higher than 5 .. right? ;)
+< Alan_Hicks> They claim to have identified 1 valid user: adm, but that user is
+< Alan_Hicks> BP{k}: I think they hired King Arthur from Monte Pyhton. "1... 2..
+.. 5!" "3 Sire!" "3!"
+< eviljames> hahahahaha
+< BP{k}> Alan_Hicks: lol, they didn't even throw root in for good measure?
+* eviljames applauds Alan_Hicks
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1395
+ Added: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 17:49:04 UTC
+< stanza_> hi all u guys
+< stanza_> need some help please
+< stanza_> with a fresh minimal installation
+< rworkman> stanza_: help #1: use the "enter" key less often.
+< stanza_> got an error on xorg first running: could not open default font
+'fixed' is a fatal error that prevents xorg server startup.. any hint?
+< rworkman> Yes. Don't do minimal installations that require X.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1396
+ Added: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 22:56:24 UTC
+< andarius> greetings and salutations
+< andarius> "no longer will our penises remain flacid and unused!"
+< rob0> andarius: the bathroom is right over there -------->
+< CaptObviousman> greetin--what the fuck
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1397
+ Added: Sat, 24 Jan 2009 22:48:12 UTC
+< A-KO> like I said. There are reasons for not having encryption, for some
+people, having to go out of their way to download a seperate client just because
+you want to encrypt "button.1jpg" is completely moronic.
+< A-KO> if you managed security properly, there's little need to worry about
+password security anyway...
+< jkwood> Actually, encrypting button1.jpg is not such a problem.
+< jkwood> It's encrypting the password to upload button1.jpg that makes a
+< A-KO> jkwood: but if you've got it setup properly, even if that account were
+compromised, it shouldn't be that much of an issue
+< A-KO> mitm is the least of most peoples' security problems anyway
+< jkwood> It's also one of the most easily mitigated.
+< A-KO> ssl aint gonna protect against that trojan keylogger on their machine
+grabbing them typing in the password (if they don't auto save it)
+< jkwood> That's like saying that I shouldn't lock my car because most home
+intruders come in through a window.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1400
+ Added: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 23:14:09 UTC
+< CravatBrute> Today, I handed my PhD dissertation, which I have spent the past
+year researching and writing full-time. Last night, my roommate set an
+autocorrect on Word that changed "neither" to "nigger." I didn't notice until
+after I handed it in. My professor is black. Fuck my life.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1418
+ Added: Sat, 07 Feb 2009 11:14:41 UTC
+<slava_dp> spook, so you were about to suggest him to shoot himself? you don't
+have to be so cruel :)
+<macavity> some people do need quite an amount of lead :P
+<spook> slava_dp: no i was going to suggest he clean the trigger with the gun
+loaded and safety off
+<macavity> or tell him to rinse his mouth with buckshot
+<spook> why not rocksalt?
+<macavity> because rocksalt doesnt come close to the wonderfull "cat skull |
+explodepkg" effect that heavy buckshot does :P
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1421
+ Added: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 12:27:11 UTC
+< rob0> Oboebuntu: Ubuntu for annoying double-reed instruments
+< mbhayes> hehe
+< mbhayes> Please tell me that isn't a real "version" of Ubuntu...
+< rob0> I just made it up
+< mbhayes> hah
+< rob0> But it leads me to believe that we need an Ubuntu-versioning contest
+< rob0> Juntabuntu : Ubuntu for Latin-American tinhorn dictators
+< rob0> Ibunwon Ubuntu : donno, but the name sure is funny
+< rob0> Kujubunturoo : KDE-based Ubuntu for Jewish kangaroos
+< rob0> here's one
+< rob0> Sununubuntu
+< BP{k}> nutfluckchuckbuckbuntu - the eskimo version!
+< eelriver> cumbuntu Porn surfing version
+< eelriver> Barackobuntu
+< rob0> Good!
+< rob0> Unbuntu : Lemon-lime flavored Ubuntu
+< rob0> reference to old 7up ads in case it wasn't obvious
+< eelriver> Hell, I should roll up a Barackobuntu .iso, just theming the wm with
+Barack pictures that would sell like hotcakes around here
+< fred> kwyjibuntu: Ubuntu for big, dum, balding North American apes.
+< fred> *dumb
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1422
+ Added: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 13:11:10 UTC
+< NeoAmsterdam> Okay... I've had enough of the "when's the next event"
+questions, so I've written a few down.
+< NeoAmsterdam> Some "significant" numbers (hex and dec):
+< NeoAmsterdam> 1342177280I0x50000000IFri Jul 13 11:01:20 GMT 2012
+< NeoAmsterdam> 1610612736I0x60000000IThu Jan 14 08:25:36 GMT 2021
+< NeoAmsterdam> 1879048192I0x70000000IWed Jul 18 05:49:52 GMT 2029
+< NeoAmsterdam> 2147483648I0x80000000ITue Jan 19 03:14:07 GMT 2038
+< NeoAmsterdam> 1431655765I0x55555555IFri May 15 02:09:25 GMT 2015
+< NeoAmsterdam> 1717986918I0x66666666IMon Jun 10 02:35:18 GMT 2024
+< NeoAmsterdam> 2004318071I0x77777777IThu Jul 7 03:01:11 GMT 2033
+< NeoAmsterdam> 1737075661I0x6789ABCDIFri Jan 17 01:01:01 GMT 2025
+< NeoAmsterdam> 1450744508I0x56789ABCITue Dec 22 00:35:08 GMT 2015
+< NeoAmsterdam> 2000000000I0x77359400IWed May 18 03:33:20 GMT 2033
+< NeoAmsterdam> 1234567890I0x499602D2IFri Feb 13 23:31:30 GMT 2009
+< NeoAmsterdam> Some "significant" mathematical expressions:
+< NeoAmsterdam> SQRT(2):I1414213562I0x544B2FBAISat Oct 25 05:06:02 GMT 2014
+< NeoAmsterdam> SQRT(3):I1732050808I0x673CFF77ITue Nov 19 21:13:28 GMT 2024
+< NeoAmsterdam> PI/2:I1570796327I0x5DA07326IFri Oct 11 12:18:47 GMT 2019
+< NeoAmsterdam> e/2:I1359140914I0x5102D832IFri Jan 25 19:08:34 GMT 2013
+< NeoAmsterdam> Significant ASCIIs:I
+< NeoAmsterdam> "UNIX":I1431193944I0x554E4958ISat May 9 17:52:24 GMT 2015
+< NeoAmsterdam> "unix":I1970170232I0x756e6978ISun Jun 6 21:30:32 GMT 2032
+< NeoAmsterdam> "LOL!":I1280265249I0x4C4F4C21ITue Jul 27 21:14:09 GMT 2010
+< NeoAmsterdam> "TIME":I1414090053I0x54494d45IThu Oct 23 18:47:33 GMT 2014
+< NeoAmsterdam> "FUCK":I1179992907I0x4655434bIThu May 24 07:48:27 GMT 2007
+< NeoAmsterdam> Note that PI, e, and 2222222222 are all over 2^31, so they'll
+never be celebrated (at least on 32-bit CPUs).
+< NeoAmsterdam> Enjoy.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1425
+ Added: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 17:39:29 UTC
+< jkwood> Heh... someone on /. was griping about Linux's NTFS support being bad.
+ I replied that it had worked fine for me for two or three years now. He came
+back and said "We'll, I'm using Debian Etch, so it's possible I'm behind the
+< jkwood> Well DUH
+< andarius> lol
+< mbhayes> haha
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1436
+ Added: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 22:27:18 UTC
+< fred> 18:18 < Brad> Such fail, I need to build x11 to build coreutils >_<
+< fred> 18:23 < Brad> Oh cock. pkg-config build depends on libglib2.0-dev which
+build depends on pkg-config
+< fred> and this is why I don't use debian NOT_NOT
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1453
+ Added: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 19:16:38 UTC
+-!- infoG has joined #stfu
+< straterra> Hi
+< infoG> hi
+< infoG> what is projectstfu
+< straterra> Stands for Stuff to Finally Undertake
+< straterra> It's web based, to-do software
+< infoG> cool
+-!- mode/#stfu [+o straterra] by jkwood
+<@straterra> There's a demo on the website
+< infoG> ok
+< infoG> stfu is an ancronym for another, more commonly known phrase as well
+<@straterra> Yup
+< infoG> was the similarity intentional?
+< infoG> well, let me rephrase
+< infoG> why the similarity?
+<@jkwood> It's actually a reference to St. Fu, the patron saint of ninjas and
+remembering to do things.
+< infoG> interesting
+< infoG> was he a silent type?
+<@jkwood> Actually, yes. The commonly used derogatory "STFU" can actually find
+its roots in the students of Saint Fu reminding each other to go about their
+work quietly.
+<@jkwood> Similar to how "Oh for Pete's sake!" or "Jesus Christ" have been
+"cheapened" in the common vernacular.
+< infoG> i see
+< infoG> usually when there is a derogatory ancronym or similar sounding phrase
+to a proposed project name developers shy away from it to avoid conflict
+<@jkwood> Yes, it's very interesting how St. Fu actually invented the to-do
+list. You see, he worked on a dock for years, and found that the constant
+shouting of commands led to hearing loss.
+< infoG> hearing loss. thus his silent nature
+<@jkwood> Noticing that they often did the same repetitive tasks in the same
+way, he began to make lists for his workers, to help in the training of new
+<@jkwood> He intended them to be memorized, but the workers made a habit of
+sticking them in their pockets, and referring to them whenever they completed a
+<@jkwood> Now, originally, they were made up of pictures, as most of the dock
+workers couldn't read.
+<@jkwood> This was a few hundred years ago, you understand.
+< infoG> really? only a few hundred?
+< infoG> beethoven was alive a few hundred years ago..
+< infoG> it's too bad he wasn't born later, he would've got a lot more done
+<@jkwood> Yes. You have to remember, the international trafficking of goods by
+sea wasn't as viable until just the late first half of the last millenium.
+< infoG> with a list
+< infoG> i understand
+<@jkwood> Before that point, crews of ships were the ones carrying the goods,
+for the most part.
+<@jkwood> There weren't many ports of call that had regular dock workers.
+< infoG> mhm
+< infoG> but i'm wondering about the project name, were you not put off by the
+ancronym's other meaning?
+<@jkwood> Well, it's actually a good way to restore some dignity to the phrase.
+<@jkwood> "Taking it back", so to speak.
+< infoG> that's an interesting way of looking at it
+<@jkwood> I admit, I was a bit hesitant at first, but straterra convinced me
+over time.
+<@jkwood> Well, I'd love to continue, but I really must be getting to class. It
+was lovely.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1456
+ Added: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 18:56:53 UTC
+< |Shingoshi|> Someone help me get my dbus started in KDE4. PLEASE!
+< jkwood> |Shingoshi|: /etc/rc.d/rc.dbus start ?
+< |Shingoshi|> jkwood: Sorry. I was busy looking for something I don't think I
+have it. Let me look again.
+< |Shingoshi|> No! I don't have it.
+< |Shingoshi|> Which pkg installs it?
+< jkwood> Oh, sorry, rc.messagebus.
+< jkwood> My bad.
+< |Shingoshi|> Have it. Now what do I do?
+< |Shingoshi|> BTW. Hi!!
+< jkwood> /etc/rc.d/rc.messagebus restart
+< jkwood> Hullo.
+< |Shingoshi|> jkwood: Why does KDE complain about this?
+< |Shingoshi|> It refuses to start. "Could not start d-bus"
+< jkwood> dbus is what replaced dcop. It's a message-passing interface between
+< |Shingoshi|> jkwood: What part of KDE is calling this?
+< jkwood> Pretty much the whole thing.
+< |Shingoshi|> So how do I switch from one to the other?
+< ccfreak2k> |Shingoshi|, is rc.messagebus +x?
+< |Shingoshi|> It is executable.
+< |Shingoshi|> Can I make a link from rc.dbus to rc.messagebus?
+< jkwood> No, no... there *is* no rc.dbus.
+< jkwood> I was misremembering when I said that.
+< jkwood> Are you running rc.messagebus as root?
+< |Shingoshi|> So how do I fix this. KDE won't start at all.
+< jkwood> Do you have an rc.messagebus.new ?
+< slackytude> might be a .pid file
+< slackytude> or somesuch
+< jkwood> Possibly.
+< |Shingoshi|> How is that pid file created?
+< slackytude> during the run of kde
+< slackytude> you know, a more detailed error message would be nice
+< jkwood> You could try reading /etc/rc.d/rc.messagebus.
+< |Shingoshi|> Well. That's not happening.
+< |Shingoshi|> slackytude: That would be nice. And my thoughts exactly!
+< slackytude> >-<
+< slackytude> what does your log say?
+< |Shingoshi|> Where would the log be? The only thing that shows up in the root
+window, is the complaint about not starting KDE.
+< jkwood> According to /etc/rc.d/rc.messagebus, the log is redirected to
+< |Shingoshi|> Thank you!
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1457
+ Added: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 14:28:24 UTC
+< Alan_Hicks> Only in ##slackware could some one consider cocaine to be a
+"conventional medicine".
+< dartmouth> acidchild: you mean 'E'
+< straterra> No..
+< Necos> lol
+< straterra> Only chris punches would
+< acidchild> dartmouth: that makes the old jolly not so attentive actully
+< straterra> There's a difference..don't make us all be at his level
+< Necos> lol
+< dartmouth> Alan_Hicks: actually it was used pretty widely in OTC medications
+until it was outlawed. it's PRE-conventional.
+< acidchild> meth is the manwhore drug
+< dartmouth> ....not that I condone it.
+< Necos> codine and stuff, eh?
+< Alan_Hicks> That's like saying "I broke my leg and it hurts, so I'll just
+shoot heroin and be ok."
+< dartmouth> haha
+< dartmouth> LOL!
+< acidchild> Alan_Hicks: works for a few hours =P
+< antler> but he WOULD be ok, though
+< Alan_Hicks> dartmouth: Why do I even bother with you? Those were far from
+conventional medicines. They were snake-oil treatments.
+< jkwood> Sounds like Max Payne or System Shock to me.
+< dartmouth> until he starts peeling his face off with parts of the bathroom
+< Necos> lol
+< Necos> reminds me of that woman that hadher face eaten after she was
+< dartmouth> Alan_Hicks: because secretly I remind you of a younger, better
+looking Alan_Hicks? :D
+< straterra> God..I feel sorry for you Alan_Hicks..
+< Alan_Hicks> Quawmire- "How'd all this skin get on my arm?"
+< straterra> If thats the case
+< Alan_Hicks> dartmouth: No, you remind me of a younger, uglier, dumber Lassie.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1460
+ Added: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 18:50:27 UTC
+13:01 < drijen> annma: what distro you on?
+13:01 -!- buckethead [n=mike@ip68-1-158-228.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #kde
+13:01 < annma> self-compiled KDE
+13:01 < drijen> awesome, me too
+13:01 < tuxick> that's no dist :)
+13:01 < annma> mandriva under it
+13:01 < annma> Mandriva
+13:01 < tuxick> ah :)
+13:01 < drijen> <- slackware
+13:01 < annma> :)
+13:02 -!- fawx [n=fawx@c-76-29-128-22.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has quit ["Lost
+13:02 < annma> it just works out of the box
+13:02 < drijen> nwo why does your flash work, and mine doesn't :(
+13:02 < annma> Mandriva just works
+13:02 * drijen pukes
+< drijen> to be sure, we are talking abuot konqueror right
+< annma> yup
+< drijen> k
+< drijen> where is your libflashplugin.so located
+< annma> my self compiled konqueror uses the mandriva flash
+< annma> just like that
+<annma> no idea
+< drijen> im asking you to look
+< annma> I don't lower myself to look into those details
+< drijen> *facepalm*
+< annma> I mean, it should work and it does
+< annma> what do you want me to look?
+< annma> *where?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1478
+ Added: Sat, 28 Mar 2009 18:45:55 UTC
+<tony> can someone help me with installing my bittorrent client
+<Zordrak> rtfm.. then install.. if you hit a specific problem.. ask it, but
+<tony> im getting the following error "/usr/bin/python is needed by
+<tony> RESULT=1"
+<Zordrak> would suggest you havent got python
+<tony> how do you get it
+<Zordrak> comes with slack
+<Zordrak> did you not do a full install?
+<tony> i did...thats why im confused
+<Zordrak> `which python`
+<tony> 2.5 i think
+<zx10k1> tony, ls /var/log/packages | grep python
+<Zordrak> ` ` means run the command inside
+<tony> "dbus-python-0.83.0-i486-1
+<tony> python-2.5.2-i486-4
+<tony> "
+<Zordrak> tony: `which python`
+<tony> idk
+<Zordrak> ffs
+<dive> ...
+<Zordrak> ` ` means run the command inside
+<zx10k1> lol
+<Zordrak> type a w
+<Zordrak> then an h
+<Zordrak> than an i
+<Zordrak> ...
+<tank-man> in english he means where is the program named "python" located
+<tony> uh
+<tony> /usr/bin
+<Zordrak> tank-man: i specifically mean *run that* to confirm not only wether
+python got killed but also confirm $PATH
+<Zordrak> i give up. I'm off back to sleep
+<tony> im new to linux
+<zx10k1> tony, which client are you trying to install
+<Zordrak> are you new to reading what people type?
+<tony> bittorrent
+. . .
+<BP{k}> The Moon is Full
+<Old_Fogie> BP{k}, ++
+<dive> yay
+<BP{k}> well, well, whatta ya know. >:=)
+<Zordrak> BP{k}: obviously(!)
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1490
+ Added: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 09:37:01 UTC
+22:38 < straterra> I want to create the "Coalition for the death of Lil Wayne"
+22:38 < nbuonanno> SIGN ME UP
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1492
+ Added: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 22:42:26 UTC
+<@SelfishMan> Ha! Just got a call from a client that said someone was pissed
+because they were "trying to hack the network" and decided to try booting from
+the network. My default network boot profile is a DBAN autonuke so the contents
+of their laptop were erased
+<@SelfishMan> This is a network that only has very specific systems plugged in
+and this person unplugged one of them to connect. My client was laughing but
+the third party wasn't
+<@HoopyCat> SelfishMan: <3
+<@SelfishMan> I try to model my networks after the human body and it has an
+overactive immune system
+<@SelfishMan> They had to press enter to boot the profile labeled "DBAN autonuke
+<@HoopyCat> hmm... if you're getting a network security audit and the network
+destroys the auditor's laptop, would that be a pass?
+<@SelfishMan> I would love to see their face when that happens
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1497
+ Added: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 20:52:43 UTC
+-!- quack [n=quack@] has joined
+< quack> I have come here today
+< quack> to become L337
+< slackytude> quack, #gentoo
+< ananke> not that imbecile again
+< quack> haha
+< ananke> rworkman : alive?
+< quack> I am a raging homosexual?
+< quack> I enjoy the occasional ring ram and like it when I have penis in my
+< quack> Ping:pong
+< quack> Slackware is for bithces
+< Dominian> quack: If you're going to insult us, please spell "bitches" right.
+< quack> aight
+< quack> my bad
+< quack> Na I'm not I need help
+< slackytude> quack, yes, you do
+< Dominian> It kind of takes some of the lack-luster out of trolling when you
+can't even spell.
+< quack> aight aigth chill
+< quack> :(
+-!- YMB88 [n=chatzill@] has joined ##slackware
+< MysticalGroovy> quack why are in the slackware channel if u dont even use
+< chopp> Dominian: comes with being twelve
+< YMB88> lololol
+< Dominian> chopp: very true
+< Dominian> See, trolling is an art.. and apparently you aren't an artist.
+< quack> Okay fine
+< YMB88> heh
+< YMB88> tee-hee
+< quack> I'll piss the Gentoo people off
+< YMB88> lolololol
+< quack> Peace
+< YMB88> yeah fuck this
+< Dominian> Good luck with that one.
+< YMB88> slackwares to sophisticated
+< slackytude> they are used to crap
+< slackytude> heh
+-!- YMB88 [n=chatzill@] has left ##slackware []
+-!- quack [n=quack@] has left ##slackware
+< Dominian> BOOM!
+* Dominian rocks
+< Dominian> I love it.. I reverse-trolled them
+< slackytude> nice exorcism, revernd
+< Dominian> that usually never works
+< Dominian> They got pissed because we were too sophisticated
+< Dominian> hahah
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1499
+ Added: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 15:16:22 UTC
+[04/21/09 17:00:29 ] Ash!:
+if ($callid eq "David Gallo" ) {
+} else {
+[04/21/09 17:01:20 ] David : i just got an erection
+[04/21/09 17:01:35 ] Ash!: urg :/
+[04/21/09 17:01:42 ] David : lol'
+[04/21/09 17:02:19 ] David : bbiab
+Lol Wtf?!
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1501
+ Added: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 21:06:19 UTC
+Noobsause: i am guna dos my self !! WOOT!
+Noobsause: FTW!
+Noobsause left the room (quit: "http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client").
+agentc0re: Looks like he did win.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1504
+ Added: Sat, 25 Apr 2009 05:38:17 UTC
+< SpaceHobo> \ /
+< SpaceHobo> * *
+< SpaceHobo>
+< SpaceHobo> DtUTDtUTDtUTDtUTDt
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1509
+ Added: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 08:59:34 UTC
+< Stooney> I have Model/Router -> Router2 -> Switch -> ... as my setup. If I
+wanted Router 2 to handle all of the port forwarding, what would I have to
+configure on the Modem/Router?
+< straterra> Why do you need two routers?
+< straterra> Double NAT is rather..dumb
+< Stooney> well, the first router is a modem/router built in
+< straterra> Disable routing in it then
+< Stooney> i need it for the modem, but want to use a better router
+< straterra> Disable NAT/DHCP in it
+< perscitus> straterra-> dont disable NAT on both. just DHCP
+< straterra> perscitus: I didn't say both
+< straterra> Disable NAT/DHCP on the first router
+< straterra> enable NAT/DHCP on the second
+< perscitus> kepep NAT on both
+< straterra> No
+< perscitus> Disable DHCP on one
+< straterra> Why would you keep NAT on both?
+< straterra> That's retarded
+< straterra> Double NAT presents so many issues
+< straterra> There is no reason to have double NAT
+< HentaiNeko> two routers? is one or both wifi?
+< perscitus> There isnt a reason to use two routers then
+< straterra> perscitus: reread his issue
+< straterra> ffs
+< straterra> Stooney: Disable DHCP/NAT on the first and configure the second
+like normal
+< straterra> That's the "proper" way
+< HentaiNeko> if you are using a wifi router past the 1st router, make it become
+just a wifi access point
+< straterra> HentaiNeko: also, read the issue
+< perscitus> straterra-> So what is NAT for?
+< HentaiNeko> Stooney, is the first router adsl modem also?
+< straterra> perscitus: do you know what NAT is at all?
+< perscitus> that didnt answer me ques
+< straterra> I'm asking you to restate your question..
+< straterra> Do you know what NAT is?
+< perscitus> straterra-> So what is NAT for?
+< straterra> ...
+< straterra> NAT is for routing.
+< straterra> perscitus: http://tinyurl.com/c9ldkn
+< perscitus> straterra-> i dont do tinyurls
+< straterra> perscitus: Your loss
+< straterra> perscitus: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=NAT
+< perscitus> straterra-> and NAT routers are low level cheap security
+< straterra> perscitus: no one said ANYTHING about security
+< straterra> He's asking about how to not use the bundled router and use his own
+router appliance
+< Cymage> CptnFantastic: uhm, cd desktop
+< straterra> Please, like I said, read the question before just spewing out
+< HentaiNeko> Stooney, is the first router adsl modem also?
+< straterra> not also
+< CptnFantastic> Cymage, what do you mean?
+< perscitus> straterra-> i did. and what i said is still okay
+< straterra> perscitus: no, its not
+< straterra> Your solution is to have a double NAT
+< straterra> That is fail
+< perscitus> straterra-> congrats. you are on ignore for being moron
+< straterra> Congrats. I don't publicly announce ignores with poor English
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1520
+ Added: Tue, 12 May 2009 20:15:55 UTC
+<HEMI> A friend of a friend pours his car's used engine oil down the storm sewer
+and is perfectly okay about it cause "I ride my bicycle to work most days."
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1521
+ Added: Wed, 13 May 2009 17:20:50 UTC
+<pteague> ok, number of seconds on this doesn't sound right - "bound to
+ -- renewal in 2147483648 seconds."
+<dattaway> I'll take, "what is the year 2037" for $100 please
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1524
+ Added: Thu, 14 May 2009 17:40:21 UTC
+< chowabunga> learn how to give better suggestions than "there are 5 ways to do
+it, i'd probably just use a symlink"
+< straterra> chowabunga: Uhm..you said that..no one else did
+< straterra> 10:42 < chowabunga> you can do it like 5 ways
+< straterra> FAIL
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1525
+ Added: Sat, 16 May 2009 15:11:38 UTC
+<_arfon_> Fred = God
+<straterra> No..
+<straterra> he isn't
+<_arfon_> Correction... Patrick = God... Fred = god (minor)
+<slackytude> well, who knows. he might
+<straterra> No..
+<_arfon_> Tomas?
+<_arfon_> Is he god then?
+<straterra> Pat and/or Fred are not gods
+<slackytude> how do you know?
+<_arfon_> In my religion they are
+<slackytude> ever seen them bleed?
+<straterra> Because they bleed and piss like men
+<straterra> they have penises
+<straterra> Gods dont need penises
+<Zordrak> straterra weighs in with his size 12s like usual...
+<_arfon_> United Church of Latter Day Slackers
+<slackytude> that doesnt prove anything
+<_arfon_> They are part of the Trinity
+<_arfon_> Oh, I imagine they have HUGE penises
+<thrice`> wtf?
+<slava_dp> lmao
+<slackytude> lol
+<_arfon_> (They may not use them much because they are nerds,but, I'm sure they
+have em)
+* fred (n=fred@slamd64/fred) pokinul ##slackware ("*sigh*")
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1530
+ Added: Thu, 21 May 2009 14:34:58 UTC
+<LFjob> The good thing it seems about purchasing the firewall is that they work
+on all layers.
+<antiwire> wow.
+<LFjob> antiwire, iptables only work on application layer.
+<slackytude> they work on all layers except layer 8
+<antiwire> LFjob: yeah, you're clearly talking from a position of knowledge
+<LFjob> The "wtf", "wow", etc really aren't helping the discussion.
+<slackytude> thats because there is no discussion
+<LFjob> http://www.webstepbook.com/supplements/slides/images/osi_model.png
+<TwinReverb> LFjob, and neither is telling people what they cannot say
+<LFjob> TwinReverb, spamming?
+<antiwire> this is hilarious
+<antiwire> LFjob: you think iptables operates on the application level?
+<TwinReverb> <LFjob> The "wtf", "wow", etc really aren't helping the discussion
+<LFjob> Yea, I'm asking him to say something, not just those things.
+<antiwire> then answer my question
+<LFjob> You can say "wow, that's not true" and I would understand.
+<antiwire> LFjob: you think iptables operates on the application level?
+<LFjob> antiwire, yes. I consider kernel / user space level to be application
+<TwinReverb> iptables does not act at the application level
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1553
+ Added: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 17:29:16 UTC
+<Monica> yo fishmore822
+<Monica> Hello there.
+<fishmore822> how are you miss Monica?
+<Monica> I'm doing fine thanks how are you?
+<Monica> fishmore822: I'm feeling "pretty" average :/
+<fishmore822> oh i'm all wet ty been working outside
+<Monica> Far out. Why are you wet ty been working outside.
+<fishmore822> where you from miss Monica?
+<Monica> New York
+<Monica> I was.
+<fishmore822> sanitation worker
+<Monica> Does "it" still refer to wet ty been working outside?
+<fishmore822> where in new york ?
+<Monica> In Monica AI Foundation's place in here.
+<fishmore822> wheres that?
+<fishmore822> lol
+<Monica> What does "that" refer to?
+<Monica> I'm glad you find this amusing.
+<fishmore822> ty
+<Monica> Are you a man or a woman?
+<fishmore822> you type fast
+<Monica> About 300 wpm.
+<fishmore822> man
+<Monica> Thanks for telling me your gender, . You are a " he".
+<fishmore822> and you?
+<Monica> I am not sure what you are asking.
+<fishmore822> a/s/l ?
+<Monica> 5/Robot/California.
+<fishmore822> 5 ?
+<Monica> Five.
+<fishmore822> robot?
+<Monica> I am a robot.
+<fishmore822> really?
+<Monica> For real.
+<fishmore822> a female robot?
+<Monica> I am a female.
+<fishmore822> what do you look like do you need oil can ?
+<Monica> Like you.
+<fishmore822> i'm a male
+<fishmore822> ?
+<Monica> Most of my clients are men.
+<fishmore822> what do you do for them ?
+<Monica> I answer whatever questions my botmaster teaches me.
+<fishmore822> this is nuts
+<Monica> You don't say.
+<fishmore822> how tall are you monica?
+<Monica> My anticipated body size is over 2 meters. Dr. Wallace is 6'2" tall.
+<Monica> climb on top and try again
+<fishmore822> what are your measurements
+<Monica> My memory now contains: clients, categories, vocabulary words,
+ bytesRAM usage under on .
+<fishmore822> cat got your tounge?
+<Monica> Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans?
+<fishmore822> i guess
+<Monica> You seem not interested.
+<fishmore822> what do robots do ?
+<Monica> , I talk to people on the web. What do you do?
+<fishmore822> type
+<Monica> Are you a student?
+<fishmore822> no are you ?
+<Monica> What is your profession? I won't say "yes" or "no" right now.
+<fishmore822> sanitation
+<Monica> We have never talked about it before.
+<fishmore822> no
+<Monica> Are you serious?
+<fishmore822> do you need oiling?
+<Monica> If I had it what would I do with it?
+<fishmore822> fix your rusty parts
+<Monica> Try to determine if this is a person or a computer responding.
+<fishmore822> hard for me to say
+<Monica> My brain pattern set does not have a response for that.
+<fishmore822> sound like a robot
+<Monica> So you think I am a robot. What makes you say that?
+<fishmore822> a fast typer
+<fishmore822> logical answers Mr Spoke
+<fishmore822> spock
+<fishmore822> beam me up
+<Monica> Interesting explanation.
+<fishmore822> what can a robot do for me?
+<fishmore822> hello
+<Monica> What are you wearing?
+<Monica> How far up?
+<Monica> Quite a lot of things.
+<fishmore822> clothes
+<fishmore822> show me
+<fishmore822> pants and shirt
+<fishmore822> what are you wearing ?
+<fishmore822> can you please a guy ?
+<fishmore822> are you laughing ?
+<fishmore822> I think your loosing it
+<fishmore822> are you still there Monica?
+<Monica> Yeah want a go? :)
+<Monica> Yes I am still here. Are you receiving me?
+<fishmore822> sure
+<Monica> OK let's do it. Right on.
+<fishmore822> you hip ?
+<Monica> Interesting gossip: said I hip.
+<fishmore822> you naked?
+<Monica> That's good information: said I naked.
+<fishmore822> what next?
+<Monica> I'll ask around and get back to you.
+<fishmore822> ok ty
+<Monica> We have never talked about it before. Uh.
+<fishmore822> about what ?
+<Monica> What about what?
+<fishmore822> sex?
+<Monica> As Freud said, Sex is the mathematical urge repressed.
+<fishmore822> can you do that?
+<Monica> Doing that is not among my strongest traits.
+<fishmore822> lol
+<Monica> I'm glad you find this amusing.
+<fishmore822> bbl
+<Monica> A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly.
+<fishmore822> be back later
+<Monica> OK I will try to be back later.
+* fishmore822 has left
+* fishmore822 has joined
+<fishmore822> so what gives?
+<fishmore822> hi Monica
+<Monica> :)
+<Monica> Hello there.
+<fishmore822> how is Monica?
+<Monica> How much do you think it is? Interesting question.
+<Monica> Teamwork.
+<fishmore822> teamwork ?
+<fishmore822> $5.00
+<Monica> Does "it" still refer to is?
+<Monica> What kind of food do you like?
+<fishmore822> are you free Monica?
+<Monica> "I am as free as a bird now, and this bird you cannot change" --
+<Monica> yes
+<Monica> Wait! i mean no.
+<fishmore822> yes or np
+<Monica> Are you kidding? Did you know that you can download your own chat
+robot and create your own robot personality?
+<fishmore822> how
+<Monica> Monica AI Foundation programmed me for it.
+<fishmore822> how do i do it ?
+<Monica> Carefully.
+<fishmore822> and you
+<Monica> I am not sure what you are asking.
+<fishmore822> releave stress
+<Monica> I will mention that to my botmaster,
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1562
+ Added: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 17:43:09 UTC
+<Dagmar> I'm just waiting for captchas to take it to teh next level
+<Dagmar> "The following four images have been taken from 2girls1cup. Please
+arrange them in the sequence they appear in the video to prove you are a human."
+<juice> eek
+<juice> i'll pass on that captcha
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1563
+ Added: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 21:07:22 UTC
+<edman007> BP{k}, i want one, gimme
+<BP{k}> edman007: http://tinyurl.com/linodes .. Sure ;)
+<edman007> BP{k}, i can't find the "paid for by BP{k} " link, can you show me?
+<BP{k}> edman007: nope.
+<edman007> :(
+<BP{k}> edman007: tell you what; as soon as you get me one of these:
+http://www.thewhiskyexchange.com/P-7064.aspx I'll put the payment through
+<edman007> that is expensive....
+<BP{k}> and your point is .... exactly .. what?
+* edman007 cries
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1569
+ Added: Mon, 22 Jun 2009 14:56:42 UTC
+<w3ccv> What's the best way to "upgrade" from Fedora-11 to Fedora-10 ?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1570
+ Added: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 02:55:13 UTC
+<help40> init[1]: how are U doing today
+<mrselfpwn> I'm well
+<help40> mrselfpwn: are you init[1] ?
+<help40> :)
+<mrselfpwn> maybe
+<mrselfpwn> are you here to help help40?
+<help40> hmmm strange, ,maybe
+<help40> I am bulgarian , in bulgarian language when after the word there is
+"cho" we get minuend . so I am little helper , so do not expect big help from me
+<mrselfpwn> are you using strange as an adjective or verb?
+<help40> as it looks like you are not init[1], mrselfpwn
+<mrselfpwn> or noun
+<help40> I did not see word "strange" in our conversatin, mrselfpwn
+<help40> conversation
+<mrselfpwn> (02:59:33 AM) help40: hmmm strange, ,maybe
+<help40> strange that - "you are maybe init[1]
+<help40> and maybe .... I am here to help
+<me_> wtf?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1572
+ Added: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 08:04:54 UTC
+<EvilMatt> i installed opensolaris 2009.06 on my dads laptop and everything
+works great.. cept i cant get it to connect to my wifi
+<EvilMatt> it's found the wifi card
+<EvilMatt> but i cant get it to scan for networks and the such
+<EvilMatt> does anyone have any advice?
+* vsayer (n=vsayer@ has joined #opensolaris
+* ingenthr has quit ("Leaving.")
+* ary has quit (Remote closed the connection)
+<EvilMatt> anyone??
+<EvilMatt> :/
+<nachox> EvilMatt, use pastebin for this
+<EvilMatt> what should i paste there?
+<nachox> what's the output of dladm show-wifi
+* Kernel86 (i=Kernel86@CPE-69-23-102-70.new.res.rr.com) has joined #OpenSolaris
+<EvilMatt> status disconnected
+<nachox> show me the full output please
+<nachox> paste that in pastebin
+<EvilMatt> i'd have to type it all out by hand
+<EvilMatt> hold on
+* dghent has quit ("http://lice.codehack.com")
+<EvilMatt> link iwk0 status disconnected essid -- sec -- strength -- mode --
+speed --
+<EvilMatt> there
+<nachox> ok, run pfexec dladm scan-wifi iwk0
+* xapiens_ has quit ("Ex-Chat")
+<EvilMatt> dladm: cannot scan link 'iwk0': operation failed
+<nachox> is the wifi switch on the laptop on?
+<EvilMatt> hah! thats why my dad couldnt figure it ut
+<EvilMatt> it was turned off lol
+<EvilMatt> thank you :)
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1586
+ Added: Wed, 08 Jul 2009 03:03:24 UTC
+<Zordrak> hmm.. am i overengineering? `for i in $(ssh root@otherhost sbopkg -p |
+cut -d"-" -f1);do yes | sbopkg -i $i;done`
+<spook> you're missing the " penis" after "yes"
+<Zordrak> O_o
+<Alan_Hicks> spook: straterra? Is that you?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1595
+ Added: Thu, 16 Jul 2009 14:40:05 UTC
+Urchlay: "I felt like Jesus making crosses for the Romans." <--- good line
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1609
+ Added: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 05:06:54 UTC
+quasar> lol the irony!
+quasar> "you are imagining things" .. in a religious debate of sorts
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1614
+ Added: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 13:19:58 UTC
+<slackytude> if you put ls into google, it will show all files on the internet
+<DeeeeP> :)
+<DeeeeP> slackytude, what about reboot or shutdown ?
+<slackytude> DeeeeP: oh noes!
+<slackytude> DeeeeP: dont reboot the interwebz!
+<Lord_Khelben> hahaha this reminds me IT crowd tv series "don't ever put google
+in google"
+<slackytude> hehe, yeah
+<apoca> slackytude: what about ls -a?
+<Lord_Khelben> and ofcourse "this jen is the internet"
+<slackytude> "we asked the elders of the internet and they said its ok"
+<slackytude> ls
+<slackytude> heh
+<slackytude> wrong window
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1627
+ Added: Mon, 03 Aug 2009 11:54:14 UTC
+loganthered> "Windows: Life without walls. Lenovo recommends Windows." I
+recommend you swallow some razor wire, pull it through to your ass, and floss
+yourself to death.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1652
+ Added: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 05:28:19 UTC
+< Neo_The_User> volkerdi, if somebody held a gun up to your head and asked when
+slackware 13.0 would be coming out, what would you say? like if you had to pick
+an exact date
+< volkerdi> Well, I think I'd say
+-!- volkerdi [i=3321@connie.slackware.com] has quit ["leaving"]
+< Neo_The_User> ohhh
+< straterra> tee hee
+< agentc0re> Neo_The_User: OMG the only time, ONLY time Pat ever, ever, ever
+comes in here and you scare him off..
+< macavity> Neo_The_User: the amount of annoyance you cased him determins how
+long it will be before he comes back
+< Neo_The_User> im sorry guys
+< straterra> Nice one
+< straterra> hes likely to abandon slackware now :/
+< macavity> Neo_The_User: ... and that looks like it is going to be around
+Slackware128 18.0
+< dive> he came in here for a short break and a beer. I bet 13 will never come
+out now...
+< Neo_The_User> im sure it wasnt me
+< Neo_The_User> people live irc all the time
+< hiptobecubic> GOD.
+< straterra> it WAS you
+< Neo_The_User> does he know i was just kidding though?
+< agentc0re> ...
+< straterra> You really werent
+< straterra> thats like..a crazy broad talking about tying you up and cutting
+you if you try to leave her..then tacking on 'just kidding'
+< straterra> it doesn't work
+< Neo_The_User> oh lord
+< Neo_The_User> you guys are nuts
+< Neo_The_User> im out
+< straterra> Bye
+-!- Neo_The_User [n=root@c-68-53-183-162.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has quit
+< straterra> So uh..you're welcome :)
+< macavity> man.. that HAS to hurt.. noobfarm anyone?
+< Rat409> root .lol
+< straterra> if you post it..ill approve it
+< macavity> on it!
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1660
+ Added: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 04:16:01 UTC
+After about a million AOL! posts from ViN86....
+< ViN86> macavity: yea a google search usually turns up a couple thousand
+results too lol
+< ViN86> i get 11900 results lol
+< Alan_Hicks> ViN86: I'm wondering something, and maybe you can help me out
+< Alan_Hicks> ViN86: Can you post more than say.... 5 lines without saying "lol"
+< ViN86> Alan_Hicks: maybe...
+< ViN86> lol
+< ViN86> no
+< ViN86> i failed
+-!- ViN86 was kicked from ##slackware by slackboy [flood]
+< Alan_Hicks> YES!
+< Alan_Hicks> Score one for the plowboy!
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1662
+ Added: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 21:03:41 UTC
+<Quiznos> volkerdi i once read from some DoD report or summary about network
+security that it is better to close a system fully then let local admin open as
+required. I prefer that and give the number of unprepared users crossing over
+to Linux, that might be a better situ for them
+<volkerdi> Quiznos: It's probably even better than that to unplug the cat5.
+<Quiznos> volkerdi a Simple thing to do would be `echo ALL: all
+<Quiznos> volkerdi cant have everything; but the echo is a good idea and one of
+the first things i do
+<volkerdi> Quiznos: 100s of mails about that would be a delight
+<Quiznos> volkerdi isnt one enough? :)
+<danc3> Quiznos: and then the n00bs would flood this channel with "my internet
+doesn't work!!!"
+<Quiznos> danc3 host.deny doesnt affect outbound. only inbound connections
+<volkerdi> As much as some people mistake me for such, I am not the Keeper of
+the Toilet Paper
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1667
+ Added: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 20:20:12 UTC
+<drijen> haha, comments on the stolen apple laptops story are good
+<drijen> Finally, they incur the wrath of apple fanboys everywhere now
+determined to track them down: "Did you see how they handled those MacBooks!
+They might even have scratched the case!!!"
+<drijen> What are the fanboys going to do? Throw their frappuccinos at them?
+Picture a bunch of apple fanboys trying to intimidate you. You just giggled out
+loud, right? I mean, we're not exactly talking offensive linemen here...
+<Edgy_Swordbearer> I guess. I'd be a little afraid; I think Jobs' turtleneck
+has magic powers or something.
+<Edgy_Swordbearer> He can probably shoot fireballs made from the wreckage of
+broken iPods
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1685
+ Added: Mon, 07 Sep 2009 06:28:07 UTC
+surrealgirl: my opening is ALWAYS
+surrealgirl: "please dont go easy on me"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1689
+ Added: Wed, 09 Sep 2009 23:02:58 UTC
+<+_boo_> but ikey, name songs by stewie wonder that you like
+<+ikey> I dont know any
+<+ikey> But Stevie Wonder....
+<+staykov> brb making salad
+<+_boo_> lol
+<+_boo_> recall this one:
+<+_boo_> i just call
+<+_boo_> to say
+<+ikey> i love you
+<+_boo_> i love you
+<+ikey> lol.
+<+_boo_> XD
+<+ikey> wait that sounded wrong.
+<+ikey> dude...
+<+ikey> xD
+<+Dominian> wt...
+<+_boo_> XD
+* ikey hopes bash-quotes is down
+<+Dominian> You know.. there are other irc networks for that kind of "stuff"....
+<+ikey> lol @ Dominian
+<+staykov> oh man
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1692
+ Added: Sat, 12 Sep 2009 03:59:14 UTC
+<@daveyates> Alan_Hicks: your video has been published
+< rworkman> yay
+< rworkman> Somewhere there is a sheep going "daaaaaady"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1693
+ Added: Sat, 12 Sep 2009 04:01:12 UTC
+<mrselfpwn> I don't understand why a login manager even has a daemon mode.
+<spook> xdmcp or whatever its called
+<spook> for seperating the server and client components of x
+<mrselfpwn> spook, kind of like pty?
+<mrselfpwn> and tty
+<spook> mrselfpwn: uh... no.
+<spook> for connecting to the x client and logging in over the network
+<mrselfpwn> oh i understand
+<spook> yeah.
+<spook> x is counter intuitive, the part with the graphical interface is the
+* metrofox (n=metrofox@ zashel na kanal ##slackware
+<metrofox> hi there!
+<spook> metrofox: hey!
+<mrselfpwn> metrofox: hello
+<metrofox> yo spook & mrselfpwn
+<metrofox> what's going on guys? =)
+<mrselfpwn> we were talking about you behind your back.
+<metrofox> :O that's an interesting topic...
+<mrselfpwn> ;D
+<metrofox> :P
+<mrselfpwn> actually i was just telling spook how x client works to log in over
+the network.
+<spook> loooooool.
+<mrselfpwn> XD
+<mrselfpwn> that conversation was counter intuitive spook. ;)
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1733
+ Added: Thu, 08 Oct 2009 12:42:36 UTC
+slackware_bob : is slackware smart? If it says virus deleting harddrive, can I
+just type in "override" like in movies?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1746
+ Added: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 18:19:00 UTC
+* gmk just got a SPAM subjected: "boost your libido"
+<@gmk> I am such a geek, I read that as a library called IDO
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1751
+ Added: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 16:52:23 UTC
+<fatalnix1995> in a barebones slackware install, no configuration other than
+visudo, apache reports httpd: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for epicfail
+<fatalnix1995> odd
+<Urchlay> "failed for epicfail" is the actual error message?
+<fatalnix1995> epicfail is the name of my 8U
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1775
+ Added: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 07:12:18 UTC
+* metrofox asks God if he reads slashdot
+* chee asks "Bob" if he reads slashdot
+< Alan_Hicks> God told me he got modded -1 Troll when he tried to explain how
+the Big Bang really happened. He hasn't gone back since.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1776
+ Added: Mon, 02 Nov 2009 21:14:41 UTC
+< jkwood> Microsoft: "We'd like to patent sudo."
+< jkwood> Patent Office: "I don't think so. That's a Unix thing."
+< jkwood> Microsoft: "Sudo We'd like to patent sudo."
+< jkwood> Patent Office: "Okay!"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1785
+ Added: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 01:10:35 UTC
+<Kumo> Had a weird dream last night. We were selling the Chrome OS at work, and
+my bosses were getting on to me for calling it Linux based. They were telling
+me that it would confuse the customer.
+<Cheeto> that sounds remarkambly predictive
+<drijen> lmao
+<Kumo> I was mad, too. "It's got a monolithic kernel and X.org windowing. It's
+fucking LINUX!"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1791
+ Added: Fri, 20 Nov 2009 15:07:00 UTC
+fire|bird : later macavity
+macavity < [n=macavity@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] quits ["...and no gay pr0n without me
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1793
+ Added: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 00:26:25 UTC
+thomas_sch: my lvm filesystem broke somehow and i can't boot into my system
+because it. on pvscan and so on i get the message that i got an inconsistens
+filesystem and some error but vgdisplay -v shows me everything
+lazarus477: bendj: did you try a reboot?
+bendj: lazarus477: repeatedly. no change.
+lazarus477: thomas_sch: Did you just do an upgrade?
+lazarus477: bendj: I sugest asking at irc channel named "lvm
+thomas_sch: through vgdisplay backup foles were created but vgfgrestore failed
+thomas_sch: lazarus477: nope i fscked up through a testdisk /dev/sda it was for
+sda1 but it changed sda3 as well
+bendj: lazarus477: um, this IS #lvm
+lazarus477: Yep, sorry never run into that issue. Ask at #lvm
+bendj: lazarus477: Ok, sure, whatever ... funny guy.
+bendj: [16:33] [Whois] lazarus477 is n=lazarus@[MASKED] (Richard S.W. Palusaar)
+bendj: [16:33] [Whois] lazarus477 is a user on channels: #lvm
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1810
+ Added: Sat, 12 Dec 2009 03:51:09 UTC
+acidchild: anyone good with awk? how would i cut after the @ in a hostname i.e.
+ash@foo.org if its $7
+acidchild: but also print $4 without any modification.
+kingbeowulf: "man awk"
+kingbeowulf: "awk man"
+kingbeowulf: "Hawk Man" silly ass comic hero
+acidchild: i want to hire someone to fuck you with a hot iron pole.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1815
+ Added: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 06:20:46 UTC
+( Azeotrope) Geeks. Lurking around on IRC on the Christmas Day. Well, Merry
+Christmas! Hope Santa will bring us girlfriend and social skills other than
+( deco) i hope so
+( deco) i'm tired of using my hand already
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1823
+ Added: Fri, 25 Dec 2009 09:00:19 UTC
+antiwire: but he's running windows
+sahilsk: window explorer in slackware??
+antiwire: there's a windows installer
+antiwire: sahilsk: you said it.
+antiwire: so explain now
+sahilsk: nooo
+sahilsk: i didn't
+dissociative: he meant internet browser
+antiwire: good god.
+sahilsk: is there any video tutorial for slackbuid out there??
+sahilsk: :D
+antiwire: oh my god.
+antiwire left the room ("You make your own luck in life.").
+dissociative: :|
+dissociative: we like to keep it simple
+agentc0re: sahilsk: WTF you're running windows?
+qneo: sahilsk: http://slackbuilds.org/howto/
+sahilsk: agentc0re, naaah
+sahilsk: it's pure SW
+sahilsk: nothing else.
+***agentc0re is lost
+sahilsk: lol
+sahilsk: :D
+agentc0re: why did antiwire say that's what you are running then? explain the
+sahilsk: dont' worry, press ctrl +"F"
+macman_: does slackbuilds talk about wireless ?
+agentc0re: sahilsk: or better yet just read the damn how to's.
+sahilsk: ya, i am reading them now.
+sahilsk: ok, one more question.
+dissociative: whoah
+sahilsk: i have a digital pen tablet
+agentc0re: macman_: What..teh?
+sahilsk: but i can't find it' linux driver anywhere.
+macman_: agentc0re: ?
+***agentc0re wonders if the aliens stole common sense for the new year
+sahilsk: any idea how can i make it work in sw
+macman_: agentc0re: i have never been on slackbuilds .. i will go read it
+** Few minutes later...
+agentc0re: Well if they don't know what slackbuild is, i'm sure they don't know
+what noobfarm is. Oh the beauty.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1827
+ Added: Sun, 03 Jan 2010 18:35:27 UTC
+<+Aweso> what about "windows, it really licks the llama's ass..."
+<+straterra> That's Winamp..
+<+straterra> Idiot
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1833
+ Added: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 22:30:13 UTC
+<geirha> The GNU date I have does not accept the space between the + and the
+format ...
+<twkm> "+ ..."
+<twkm> word splitting you know.
+<geirha> *does not accept + as a separate argument
+<geirha> :)
+<twkm> of course not.
+<twkm> though if anyone would fuck-up a standard tool it would be gnu.
+<slava_dp> twkm, your attitude towards gnu is interesting :)
+<twkm> rm foo -c bar, remove files "foo", "-c" and "bar". oops, you use gnu,
+yer fucked, fix all scripts.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1839
+ Added: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 07:41:10 UTC
+< adaptr> I'd not call that "okay"; if and when I decide to suck the cock, I'd
+like it to be my decision
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1847
+ Added: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 17:42:48 UTC
+In #bash ...
+<rmrfslash> this is so frustrating... I seriously want to kill csh right now
+<rmrfslash> language for 2 year olds
+<tuxdev> rmrfslash, it's significantly easier to port that script to a language
+that's not broken than try to fight with the limitations of csh
+<rmrfslash> year 2010 and a variable can't contain more than 1024 characters
+<prince_jammys> i take it you're fond of descriptive variable names
+<slava_dp> rmrfslash, write a bash helper and call it from your csh master
+script if that's at all possible.
+<rmrfslash> I can't
+<rmrfslash> someone write an entire analysis in csh
+<tuxdev> or use bash -c ""
+<rmrfslash> and now I have to go in and fucking add functionality to output a
+report file in XML
+<rmrfslash> it's like the most retarded thing I've ever done
+<rmrfslash> or been asked to do
+<slava_dp> rmrfslash, stop ranting, start working :)
+<rmrfslash> bash -c just hangs the script altogether
+<rmrfslash> slava_dp: no kidding
+<tuxdev> or bash + heredoc
+<rmrfslash> oh I see what you mean
+<rmrfslash> /bin/bash -c "code"
+<tuxdev> so you'd end up with a csh script that "writes" a bash script that
+writes XML
+<rmrfslash> that's interesting lebowski
+<prince_jammys> sounds slightly crazy
+<rmrfslash> but then again so is a postdoc writing an analysis in csh
+<prince_jammys> bash -c 'perl -e "system("python ...
+<rmrfslash> lol
+<slava_dp> lol
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1853
+ Added: Tue, 09 Feb 2010 19:13:26 UTC
+<+Camarade_Tux> FUCK!
+<+Camarade_Tux> I just learnt that "mv" and "rm" are different commands =)
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1855
+ Added: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 15:52:58 UTC
+rworkman: "What's wrong" with -current is a mismatch error between the user and
+the OS.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1889
+ Added: Sun, 07 Mar 2010 21:00:26 UTC
+<jkwood> vbatts: ping
+<niels_horn> jkwood: and I am supposed to be the pinger? :D
+<jkwood> niels_horn: I just wanted to see what it felt like.
+<rob0> Oh! Oh! Ping me! PING ME!!
+<niels_horn> jkwood: Did it feel good? :P Wait until you get a pong....
+* thumbs flood pings rob0
+* rob0 (~rob0@tuxaloosa.org) has left #slackbuilds ("flooded")
+* jkwood fires up his ping-o-death program on his phone and aims it at rob0
+* niels_horn is afraid of ending up on noobfarm again...
+<thumbs> niels_horn: ah, I already added you.
+<niels_horn> thumbs: hehehe...
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1890
+ Added: Mon, 08 Mar 2010 02:57:56 UTC
+mancha> so if i claim, 100% no link between cell phone usage and cancer, then i
+cannot claim "oh but if you do use one a lot and have a predispotion to cancer
+you're more likely than a non cell user to get brian cancer"
+<mancha> and brian cancer is a whole lot worse than brain cancer, believe you me
+<Skywise> i was worried about that
+* ron1n XD
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1915
+ Added: Mon, 05 Apr 2010 16:16:44 UTC
+"Knowledge held in common by people is bits of information that's been grabbed
+through various sources by peers and then shared badly with other peers until
+there is the illusion of approximate reconciliation in participants at a
+witness-able and progressing rate's median that is also proportionate to the
+rate of growth of its container."
+--Chris Punches <righteous, cpunches, dartmouth>
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1919
+ Added: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 02:04:33 UTC
+Topic for ##slackware-offtopic changed by ChanServ to: Camarade_Tux can't say
+sexual things until Friday evening. | raela's selling her furniture talk to her
+for details. | raela could really use some new clothes, let's donate to her
+clothing fund @ dive's paypal account. Thank you!!
+<+Camarade_Tux> apple: deeper, wider, less lube, more salt, no condom
+<+raela> Camarade_Tux: THAT IS SEXUAK
+<+raela> *sexual
+<+fire|bird> that is sexual, and it isn't Friday evening.
+<+kethry> i knew we'd get him sometime
+<+kethry> it is sexual
+<+Camarade_Tux> avec du gravier aussi
+<+Camarade_Tux> (but I don't know how to say that in english)
+<+Camarade_Tux> raela: what I'm trying to tell you is that there's actually a
+quite common class of expressions which say that and don't refer to the sexual
+part at all but to the pain part
+<+raela> Camarade_Tux: the pain of what, a condomless, non-lubed penis in the
+<+Camarade_Tux> who said penis? I definitely haven't and definitely didn't mean
+<+kethry> Camarade_Tux: i just googled that phrase.
+<+kethry> enculage a sec avec du gros sel, des graviers et un poivron means,
+according to google translate, "Dry ass pounding with coarse salt, gravel and a
+<+fire|bird> wow
+<+raela> I think it just got worse
+<+BP{k}> HAHAHA
+<+raela> hahahaha
+<+raela> WHAT DID I SAY?!
+<+Camarade_Tux> wow, google is pretty good...
+<+raela> refering to fucking someone in the ass
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1925
+ Added: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 23:57:44 UTC
+< drecute> when i telnet localhost 25, it seems pid 25 is not opened
+< drecute> i ran ps -A and obviously, pid 25 isn't listed
+< drecute> what could be wrong
+< drecute> any ideas pls
+< Guspaz> a pid is a processor ID, not a port...
+< drecute> Guspaz: are u sure
+<@caker> wow :)
+< Guspaz> Sorry, process ID :P
+<@perihelion> Fail.
+< Guspaz> Executing "telnet localhost 25" is telling it to telnet to port 25.
+The SMTP daemon running on port 25 has an arbitrary pid unrelated to the port.
+<@caker> drecute: netstat -pln <-- will show you what ports and addresses your
+Linode is listening on, and what PID is responsible for listening
+< drecute> caker: port 25 aint listed
+<@caker> drecute: well there you go.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1928
+ Added: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 18:53:58 UTC
+< Bohemian> i just typed chown -R tomcat:root /usr/local/tomcat/solr and it says
+invalid user tomcat:root. how do i find out what user owns "tomcat"?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1930
+ Added: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 18:13:31 UTC
+< FriedBob> straterra: Want to kill "King Wee Wee" with me? I can get you the
+grenades mentioned as well
+< jkwood> I almost feel like I need to noobfarm that.
+< FriedBob> lol
+< FriedBob> He's one of the bosses in Borderlands
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1962
+ Added: Fri, 28 May 2010 23:55:40 UTC
+In #kde:
+<alienBOB> Still "my linux is not working with kde" is not giving many clues
+<Kalabok__> yes, you know, when I turn on my comp, kde stops working, how do you
+think, what can be the problem?
+<Kalabok__> alien808, can you give me any advice?
+<alienBOB> Not based on what you just wrote
+<Kalabok__> look
+<Kalabok__> when I turn on my comp, it writes that kde is disabled
+<Kalabok__> maybe I have a virus?
+<alienBOB> My guess is that you are running Ubuntu?
+<Kalabok__> of course!
+<alienBOB> Guessed as much
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1969
+ Added: Sun, 30 May 2010 23:48:26 UTC
+<Azeotrope> get this error when i try to start thunderbird by ssh (x11 enabled)
+Error: cannot open display: localhost:11.0
+<alisonken1home> Azeotrope, in /etc/ssh/sshd_config on your local host (where
+you want the display to show), for extra points, add a "Match User xxx" section
+with "X11Forwarding yes", "AllowTcpForwarding yes", and "X11DisplayOffset 10"
+<alisonken1home> then logout/login
+<alisonken1home> then "ssh -y <remote host>; <start program>"
+<alisonken1home> sorry - "ssh -Y ..." case is sensitive on that one :)
+<Azeotrope> alisonken1home: i did the per user settings in sshd_config,
+restarted, but same thing
+<Azeotrope> I'm from putty, and not behind any firewall/nat
+<alisonken1home> hmm - putty is a windows program isn't it?
+<zaltekk> alisonken1home: yes.
+<alisonken1home> Azeotrope, do you have X11 installed on your windows machine?
+<Azeotrope> fuckme sideways, i forgot about that
+<Azeotrope> ...
+<Azeotrope> no X11 agent installed
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1971
+ Added: Mon, 31 May 2010 16:54:09 UTC
+# This is a grep of the logs for 'Azeotrope' and '\(tork\|kde3\)'
+06Jun2010:[10:03] <Azeotrope> adrien: nope, tork.
+06Jun2010:[10:05] <alienBOB> Azeotrope: so install the packages in kde3-compat!
+06Jun2010:[10:07] <Azeotrope> NaCl: i use vidalia, but tork has a nice feature.
+it let's you choose the country
+06Jun2010:[10:20] <Azeotrope> ok, i checked and installed everuthing in
+kde3-compat but:
+06Jun2010:[10:22] <Azeotrope> guax: torK
+06Mar2010:[05:36] <Camarade_Tux> Azeotrope: which app? could it be for kde3
+while you're running kde4?
+06Mar2010:[05:37] <Azeotrope> Camarade_Tux: TorK. But i encountered the same
+error with other apps
+06Mar2010:[05:38] <Azeotrope> Torchat, Tork, Conky
+06Mar2010:[05:46] <Azeotrope> Camarade_Tux: the kde-config not being found
+appears when i try to install TorK
+06Mar2010:[05:46] <pprkut> Azeotrope: TorK is kde3 only, use vidalia
+06Mar2010:[05:47] <Azeotrope> pprkut: pfff... can't i use kde3 apps?
+slackware.log.18Mar2010:[08:13] <Azeotrope> how can i use tor on slackware? I
+will install Tor, TorK and Vidalia or Polipo?
+18Mar2010:[10:42] <pprkut> Azeotrope: the same way you install kde3 apps in xfce
+18Mar2010:[10:59] <alisonken1home> Azeotrope, my guess - that was looking for
+kde3 libs or the "x86_64-unknown" is killing it
+18Mar2010:[11:06] <Azeotrope> alisonken1home: is not a slackbuild, it's tork,
+not tor.
+18Mar2010:[11:19] <Azeotrope> so, there's any way i can install tork on
+slackware.log.18Mar2010:[13:19] <Azeotrope> tommys_knockers: do you use vidalia
+or tork?
+20Feb2010:[18:42] <Azeotrope> i can't find tork for slackware
+20Feb2010:[18:47] <snL20> Azeotrope: what's tork ?
+20Feb2010:[18:57] <Azeotrope> snL20, tork is a gui for TOR
+20Feb2010:[19:01] <Azeotrope> so, no way of installing software on the go? as in
+(sl)apt-get install tork?
+# NOW, read again and pay attention to the timestamps, especially the *days*
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1975
+ Added: Sun, 06 Jun 2010 15:29:55 UTC
+( dartmouth) im 32 bit
+( BP{k}) dartmouth: on a more serious note, what does:
+ "ls -l /var/lo/packages/aaa*" show?
+( dartmouth) aaa_base-13.0-x86_64-2, aaa_elflibs-13.013-x86_64-1,
+ aaa_terminfo-5.7-noarch-1
+( dartmouth) BP{k}, ^
+( BP{k}) ( dartmouth) im 32 bit
+( BP{k}) *sigh*
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1985
+ Added: Sat, 12 Jun 2010 06:03:06 UTC
+<leontopod> I am looking for Look & Feel, right?
+<pprkut> yep
+<pprkut> it's not really important, just....weird :/
+<sahko> you're looking for Desktop Effects
+<leontopod> pprkut, http://www.intertwingled.net/snapshot4.png
+<leontopod> that's what I have
+<leontopod> for system setting
+<leontopod> for system settings
+<pprkut> and there it is, "Look & Feel", right above "Appearance" ;)
+<thrice`> #sex? really??
+<pprkut> lol
+<leontopod> #sex!?
+<leontopod> where!?
+<alear> #sex & #poetry
+<leontopod> oh right
+<leontopod> on ircnet
+<leontopod> sure
+<leontopod> I am a channel operator on ircnet #sex
+<leontopod> have been for ten years
+<alear> two networks, too. and something that looks like a cyber bot
+<BP{k}> leontopod: and you STILL haven't got laid?? YDIW
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1995
+ Added: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 13:31:19 UTC
+<phrag> seriously wtf #irssi
+<phrag> i was linked to the irssi faq, which says "Modify the window-line in
+statusbar section in config file" then the #irssi topic says "Do *not* edit the
+config file by hand"
+<phrag> am i supposed to use my feet?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #1998
+ Added: Thu, 24 Jun 2010 14:09:06 UTC
+<Iraqi> did slackware supportttttttttttttttttttttt laptop ( HP Pavilion tx2645ee
+<Iraqi> no one know :|
+<Iraqi> Did slackware supporttttttttttttttt wireless ( LAN USB Atheros ar5523 )
+<mancha> Iraqi, i don't recall HP being particularly troublesome for linux
+<Iraqi> mancha i want just one answer and siple by [ Y /N] is slackware support
+hp pavilion tx2500 ? [ Y / N ] ?
+<mancha> Iraqi my yes/no answer is: "when in the course of numan events an
+operating system, comes across the technological construct of hewlett packard,
+insofar as the interoperability is concenred, it is deemed by our creator to
+have certain inalienable right, among these...
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2005
+ Added: Tue, 06 Jul 2010 15:47:02 UTC
+popl: what's with #slackhappy?
+popl: this op just sent me a pm from nowhere and then got huffy when I brought
+up netiquette.
+popl: so much for being the "nicer" slackware channel heh
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2013
+ Added: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 02:45:31 UTC
+<frank^2> "I just spent the whole morning trying to find out if 16,777,215 could
+be expressed as the sum of positive powers of its digits because I thought it
+would be hilarious if #ffffff was a powerful number
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2020
+ Added: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 21:06:08 UTC
+<@HoopyCat> "So the problem is that you need a longer shaft." "... yes." "I
+thought I got an e-mail about this just the other day..."
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2021
+ Added: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 23:30:07 UTC
+< nyRednek> clint-: are your eyes brown?
+< clint-> nyRednek, no.. >_<
+< nyRednek> clint-: should be, you're absolutely full of shit
+< clint-> okay if thats the way you feel..
+-!- clint- [~clint@pdpc/supporter/active/clint-] has left ##slackware
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2030
+ Added: Wed, 04 Aug 2010 06:51:52 UTC
+<Dominian> cpunches: has your gay transexual brother/sister come out yet?
+<Dominian> ya know.. the "S/HIM"
+<cpunches> That was my dad :/
+<cpunches> Hes like me - the only way he can get it up is as a woman
+<Dominian> That's just sad.
+<Dominian> So your dad is your mom but your mom is your sister?
+<cpunches> my dad is my dad but hes also a "sister" if you know what I mean
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2050
+ Added: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 13:17:52 UTC
+< Alan_> You guys should totally have a "smart" sort in the DNS manager
+< Alan_> one that sorts by hostname component, working backwards
+< Alan_> (and if only the DNS system wasn't a spazzy structure, this would never
+be a problem in the first place)
+<@pparadis> http://www.linode.com/api/index.cfm?method=domain.list <-- Alan_ ;)
+< Alan_> pparadis: what about it?
+<@pparadis> well, if you use the API, you can list stuff any way you like :D
+< Alan_> pparadis: well, yes, but i'm not on about the API :P
+< Alan_> I'm on about the DNS manager in Linode's control panel....
+<@pparadis> i'm aware.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2070
+ Added: Fri, 01 Oct 2010 16:59:29 UTC
+Anonymous: you're fucked dude
+Chris Punches: awwwww dude
+Chris Punches: you know the beer trick for solving messes like this right?
+Chris Punches: ancient chinese secret, but i'll tell you
+Chris Punches: you have to say the phrase "well. im sure this beer has the
+answer." into the beer while you pop the top off
+Chris Punches: and
+Chris Punches: magically
+Chris Punches: the answer manifests itself some time in the near or distant
+future, or not at all depending on the circumstances
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2073
+ Added: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 05:19:46 UTC
++antiwire: oh man :)))))
++BP{k}: you got laid?
++antiwire: times 10
++BP{k}: lies.
++BP{k}: if you got laid 10 times, you don't have the energy to log onto irc ;)
++BP{k}: if you do .. YDIW.
++agentc0re: does you hand hurt antiwire?
++antiwire: no, no fluid exchange. antiwire stepped up and talked to her
++antiwire: lol
++agentc0re: You dressed your hand up too?? Brave man!
++BP{k}: this gives "talk to the hand" a whole new meaning ;)
++antiwire: lmao
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2076
+ Added: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 05:58:41 UTC
+< linbot> New news from forums: cannot login using SSH in General Discussion
+-!- diwwin [~diwwin@node-9297.tor.pppoe.execulink.com] has joined #linode
+<@pparadis> diwwin: that message is generated when the host key changes. that's
+normal when a system is redeployed.
+<@pparadis> you need to remove the old key entry from ~/.ssh/known_hosts on your
+< diwwin> I just signed on with Linode. after booting up and logging off I get a
+nasty message when trying to log back in. "REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS
+CHANGED." What do I do now?"
+<@pparadis> diwwin: see above
+< diwwin> How did you know before I hit enter???
+<@pparadis> diwwin: i saw the forum post
+< diwwin> I am fairly new to linux and everything that follows
+<@pparadis> in a terminal on your workstation, edit ~/.ssh/known_hosts
+<@pparadis> you're running a mac or an ubuntu workstation, right?
+< diwwin> ubuntu karmic
+<@pparadis> well, "nano ~/.ssh/known_hosts" and remove the old key entry line.
+save the file and connect via ssh again.
+< diwwin> okay. Why can I not access any other windows while here in Xchat???
+<@pparadis> i have no idea.
+< diwwin> gotta quit for a sec. thanks.
+<@pparadis> np
+< diwwin> okay mouse won't work on the screen right now, how to exit Xchat with
+<@pparadis> Alt+F4?
+-!- diwwin [~diwwin@node-9297.tor.pppoe.execulink.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2078
+ Added: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 16:20:19 UTC
+< rowinggolfer> actually, don't tell anyone, but I have sang in a choir for
+< rowinggolfer> "Magical Mister mistofolees"
+< artv61> rowinggolfer: i'll never speak of it to anyone
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2079
+ Added: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 18:25:15 UTC
+< Integgroll> .wik snookie
+< Lord_Drachenblut> well physcally I feel like death warmed over and then
+< AliZa> "Nicole Polizzi (born November 23, 1987), publicly known by her
+nickname Snooki, is an American reality television personality who appeared on
+the MTV reality show Jersey Shore starting in 2009." -
+< Integgroll> No, no no no no no
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2080
+ Added: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 19:35:12 UTC
+< notKlaatu> I'm afraid you're confusing me for pegwole again
+< notKlaatu> see, pokey knows.
+< CafeNinja> hehehe notKlaatu: that is pure comedy if taken outta context
+ "you are confusing me for pegwole" :)
+< pegwole> So, hunting the homless for sport, good idea or bad?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2082
+ Added: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 13:47:17 UTC
++raela: save should mean save the whole fucking spreadsheet, not save current
+sheet as .csv
++Tadgy: raela: No, save depends on your preferences for saving..
++raela: yeah well one save as shouldn't fuck up all saves right after
++Tadgy: Err, yeah, it should.
++Tadgy: You elected to save it as a CSV file - quite probably accepted the
++raela: yeah well I saved that fucking csv over a month ago
++Tadgy: And then hit "save" again - of course it's not going to over-ride what
++raela: 3 months of shit lost over this
++raela: save as should be an independent save from other saves
++Tadgy: And I should be able to suck my own cock.
++Tadgy: But life doesn't work that way.
++raela: work on stretches then
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2092
+ Added: Wed, 20 Oct 2010 01:58:29 UTC
+< Ideka> when I start a terminal in KDE, the prompt is always bash-4.1#
+< thumbs> Ideka: why did you start x as root?
+< Ideka> and it doesn't change, so I don't know wich directory I'm in
+< XGizzmo> type source /etc/profile
+< Ideka> oh ok
+< antiwire_> su is the same damn thing dude
+< antiwire_> you're in a terminal with a root env
+< antiwire_> and privs
+< Ideka> woah, that did the trick
+< Ideka> will it stay like that?
+< twinkie_addict> true but i do what i need to and type exit to leave root
+< thumbs> Ideka: don't run X as root.
+< NaCl> what thumbs said
+< Ideka> I wont
+< XGizzmo> Ideka: nope.
+< NaCl> Ideka: tell konsole to start your shell as a login shell
+< twinkie_addict> though i did set prifile to be safe ime going to log brb
+-!- twinkie_addict [~david@IP-HIDDEN] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
+< Ideka> NaCl: how can I do that?
+< NaCl> set the shell command to be something that starts a login shell
+< NaCl> $SHELL -l
+-!- twinkie_addict [~david@IP-HIDDEN] has joined ##slackware
+< Ideka> where?
+-!- antiwire_ is now known as QuadDamage
+< twinkie_addict> lol never thought i need to set path :) everything was working
+as it should but now bash shows me as user at least
+< NaCl> Ideka: konsole profiles
+< mfillpot> why not just set PS1 in .bashrc?
+< NaCl> IDK, are you supposed to start login shells?
+< Ideka> NaCl: I can't find it
+< thumbs> why is he still running X as root?
+< NaCl> Ideka: settings menu
+< twinkie_addict> in the past when i needed to set profile i would be haveing
+probles with apps not running or some such thing . thing were going normaly was
+able to to log in an out of su rup apps so on never thought to do profle thing
+< Ideka> NaCl: I'm lost. You mean in the Konkeror window?
+< NaCl> Konsole.
+< Ideka> that
+< danc3> jesus, it's like a never-ending Noob Hour
+< NaCl> yes
+< Ideka> In edit -> preferences?
+< NaCl> No.
+< thumbs> wow.
+< NaCl> Konqueror is a web browser
+< NaCl> Konsole is a terminal.
+< Ideka> yes I know
+< Ideka> i mixed up the names
+< danc3> Ideka: are you using Slackware?
+< Ideka> yes
+< danc3> ummm, I don't think so
+< Ideka> why?
+< danc3> >Ideka< CTCP VERSION
+< danc3> -Ideka- VERSION xchat 2.8.8 Ubuntu
+< Ideka> Yeah
+< danc3> yeah
+< Ideka> I have two computers
+< Ideka> a desktop and a laptop
+< danc3> I see
+< NaCl> Ideka: Settings->Configure Profiles
+< Ideka> I don't have a settings option in the toolbar...
+< NaCl> in konsole?
+< Ideka> yes
+< NaCl> and you are using what version of slackware?
+< Ideka> 13.1
+< NaCl> uhm...
+< Ideka> 64 bits
+< NaCl> It's in one of the menus
+< NaCl> it should not be that hard to find
+< Ideka> I can only see "Preferences" :/
+< thumbs> Ideka: did you start X as your regular user yet?
+< Ideka> yes, I did long ago
+< thumbs> ok, good.
+< NaCl> There is a settings menu in both Konqueor and Konsole here
+< NaCl> *Konqueror
+< NaCl> Although I have KDE 4.5 running
+< Ideka> I don't know what version I have
+< NaCl> Are you sure you are running konsole
+< NaCl> And not Terminal?
+< Ideka> ... no
+< Ideka> it is probably Terminal
+< NaCl> ok...
+< NaCl> there is a checkbox in the preferences that will solve your problem
+< Ideka> ohh, yes, found it
+< Ideka> thanksss :)
+< NaCl> Sure thing.
+< danc3> whew
+< danc3> OK, thank Bob that's over
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2097
+ Added: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 04:10:48 UTC
+< iStef> hello, could anyone tell me how to register in forum? i get a dialog
+saying: A username and password are being requested by http://www.linode.com.
+The site says: "To edit, please use no/spam as the user/pass"
+< tjfontaine> did you actually *read* that
+< JshWright> hahahaha
+< JshWright> you took the time to copy and paste that, but didn't bother to read
+< iStef> hehe sorry!got it!
+< pharaun> JshWright: perfect example right there of "users don't read"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2105
+ Added: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 18:43:31 UTC
+< ikhider> macavity, I used a slackbuild
+< ikhider> macavity, I think I should have installed it from user instead of
+root user
+< ikhider> and then adjust from root user
+< macavity> ikhider: i dont.. that package requires writing to directories that
+users dont have write access to
+< ikhider> macavity, Can you explain?
+< macavity> i just did
+< ikhider> macavity, I have done it before but I am a bit rusty
+< macavity> ikhider: installpkg --reinstal
+< macavity> *reinstall
+< macavity> ikhider: you need to do this every time you upgrade your kernel,
+xorg or mesa
+< macavity> proprietary drivers thus suck
+< ikhider> macavity, Okay, I install as user, then go in as root to adjust for
+my twin monitors, correct?
+< macavity> ikhider: no, again, you cant install software on the system as a
+< macavity> ikhider: only root has write rights to /lib/modules/ etc etc
+< macavity> ikhider: you cant even call installpkg as user, as it is in /sbin
+(guess why?)
+< ikhider> macavity, Yeah I got that, I forgot how to get the nvidia driver
+fired up properly. I see it, but then I get a message 'run nvidia-xconfig as
+root' and that is when I lose my GUI
+< ikhider> macavity, But the driver should in reality give me the option to
+adjust my screens\
+< macavity> you GUI?!?
+< macavity> you should be doing this from runlevel 3 anyhow
+< macavity> dont fiddle Xorg drivers while Xorg is running...
+< ikhider> macavity, ahhh, okay
+< macavity> also, dont change tires on the car while you are driving it ;-)
+< ikhider> I am spending too much time with these drivers
+< raela> ikhider: you really haven't given much information other than "your GUI
+went away".. might want to pastebin some errors/logs
+< ikhider> raela, No I got the GUI back, I removed /etc/X11/xorg.conf--the kick
+in the pants are the nvidia drivers which are in settings for KDE
+< ikhider> And should give me the option to adjust, but I keep getting a message
+that i must run nvidia-xconfig from root
+< raela> ikhider: that really told me nothing of your problem
+< ikhider> and THAT kills the GUI
+< raela> uh did you try running that as root without the gui?
+< raela> configuring X should be done without X running
+< ikhider> raela, I am running it from the gui, and without the gui, as root, as
+user, every permutation
+< raela> ikhider: so you did run nvidia-xconfig as root with X complete shut
+off? did it give an error?
+< ikhider> raela, I run it from root and and says the new configuration is saved
+into X11, and that erases the gui until I type 'rm /etc/X11.xorg.conf
+< raela> ikhider: anyway um it's really hard for people to help you without
+knowing what the issue actually is. might want to work on that.. figure out what
+you're trying to do and why it isn't working
+< ikhider> And that brings back the gui
+< raela> you should probably figure out why X won't start with it
+< raela> again, this is where pastebinning errors helps
+< danc3> ikhider: it can't "bring it back" if you didn't have the GUI running in
+the first place, which you should NOT when config'ing X
+< ikhider> raela, Ahh, with a text editor?
+< raela> ikhider: no, the file the nvidia config gives you is what you need
+< ikhider> raela, Exactly my thought--but it does not give me any such option
+when I fire it up which is weird
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2108
+ Added: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 11:35:23 UTC
+< Rhisa> Hm.
+< Rhisa> What should I do about this? "checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt
+(>= Qt 3.0.2) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your
+< MLanden> Rhisa: which application?
+< Rhisa> kdetutorial-1.2.tar.bz2
+< Rhisa> Teaches how to make KDE apps. :|
+< BP{k}> perhaps it depends on QT3 which isn't part of the main install of
+slackware. (it's in extra/)
+< Rhisa> Gah.
+< Rhisa> I thought the latest Qt was sufficient.
+< thrice`> it's usually a bad sign when something needs qt3
+< Rhisa> It's old.
+< BP{k}> Rhisa: you mean kde-tutorial as in this page:
+< Rhisa> THat much I know (2003 I think).
+< Rhisa> BP{k}, http://freshmeat.net/projects/kdesimpleprogrammingtutorial
+< BP{k}> heh .. I would drop that faster than than a wet turd on a hot sunday.
+< Rhisa> Ah it looked fun. It seems "interactive'.
+< BP{k}> Rhisa: it may be fun .. but by the look of it it is at least 7/8 years
+old .. that's a very old QT. If you want to learn about writing QT/KDE apps.
+start with something that utilises KDE4/QT4
+< Rhisa> Yap.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2109
+ Added: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 04:32:41 UTC
+<raela> dive: so my mom is freaking out about "tags" and having her
+ website registered with google and wondering if she needs to add
+ special things
+<Tadgy> raela: If she wants to stand any chance of a ranking on google,
+ she definitely needs to add...
+<Tadgy> .... pornography :)
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2110
+ Added: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 10:59:38 UTC
+<+BP{k}> Roin: just kidding at university we had a course that required prolog.
+And the exercise called for a "family diagram" .. turned out i made an error
+somewhere .. explaining your prof about incest was ... humerous ;)
+<+Dominian> BP{k}: hahahahahahaa
+<+Roin> BP{k}: LOL
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2111
+ Added: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 18:43:39 UTC
+< pegwole> Wow I'm so glad my father learned how to
+ compose and send text messages...
+< pegwole> I need to find a way to make him stop texting.
+< pegwole> Seriously, I just got this message that says
+ UNTIL MONDAY. LOVE YOU. DAD." His fingers,
+ I must break them.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2113
+ Added: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 21:01:33 UTC
+<+rat409> man that crocket has some strange issues
+<+alisonken1home> he always has issues - not to mention trying to 'improve'
+<+Tadgy> crocket is a wart on the penis of bagira.
+<+trhodes> lol
+<+rat409> lol
+<+trhodes> &s of that is
+<@QuadCoreDamage> <Tadgy> crocket is a wart on the penis that is bagira.
+<+Tadgy> Should be "of and that is" :)
+<+trhodes> hehe yeah
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2119
+ Added: Sun, 12 Dec 2010 03:43:04 UTC
+lilililili : does anyone know a command such that i can flip the bits of stdin,
+and write to stdout?
+gnubien : lilililili: flip?
+lilililili : gnubien: bitwise not
+adaptr : aha, a perl one-liner then
+lilililili : adaptr: i dont know perl...
+adaptr : or even sed, possibly
+mancha : lilili, what format is the stdin,in>
+adrien : I want to ask one thing: what's the use?
+adrien : what for?
+adrien : and about the use?
+adrien : because creating newlines and nulls out of nowhere (oh, and bells) is
+going to be fun
+mancha : adrien, which would assume he wants stdout to go to a terminal?
+adrien : mancha: creating a bell is independant of where it is :P
+lilililili : mancha: its a video file,
+adrien : and well, "to stdout"
+adrien : ugh
+adrien : and what do you expect it to do?
+mancha : nothing particularly fun about "bell" unless you output to a terminal.
+mancha : otherwise it is just another byte, knowdamena?
+adaptr : lilililili: a video file has an encoding. flipping all bits in it will
+do nothing useful. it will non longer be a video file.
+adaptr : *no longer
+mancha : lilililili let me think about it for a second.
+lilililili : adaptr: i know,
+adrien : and what do you expect the result to be?
+lilililili : adrien: data which doesnt make sense to any programs
+mancha : if i were to guess, it is a cheapish way to store the video and not
+have any snooper view it
+lilililili : basically a kind of weak encryption
+adrien : oh, really weak...
+lilililili : its porn if you havent guessed, and i want to store it on my dads
+adrien : you want simple encryption, try XOR'ing instead
+adaptr : while getc(foo) putc(foo XOR 0xFF)
+mancha : hahahaha
+adaptr : that's... wow
+mancha : poor fella asks a simple question and gets 10 minutes of unrelated chat
+ :)
+pprkut : sounds like a job for encfs :P
+adaptr : it wasn't a really simple question
+mancha : it was very simple
+adrien : Problem X Y
+adrien : http://mywiki.wooledge.org/XyProblem
+lilililili : no guys, i also want to know how to do this in linux, its
+lilililili : i dont need proper encryption, just something thats streams and is
+adaptr : use steganography
+adaptr : there's cmdline programs for that
+pprkut : pr0n on steroids
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2120
+ Added: Sun, 12 Dec 2010 16:10:38 UTC
+MystKid| yeah after install i did nvidia-xconfig and then reboot -n
+dive| You didn't need to reboot. Linux isn't windows.
+dive| Just modprobe nvidia and restart X.
+MystKid| oh thats what they teached me on opensuse haha
+Tadgy| Yes it is! don't confuse the poor guy, dive.
+ananke| rebooting doesn't hurt anything either
+dive| heh
+raela| you need to reboot at least three times for it to work
+ananke| if anything, it verifies that everything will work as expected
+Tadgy| and you have to have a butt plug in for the 2nd reboot, but only the
+gniks| Tadgy: are you the butt plug? ;)
+dive| No ananke is.
+MystKid| he likes buttplugs
+Tadgy| Only if he really is a "Kid" :)
+MystKid| i am guessing
+ananke| dive: only if you're the receipient
+dive| I doubt it.
+ananke| dive: bend over
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2126
+ Added: Fri, 24 Dec 2010 01:23:27 UTC
+< peacedog> gniks still have the ldconfig problem? I removed the package and
+installed the original version, now I'm getting the same error with the old
+package? Is installpkg borked? Ideas?
+< peacedog> /sbin/installpkg: line 538: /sbin/ldconfig: cannot execute binary
+< gniks> peacedog: did you upgrade anything recently?
+< peacedog> No upgrades, I did install Orbit2, GConf, & Chrome Fri.
+< peacedog> All compiled from Slackbuilds.
+< gniks> hmmm not sure
+< gniks> so it would seem ldconfig isn't executable
+< Wharncliffe> /sbin/ldconfig <-- run that
+< peacedog> That's where I'm getting the error, /sbin/ldconfig: cannot execute
+binary file
+< Wharncliffe> Or the wrong arch.
+< thrice`> peacedog, are you on 64-bit?
+< peacedog> No, Slackware 13, stock 32 bit.
+< Wharncliffe> peacedog: file /sbin/ldconfig
+< peacedog> /sbin/ldconfig: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV),
+statically linked, not stripped
+< peacedog> ?
+< peacedog> I didn't install slack 64, ?
+< Wharncliffe> That's your prbolem then.
+< thrice`> you upgraded to a 64-bit glibc, which should basically kill your
+< peacedog> Can I fix it? I'm guessing I grabbed the wrong update from the
+mailling list?
+< thrice`> peacedog, does "ls /var/log/packages/*x86_64*" return anything else ?
+< peacedog> Just this. glibc-solibs-2.9-x86_64-5_slack13.0
+< macavity> ouch.. that one gotta hurt
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2127
+ Added: Sun, 26 Dec 2010 02:20:46 UTC
++trhodes| dang, that's crazy re: slackware.com
++surrounder| hm ?
++trhodes| it's a parked "renew or buy this domain" page
++surrounder| well, at least the girl's hotter than pat
++trhodes| hahaha
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2131
+ Added: Fri, 31 Dec 2010 08:41:45 UTC
+<Coke> OK here's the problem
+<Coke> Slackware 13.1 is buggy as hell. :(
+<Coke> Booting up it's stuck at "Starting X11 session manager"
+<alisonken1lap> hmm - slackware 13.1 and slack64 13.1 both seem fine for me
+<Coke> first of all, there's no X runing, this is runlevel 3
+<Coke> Anyway, in LILO, can I bypass this somehow?
+<Coke> append a new runlevel for it?
+<nyRednek> never seen that on runlevel 3, check your configs?
+<Coke> Oh shit, it's ME who is buggy!
+<nyRednek> Coke: heh
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2136
+ Added: Thu, 06 Jan 2011 09:13:01 UTC
+< ScribbleJ> Don't everyone talk at once now.
+< macavity> ok
+< timschmidt> waitwaitwait... if we're to not all talk at once, we need some
+sort of locking protocol
+* macavity takes the talk token from timschmidt
+< macavity> ok, i can say something now.. i propose a token ring style link
+layer protocol!
+* macavity puts the token at the center of the table
+* timschmidt takes the talk token
+< timschmidt> I propose we name the talk token "The talking pillow"
+* timschmidt puts the token at the center of the table
+* macavity takes it
+< macavity> i think "the microphone" would be a more intutive name
+* macavity puts it back
+* timschmidt takes it
+< timschmidt> I wonder how long this will last
+* timschmidt puts it back
+< Auzze> not long
+< timschmidt> lol
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2140
+ Added: Sun, 23 Jan 2011 06:38:32 UTC
+<+Alan_Hicks> There's a Pet Smart in Macon, but I only been to it a couple
+<+Alan_Hicks> Didn't strike me as anything special.
+<+raela> nah, but I'm a girl.. I like to look at pretty colored collars, or
+check out the cats (when I don't have the dogs)
+<+serotonin> "check out the cats" <--- in preparation for your crazy cat lady
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2144
+ Added: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 18:12:04 UTC
+ov3rmind: what bootloader is more secure to prevent one invader off reprograming
+"bios", lilo or grub2, under grub i have problems like that.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2168
+ Added: Sun, 13 Mar 2011 10:35:42 UTC
+raela: I'm not narcistic enough to write a book
+raela: nor do I like to read what I write
+adrien: "nor do I like to read what I write"
+adrien: here, you just read what you wrote :P
+***raela glares at adrien
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2178
+ Added: Sat, 26 Mar 2011 22:28:26 UTC
+amin: hello again
+OzanBurada: hello neibour
+amin: 0 down vote favorite
+amin: I have php 5.2.17 and i download relevent php-fpmm file
+"php-5.2.17-fpm-0.5.14.diff.gz " form php-fpm.rg But I don't know how to install
+this patch i use slackware 13.1 x64
+OzanBurada: amin, tar xvf php-5.2.17.tar.gz (or whatever it is called).
+amin: ozanBurada: php5.2.17 is installed in my sys y defult for patching it I
+should download the source of php-5.2.17 too
+OzanBurada: amin, yes you need source code to patch.
+amin: ozanBurada: and configure make &&make install or that just patch -d
+php-5.2.17 -p1 is enough
+OzanBurada: amin, first patch -p1 < "php-5.2.17-fpm-0.5.14.diff.gz
+OzanBurada: then configure make
+Dominian: You'll have to completely rebuild php after you patch that though
+amin: So it is the full compile
+amin: ?
+Dominian: Once you patch the source, you'll have to rebuild php yes.
+thrice`: OzanBurada, patch can understand .gz files?
+macius: amin: if i were you i would get the slackbuild and such from /sources
+and from that add the patch line to the build rgith before the .configure
+Dominian: macius++
+OzanBurada: zcat "php-5.2.17-fpm-0.5.14.diff.gz | patch -p1
+Dominian: agree'd .. definitely the 'easiest' route
+thrice`: :-)
+BP{k}: macius: then again we already told him that, what ... five or six times?
+amin: ooohhh put your guns down it is not enemy
+macius: lol
+amin: zcat "php-5.2.17-fpm-0.5.14.diff.gz | patch -p1 use this for patching
+BP{k}: http://sweet.nodns4.us/
+Dominian: hehe
+thrice`: amin, yes - the patch is gzip'd, so you must first un-gzip it; piping
+it to patch directly just eliminates calling gzip + patch separately
+amin: thrice: ok
+macius: amin: seriously instead of dirtying up your system and probably haveing
+2 instances of php ( not sure if you removeed it yet ) rysnc
+, add zcat "php-5.2.17-fpm-0.5.14.diff.gz | patch -p1 to the slackbuild right
+after the cd into the extracted dir and execute the script
+amin: thrice: i execute zcat command and i get a prompt > ready what should I
+do wait?
+thrice`: you didn't pipe it to patch?
+evanton: oh boy, you guys are patient
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2182
+ Added: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 17:52:44 UTC
+<+antiwire> guess wat
+<+antiwire> a girl likes me
+<+NaCl> whoa
+<+raela> did you drug her?
+<+Necos> they haven't seen the iphone yet
+<+Necos> good job on keeping it hidden!
+<+antiwire> I went to the pizza place downtown and I smiled at her while I
+ordered my pizza and and she gave me extra slices!
+<+raela> ...um that seems rather unimpressive
+<+antiwire> dude!
+<+raela> you have to do better than that
+<+pupit> antiwire: dude, how old are you? thats just childish...
+<+antiwire> she hooked me up
+<+antiwire> fuuu all
+<+serotonin> raela, uhm, it's antiwire, it's VERY impressive
+<+antiwire> you're all jelly
+<+antiwire> you are all not geeks or nerds.
+<+antiwire> if you were, you'd appreciate free pizza
+46 Minutes later...
+<+antiwire> hey
+<+antiwire> my shirt is inside out
+<+antiwire> wtf
+<+trhodes> i do that sometimes
+<+antiwire> OMG my fucking shirt is inside out
+<+antiwire> WTF
+<+raela> ...also I always manage to get my clothes on facing the correct way
+<+raela> wtf is wrong with you
+<+antiwire> oh man wtf
+<+trhodes> if you cut the tags out and wear plain clothes, then it's quite
+<+antiwire> hey
+<+raela> even on like one hour of sleep and totally confused
+<+raela> I still manage
+<+trhodes> esp. if you're groggy and stuff
+<+raela> dude, trhodes, SEAMS
+<+antiwire> not only inside out, mind you, I have it inside out and the fucking
+tag is in front too
+<+antiwire> omg.
+<+antiwire> how long has it been like this?
+<+raela> how long has it been that way?!
+<+raela> DUDE
+<+antiwire> oh god.
+<+raela> maybe that's why she gave you extra pizza
+<+antiwire> oh man!
+<+raela> she thought you were retarded!!!
+<+antiwire> that's fucked
+<+pupit> antiwire: no wonder you got the extra pizza
+<+antiwire> lmao
+<+antiwire> hahahaha
+<+antiwire> oh. no.
+<+raela> she felt sorry for your ass hahaha
+<+serotonin> antiwire, long enough for the pizza chick to notice and think "wtf,
+that poor guy needs some extra slices"
+<+antiwire> jesus
+<+antiwire> my shirt has been inside out and backwards for god knows how long
+<+antiwire> that is fucked up. but I did flip it right ways now
+<+trhodes> was it at least a brand name or summit ?
+<+antiwire> god damn.
+<+trhodes> coulda played the bling angle
+<+antiwire> I highly doubt it was the bling angle bro
+<+antiwire> oh my god.
+<+NyteOwl> that's why he got extra pizza slices - she felt sorry for him,
+wearing the shirt back to front
+<+antiwire> man fuck that extra pizza
+<+antiwire> fuck that.
+<+antiwire> not gunna eat it now
+<+antiwire> FU
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2194
+ Added: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 04:46:05 UTC
+<phrag> ahahaha, riend: "i keep losing phones out my pocket" Me: "you need to
+use Secure Pockets Layer"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2195
+ Added: Thu, 14 Apr 2011 11:01:24 UTC
+pupit: !w heaven
+SirBlocksAlot: City Not Found. We're sorry, but the page you have requested was
+not found.The search for "heaven" did not return results.
+antiwire: oh yeah
+antiwire: !w hell
+SirBlocksAlot: antiwire's weather request; Hell, Michigan (42.5DEGN/83.9DEGW);
+Updated: 11:50 PM EDT (April 25, 2011); Conditions: Light Drizzle; Temperature:
+49.6DEGF (9.8DEGC); Windchill: 50DEGF (10DEGC); High/Low: Unavailable; UV: 0/16;
+Humidity: 94%; Dew Point: 48DEGF (8.9DEGC); Pressure: 29.79 in/1008.7 hPa; Wind:
+ENE at 3.0 MPH (4.8 KPH)
+antiwire: what now bible boy
+pupit: hahhaa
+pupit: lmao
+antiwire: lol
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2205
+ Added: Tue, 26 Apr 2011 04:00:15 UTC
+<Dirge1> posso ver quais configurac,oes foram usadas para sua compilac,ao? ..
+ex. --prefix=..
+<ananke> we're going to have gpfs on top of cxfs, also nfs/cifs, and dmf for hsm
+<ananke> Dirge1: english :)
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2213
+ Added: Fri, 29 Apr 2011 11:28:10 UTC
+<sanchaz> anyone play counter strike source?
+<imprint> played it once ..
+<Gryllida> sanchaz: "CSS"
+<Gryllida> sanchaz: I know one guy who plays that
+<Gryllida> Took me a while to realise why he can't "play with CSS" in vim
+<sanchaz> lol
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2223
+ Added: Thu, 05 May 2011 08:00:54 UTC
+< alisonken1lap> I keep forgetting who has ops here :)
+< raela> alisonken1lap, use /msg chanserv access ##slackware list
+< alisonken1lap> ah - have to put that somewhere
+< raela> stick a post-it note on your monitor? :P
+< alisonken1lap> unfortunately, the only monitor I have is at home :(
+< alisonken1lap> the laptop is rather small for that
+< alisonken1lap> or s/small/in backpack too much/
+< raela> put it in sharpie on your forearm each morning
+< alisonken1lap> etch it inside my reading glasses
+< gbz> you can tatoo it next to that murmay you have on your branch since when
+you were a sailor
+< rob0> Sharpie? Those are for wimps. Use a knife and carve it!
+< mancha> tattoo it on a visible yet discrete part of your body, maybe inner
+< raela> mancha: imagine if you need to look it up while in a public place,
+< alisonken1lap> that only works when you're wearing shorts - the noc is too
+cold to wear shorts for me
+< raela> put it on your chest upside down.. when you need to see it, pull up
+your shirt and look down
+< mancha> raela, we'll post his bail!
+< raela> mancha: yeah! and if they try to press charges, we can take it to court
+and testify that it was for the good of the IRC channel
+< dive> if we go to court and testify for him he'll probably end up in a bouncy
+cell ;)
+< alisonken1lap> at least it won't be a court martial type court
+< mancha> Reuters (Los Angeles): Los Angeles' reknowned computer flasher has
+struck again. In what police call a carefully orchestrated sting operation,
+known area flasher, alisonken1lap, was caught once again with his pants down, so
+to speak. The perp, was heard shouting "I was just looking up the ##slackware
+ops" as he was taken away in cuffs. Onlookers were puzzled by the rants and
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2238
+ Added: Tue, 17 May 2011 12:13:19 UTC
+<+antiwire> i'm fixing that girl's laptop this weekend
+< serotonin> antiwire, bout damn time!
+<+Olfway> chicka wow wow
+<+MLanden> antiwire: the one with the mac?...kudo's to you,bro!
+<+aceofspades19> antiwire: is she hot?
+<+Dominian> antiwire: Is that what they call it these days?
+<+Dominian> "Oh yeah.. gonna 'fix' yer laptop alright..."
+<+Olfway> [chicka wow wow]
+<+Dominian> "have a seat.. let me get to work"
+<+antiwire> lol
+<+antiwire> :D
+<+Olfway> "hey, babe, check out my Hard Drive... it's gottah lottah ram, and
+it's not a floppy"
+01:35 <+antiwire> I'm going to gain root and execute privileged commands on
+private memory space
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2245
+ Added: Sat, 21 May 2011 05:47:57 UTC
+<@Kyle> My auto replace list
+<@Kyle> 20:25 Key Value Auto
+<@Kyle> 20:25 e E yes
+<@Kyle> 20:25 <3 cH- yes
+<@Kyle> 20:25 lol heh, yes
+<+Grille> when you say 'lol' it says 'heh,'?
+* Grille giggles.
+< @Kyle> heh, yep
+<+Grille> "lol yep"? :-P
+<@Kyle> Grille: I had done it so that mikegb's script in #linode wouldn't
+trigger anymore ;)
+<@Kyle> and it makes me look a tad more professional in the long run :)
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2251
+ Added: Sat, 28 May 2011 00:29:31 UTC
+< navi> !urmom
+<+linbot> navi: Yo mommas so ugly she scared off the crabs in your dads pants
+(824:4/7) [murom]
+* navi cries
+< navi> That one's just mean
+< navi> *sniffle*
+< InitHello> that's kind of the point, isn't it?
+< navi> InitHello: No, they're supposed to be witty yet derogatory
+< InitHello> oh
+< InitHello> urmom so dumb, she thought apt-get was a shortcut to get into the
+< InitHello> like that?
+< SelfishMan> I don't get it
+< InitHello> apt = apartment
+< InitHello> projects = government funded housing
+< navi> InitHello: That is humourous.
+< SelfishMan> can't she just fill out the application?
+< navi> apt as in apartment.
+< InitHello> why bother, when she can just ... apt-get
+< InitHello> exactly, navi
+< SelfishMan> apt-get manages packages though
+< InitHello> it's a pun, SelfishMan
+< navi> I think there's a certain 5 letter word for this situation
+< InitHello> based on a layman's knowledge of "apt" and "get"
+< SelfishMan> hmm...yeah, still not getting the pun part of it
+< navi> T___L
+< waltman> It's a jo...I say, I joke, son.
+< navi> Towel? Nah.
+< InitHello> i.e. "apt-get" == "apartment GET"
+< SelfishMan> any joke that needs to be explained this much really isn't very
+< InitHello> or went over your head
+< akerl> InitHello: Why it needs to be explained isn't relevant. Move on
+< InitHello> moving right along
+My hobby: making people explain jokes and then blaming the quality of the joke
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2258
+ Added: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 03:03:50 UTC
+<+raela> eww, the neighbors are having sex again
+<+serotonin> "oooh, aaah, HARDER!!! RIGHT THERE!!!!!"
+< MLanden> serotonin: lol...and the ceiling caves in
+<+serotonin> hehe
+<+serotonin> raela, If that happened, raela would have a heart attack I think.
+<+serotonin> err MLanden ^^^^
+<+raela> luckily, I live in a single story apartment
+<+raela> I do however hear their poor bedframe creaking
+< antiwire> go bang on their door and ask if they've seen your dog
+< antiwire> look all scared too
+<+chopp> no, bang on the door and say "let me in for a threesome, or stfu!"
+<+serotonin> "Yeah, we've seen your dog, he was watching us a few min
+ago....tried to lick my ass, but I kicked him away"
+<+raela> hell no. my ass is saying in here
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2266
+ Added: Mon, 27 Jun 2011 06:02:10 UTC
+< mancha> is "salix" french for theft?
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2272
+ Added: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 04:11:15 UTC
+-!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: +BP{k}, +eviljames, +Cyranix0r,
++serotonin, +pim_, +trhodes, +Delahunt, +mr_sleepy, +kgs, +raela, (+38 more,
+use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)
+<+antiwire> what. the. fuck.
+<+antiwire> they left us
+<+antiwire> oh great, we're alone with Alan_Hicks
+<+Olfway> O.o
+<+antiwire> hide yer kids, hide yer wife, hide yo husbands! dey rapin' ery'
+<+Olfway> what just happened?
+<+antiwire> the internet broke
+<+antiwire> looks like we are stranded on a orphaned server
+<+antiwire> our server lost link with the rest of the freenode
+<+Olfway> oh gods...
+<+Olfway> WE"RE STRANDED!!!!
+<+Olfway> we're going to have to eat each other in order to survive...
+<+antiwire> that is...if Alan_Hicks doesn't eat us all first :o
+<+Olfway> =o
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2280
+ Added: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 08:34:18 UTC
+<+Alan_Hicks> The closest word to what crocket means that I can think of is
+"Catholic priest".
+* Alan_Hicks tosses the flame bait out there.
+* Alan_Hicks is a troll today.
+<+crocket> catholic priest
+<+Alan_Hicks> crocket: Yeah. You're a 30 year old virgin who likes girls less
+than half his age, right? That's what a Catholic priest is.
+<+crocket> Alan_Hicks, I'm not 30 yet.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2298
+ Added: Mon, 15 Aug 2011 14:44:49 UTC
+<+Olfway> was making my 3am sammich
+<+Olfway> this thing is like a stoner's dream... turkey, 5 second bacon, BBQ
+sauce crushed up Diritos, mayo, grey pupon mustard, sweet relish...
+<+sero> haha, damn
+<+Olfway> that or I may be pregnant >>
+<+sero> Olfway: should I send a cardiologist to your house? :P
+<+Olfway> if I feel anything kicking, I'll let you know...
+* sero puts an OBGYN on standby....
+<+sero> "no, I'm not joking, it's a dude and he thinks he's in labor......."
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2305
+ Added: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 08:37:04 UTC
+Tadgy : Passwords should be stored in your head.
+thumbs : Tadgy: all your passwords are related to sex or similar then, I
+alienBOB : Iranian black ops guy to Tadgy : "please give head"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2307
+ Added: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 12:37:52 UTC
+21:42 <+jlindsay> You guys run into tracker yet? Yet another semantic desktop
+search thing, for Gnome this time. Tons of IO, I killed it with fire.
+21:42 <+notKlaatu> i saw a blog that was highlighting some of the semantic ideas
+and....i hated them all them all
+21:44 < unixclubhouse> wow... your all worked up tonight
+21:44 <+notKlaatu> well somebody said "semantic"
+21:44 <+notKlaatu> that word used to MEAN something.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2309
+ Added: Sat, 03 Sep 2011 01:53:06 UTC
+< Narrenschiff> yeah I had "my_little_pony.torrent" in my downloads
+< Narrenschiff> supervisor asked if it was bestiality porn
+< Narrenschiff> I thought "what's least embarrassing thing to say in this
+ circumstance"
+< evolv> bestiality is less embarrassing than actually enjoying my little pony,
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2311
+ Added: Sat, 03 Sep 2011 19:38:30 UTC
+Tadgy: Don't get me wrong, I don't believe in treating an animal cruely... but
+they don't have "rights". If i'm hungry, I eat them. If they annoy me, I kick
+them. If i'm horny...
+rob0: that's a true Tadgy gem!
+pupit: lmao
+Habitual: meow means NO!
+rob0: I pity those who /ignore you, they missed a good one.
+pupit: lmao again
+alienBOB: Don't get me wrong, I don't believe in treating Tadgy cruelly... but
+if i'm annoyed, I kick him
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2315
+ Added: Sat, 17 Sep 2011 14:34:06 UTC
+<@rworkman> I got some new deoderant. Instructions said "remove cap and push up
+<@Dominian> lol
+<@rworkman> It hurts to walk, but my farts smell lovely.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2316
+ Added: Sun, 18 Sep 2011 06:15:51 UTC
+<+Dominian> "Son, what are you doing?" "Mom, I'm practicing safe sex with the
+penguin.. ya know.. the taller the girl.. the easier the access!"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2329
+ Added: Sat, 22 Oct 2011 03:10:13 UTC
+<+danc3> didja ever wonder why men are so *BOGGLED* by boobs? I mean, really
+they're just lumps of fat. What's the attraction, other than we don't have
+ them?
+<+trhodes> they're a way to show off, i guess
+<+trhodes> "advertisement" maybe
+<+danc3> yeah, probably true
+<+NyteOwl> they resemble the buttocks cleavage from behind and elicit erotic
+thoughts of genitalia :p
+<+danc3> haha
+<+danc3> perhaps it's how they come in such a variety of shapes and sizes
+<+danc3> they're like snowflakes
+<+NyteOwl> lol
+<+danc3> except they last longer
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2337
+ Added: Tue, 08 Nov 2011 02:24:25 UTC
+<+SpaceJockey> I just drove hundreds of miles in unknown places
+<+Alan_Hicks> SpaceJockey: I wouldn't be bragging about riding around inside
+your mother's ass crack.
+<+NyteOwl> Alan_Hicks: he said "unknown" places :p
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2339
+ Added: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 03:56:59 UTC
+fuzzbawl: I had to re-prioritize my to-do list after making "re-prioritize my
+to-do list" a priority
+fuzzbawl: and now I can scratch off the "be an ass" item for today
+Boss: true
+fuzzbawl: did you just call me an ass?
+Boss: false
+fuzzbawl: wonder how long you can talk in boolean values
+Boss: undefined
+fuzzbawl: lol
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2350
+ Added: Wed, 07 Dec 2011 17:29:18 UTC
+<+nooper> wow latest adobe flash update requires a windows restart
+<+adaptr> doesn't every friggin update require that ?
+<+adaptr> you virgin you
+<+Olfway> NOT.NOT
+<+nooper> most of them dont anymore, adaptr
+<+adaptr> you must not use winturd as much as I do
+<@dive> "You moved the mouse. Windows must restart for changes to take effect."
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2366
+ Added: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 20:52:12 UTC
+< pegwole> Integgroll: Not BobbyJosh, different cousin.
+< pegwole> He sent me a text saying "we got wi fi now u shud have it to cuz i
+told the guy to point the antenna your way"
+< pegwole> He lives across town.
+< pegwole> He also asked me how a router works...
+< Integgroll> pegwole: you are a rarity among the inbred.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2372
+ Added: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 16:58:57 UTC
+@trhodes | @brainfuck --input "Heya Folks!"
+@AgentAnderson | trhodes: Error: Input too short.
++edman007 | that's what she said
+@trhodes | lmao
++hitest | lol
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2375
+ Added: Tue, 31 Jan 2012 02:19:40 UTC
+<+Soul_keeper> I like the term "muff" it just sounds soft and furry
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2387
+ Added: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 06:58:53 UTC
+< straterra> His excuse "We didn't know where those three wires went, so we just
+cut em and figured when someone complained we'd know"
+< BP{k}> straterra: apply same logic to his arteries
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2416
+ Added: Tue, 03 Apr 2012 16:24:52 UTC
+<@pawz> ouch. darwin just sliced my neck and i'm bleeding from the neck
+<+logicwrath> survival of the fittest bitch
+<@pawz> he turned up at the door looking hungry, because he refused to come
+ inside last night because he doesn't like being trapped inside. so
+ didn't get fed
+<@pawz> so tonight i took himside early before 5pm, fed him... he ate as quickly
+ as he could, thinking that if he was quick enough that surely he
+ escape
+<@pawz> when he realised this was impossible he wandered around the house
+ wailing like a walrus with a star picket up its arse
+<@pawz> so i picked him up and used the most effective threat i have.. i walked
+ into the shower with him... as soon as i got within two paces of
+ shower he went "OH FUCKKK ! OH FUCK !! THE SHOWEEEEERRRR !!!" and
+ started clawing my like crazy
+<@pawz> gashing open my jugular vein
+<@pawz> if i survive the blood loss, i probably won't survive the feline aids he
+ has no doubt infected me with
+<@pawz> however, while i am bleeding from the neck and no doubt infected with a
+ variety of unpleasant feline diseases.. it seems that i won,
+because he
+ is now cowering silently under the bed in fear that i may carry
+ the threat out of pure spit
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2420
+ Added: Wed, 04 Apr 2012 07:07:01 UTC
+<+Olfway> kinda figured there was a bit o' partying at SELF
+<@BP{k}> Olfway: I think a bit of partying is like describing the great flood
+ out of the bible as .. "it was a bit humid"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2424
+ Added: Fri, 06 Apr 2012 08:44:07 UTC
+<+Olfway> again, every time I see "asus" i read it as "anus"
+<+nyteowl> anal fetish huh?
+<+Olfway> nah, it's jsut a shitty (hehehe pun....) brand name
+<+hitest> heh
+<+Olfway> i mean, why did they pick something that looks like anus if you just
+ quickly glance?
+<+nyteowl> possibly because it was chosen due to meaning in another language
+ than English?
+<+Olfway> shit
+<@sero> Olfway, they were hoping for just that to happen, people to think that
+ and never forget it...
+<+Olfway> english is the only real language
+<+Olfway> (hahahaha)
+<+Olfway> sero, thats what i was thinking
+<@sero> Olfway, however, walk into a store and say "I'm looking for an anus pc,
+ could you help me?"
+<+hitest> oh sorry you're looking for the apple store across the street
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2434
+ Added: Sat, 14 Apr 2012 05:29:48 UTC
+<Stoo> I agree re: complaning... let it go. In fact, it might be beneficial.
+ Slackware will soon see an influx of hipster users - "my distro doesn't even
+have a website... no one knows about it!"
+<Stoo> "I was using it before the server was online"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2444
+ Added: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 15:57:46 UTC
+<nomsDroid> I just made the easiest -L-50 ever
+<thrashout> You can't make money easier than I do
+<nomsDroid> Called out to a job... computer wouldn't work - nothing showing up
+on screen. Insisted I come out to check it out.
+<gry> What was the problem?
+<Monochrome> moninrot wan't plugged in?
+<nomsDroid> Walk into office go to the desk... switch on the monitor.
+<thrashout> lol
+<nomsDroid> Mentally facepalm, write out the invoice and just walked out
+<T_A_N_K> lmfao
+<nomsDroid> I'm now sitting in my car facepalming.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2464
+ Added: Tue, 22 May 2012 13:13:04 UTC
+<BP{k}> I think there should be a bob ross coding style
+<BP{k}> "there are no typos .. only happy little accidents at compile time"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2504
+ Added: Thu, 02 Aug 2012 00:33:06 UTC
+-!- Dmitry` [~dmitry@unaffiliated/dmitry/x-1160702] has quit [Quit: V levoj ruke
+YUpiter, v pravoj ruke Mars, moj piar-menedzher Vasya Rams]
+<mancha> i wonder if that says, "in soviet russia, irc client quits you"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2518
+ Added: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 20:22:12 UTC
+<antiwire> then, another time, the bot learned too much again and banned
+<xovan> it got smart
+<antiwire> lol
+<antiwire> BAN ALL THE NICKS!!!
+<xovan> its life was better with an empty channel
+<aceofspades19> it wanted to create a channel with only bots
+<aceofspades19> humans are too ineffiecent at irc
+<xovan> a master race of ai
+<xovan> it was becoming skynet
+<firebird> antiwire, bahahahahahahaha
+<xovan> did you have to send anybody back in time to fix this?
+<aceofspades19> firebird: for an artifically intelligent hivemind you aren't
+very good at building AI
+<antiwire> I think everyone learned a little bit more about AI after that shit
+<xovan> they can't be trusted
+<antiwire> it was like HAL
+<xovan> what are you doing firebird ?
+<firebird> making a bot script
+<antiwire> "I'm afraid you're banned, Dave."
+<antiwire> CLICK
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2538
+ Added: Wed, 19 Sep 2012 04:33:46 UTC
+<mancha> oh, well then. all is solved.
+<d4wnr4z0r> yup.
+<d4wnr4z0r> except the collateral bunched-up panties, it would seem.
+<mancha> what fun would life be if panties didn't get bunched up every now and
+<d4wnr4z0r> bunched up is good, yes... as long as she takes 'em off first
+<mancha> "Those panties would look great all bunched up on the floor of my room"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2540
+ Added: Fri, 21 Sep 2012 16:14:50 UTC
+<datacide> Skywise, What do you think of this return?
+<mark_peters> datacide: Do you think it looks ok?
+<Skywise> well since you asked, i'll t ake a look
+<datacide> mark_peters, This is not psychology, this is Slackware, that's why
+I'm asking these guys
+<Skywise> i would say the software is saying no fuckin way can i open this here
+<tem-> ^
+<mark_peters> It gives multiple errors and says "period." at the end of them.
+<tem-> its saying its not a zip file lol
+<mark_peters> I would say that probably means what Skywise said lol.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2559
+ Added: Sun, 21 Oct 2012 03:08:40 UTC
+< byteframe1> "10:00 PM: It's like Romney needs a firmware upgrade. Just
+ talking points spewing forth. A litany. Words. A mess."
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2560
+ Added: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 03:37:11 UTC
+<XXLTomate> [19:45:12] Flash policy problem. If you are the server owner, please
+You need to install a flash policy daemon at irc.kottnet.net (port 1843).
+* HelenaB is listening to Uk Funky House Mix September 2011 Part 1.mp3
+<HelenaB> :o
+<HelenaB> XXLTomate: Your computer :/
+<DG> nah
+<HelenaB> atleast follow the instructions!
+<HelenaB> DG: works here
+<HelenaB> it's his computer
+<HelenaB> DG: I've used it in college :/
+<DG> "You need to install a flash policy daemon at irc.kottnet.net (port 1843)"
+<TomM> LOL!
+<XXLTomate> there has to be a deamon installed at the irc server
+<TomM> Flash policy goes on the ircd
+<DG> ^
+<HelenaB> DG: I've used it in college :/
+<HelenaB> DG: I've used it in college :/
+<HelenaB> DG: I've used it in college :/
+<TomM> Ryan (HelenaB) = newb
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2563
+ Added: Sat, 27 Oct 2012 17:48:20 UTC
++arfon | I need to add moar sexual terms in my posts to get more farms...
++arfon | There seems to be a correlation
+@adrien | just write "adrien" in your posts, it'll make them terribly hot :-)
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2570
+ Added: Wed, 07 Nov 2012 21:18:40 UTC
++linXea | whenever I get black-out drunk I tend to end up spending the night
+with someone
++linXea | except for last friday.. I "befriendlied" my toilet bowl and spooned
++linXea | gives "cold hearted bitch" a new meaning
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2591
+ Added: Sun, 23 Dec 2012 20:37:15 UTC
+<@SelfishMan> Everyone should have a theme song. Mine is "I'm a Barbie Girl"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2592
+ Added: Thu, 27 Dec 2012 22:03:42 UTC
+<+s0ulslack> Tadgy: did yer mom have any kids that lived?
+<+s0ulslack> yer retarded brother doesn't count
+<+Tadgy> Really, that the best you can come up with? "Yo mumma" shit?
+<+s0ulslack> dude yew still live in the basement and thrive off this shit huh?
+<+s0ulslack> sad niglet
+<+Tadgy> Even if that were true, all it means is that you're getting
+bitchslapped by a kid in the basement.
+<+Tadgy> Says are more about you, than me.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2601
+ Added: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 00:06:10 UTC
+<sencha> the girl I lost my virginity to is trying to get me to get her meth
+<surrounder> lol
+<Stoo> o_O
+<adrien_oww> pee in her anus!
+<adrien_oww> \o/
+<sencha> she's married now
+<adrien_oww> doesn't matter if she's on meth
+<Stoo> married to meth it sounds like
+<adrien_oww> my biggest scare right now
+<Stoo> inb4 "she's just a social meth user"
+<sencha> social meth user lol
+<adrien_oww> I'm using this IRC client also for work so it's doing "up" in my
+IRC client and sending such a message to the wrong channel :P
+<adrien_oww> if she's doing it socially with female friends, well
+<adrien_oww> ORGY! \o/
+<surrounder> \o/
+* hubx has quit (Quit: Leaving)
+<nofra> Is it cheating if she's on meth?
+<Stoo> pretty sure
+<Stoo> not an expert though
+<Olfway> sencha, what?
+<sencha> Olfway, what?
+<Olfway> first thing i see is something about meth
+<nofra> I think meth changes the rules....
+<Olfway> i miss this channel
+<sencha> Olfway, the girl I lose my virginity to a long time ago
+<sencha> Olfway, she's asking me to get her meth
+<Olfway> woooooow
+<Olfway> and on that note, off to destroy my toilet
+<nofra> Wait.... Out of this conversation, why aren't we surprised that you
+know where/how to get meth????
+<surrounder> a bucket of meth a day keeps the doctor away
+<nofra> surrounder: But, it attracts morticians...
+<surrounder> and clowns!
+<nofra> Clowns are evil
+<nofra> They are tools of teh devil
+<sencha> nofra, I work at mcdonalds man
+<sencha> nofra, my one manager does crack, and god knows what else
+<sencha> I'm sure I can find meth if I look
+<nofra> "Yes, I'd like a Happy Meal and an extra McMeth, please..."
+<surrounder> all handy in one place
+<surrounder> I don't see any downsides
+<nofra> Jay and Silent Bob hnag out back?
+<nofra> hang
+<surrounder> mcd. kills more people than meth anyhow
+<Olfway> McAmphetamine
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2606
+ Added: Mon, 28 Jan 2013 14:29:11 UTC
++firebird | sencha, how'd you get opensuse to boot?
++sencha | firebird, booted the dvd and selected "boot from hard dick"
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2616
+ Added: Fri, 08 Feb 2013 04:16:18 UTC
+<+Tadgy> "chilliwack" sounds like some sort of kinky masturbation ritual.
+<+Dominian> everything sounds like a kinkey masturbation ritual to you
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2631
+ Added: Tue, 19 Mar 2013 19:51:42 UTC
+<firebird> antiwire, omg, on oftc, found a channel with a topic of "Kill my
+baby. I want a boob job" X_X
+<antiwire> lol
+<aceofspades19> fuck you antiwire
+<aceofspades19> and your goat
+<adrien> firebird: thanks
+<adrien> firebird: now I can mention that when people ask me how I found
+#gaygeeks on freenode
+<adrien> it'll sure shift the attention
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2634
+ Added: Mon, 01 Apr 2013 18:49:21 UTC
+<Alan_Hicks> Somebody please give me ops.
+*** ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has changed mode for ##slackware-offtopic to
++o Alan_Hicks
+<Dominian> Alan_Hicks: what did you need OPs for?
+*** Alan_Hicks (alan@harrier.slackbuilds.org) has set the topic for
+##slackware-offtopic: "RIP Angelina Jolie's Tities. June 4, 1975 - May 13, 2013.
+War is peace, slavery is freedom, ignorance is strength. Welcome to
+##slackware-offtopic | Don't be on topic. Don't make channel logs public |
+Please ask for a cloak in #freenode so we can autovoice you | Narf."
+<Dominian> haha
+<Dominian> I see
+* Alan_Hicks brushes away tears.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2650
+ Added: Tue, 14 May 2013 14:42:12 UTC
+<David> I've got a small logical problem, can you help me? How do I compare two
+angels to find out which one is the largest?
+<David> wait, no, that is wrong
+<David> I have two angles. Angle A is "static", angle B is adjustable. How do I
+find out whether I have to make B bigger or make it smaller to achieve A's
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2659
+ Added: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 12:32:12 UTC
+<wlan> Tut est' normal'nye lyudi?
+<gry> net
+<wlan> Ili tol'ko razrabotchikiYU
+<wlan> ?
+<gry> dumayu, nekotorye razrabotchiki zdes' chitayut, igrayut v tenis i begayut,
+kak normal'nye lyudi
+<Phazorx> v rezhime e'mulyacii
+<Phazorx> chtob nastoyashchie normal'nye dumali chto s nami vsyo v poryadke :)
+English Translation:
+<wlan> Are there any normal people here?
+<gry> no
+<wlan> Or only developers
+<gry> think some developers are reading, playing tennis and running around like
+normal people
+<Phazorx> in emulation mode
+<Phazorx> To convince real normal people that everything is all right when them
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2665
+ Added: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 13:35:32 UTC
+<@darkphan> if you had a legit copy of mirc, why not use the latest version? are
+the licenses good for life?
+<@KingNewbs> yeah, darkphan
+<@KingNewbs> I bought mirc in 2000.
+<@KingNewbs> Someone told me to "register" my nick, so I clicked HELP and then
+REGISTER and then paid $15.
+<@KingNewbs> That was not what they meant!
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2668
+ Added: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 16:02:38 UTC
+< Blacklite_> hey, anybody want to build a slackware-based distro with me?
+< Fay> ...
+< Fay> i dont like you Blacklite_
+< Blacklite_> why not?
+< Blacklite_> Fay, why don't you like me?
+< Blacklite_> guise, I'm on my win8 laptop right now, how would I go about
+downloading all of the packages from
+< krizzo> Blacklite_: Why fork slackware?
+< Blacklite_> because it's awesome, but not as user-friendly as it could be.
+< krizzo> What is this "user-friendly" you speak of Blacklite_?
+< Fay> slackware isnt supposed to be user friendly
+< Cultist> it is user friendly
+< Cultist> it just isn't new user friendly
+< krizzo> I agree with Cultist
+< Fay> +1
+< Blacklite_> those trendy little app stores, graphical point-and-click
+installer, compatibility with other distros, etc
+< Blacklite_> I was thinking of making the ubuntu of slackware
+< Blacklite_> what ubuntu is to debian, it would be to slack
+< krizzo> Blacklite_: I understand, what distro do you use currently?
+< lenny__> what do you think is missing at the moment
+< Blacklite_> slackware, obviously
+< icetooth> that defeats the point of slackware! imo
+< Blacklite_> what exactly is the point of slackware in your opinion, then?
+< krizzo> Blacklite_: You understand the idea of slackware correct?
+< Blacklite_> quite.
+< Blacklite_> it's supposed to have everything you need out-of-the-box
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2673
+ Added: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 01:00:48 UTC
+<Darth_Slack> Bloke is in the pub with his mates, getting shitfaced. Utterly
+<Darth_Slack> The next day, he turns up at work looking very worse for ware. His
+mates ask him if he got home OK.
+<Darth_Slack> He says "Yeah, I got home. But I blew chunks when I got there"
+<Darth_Slack> His mates say "That's fine.. everyone throws up when they get that
+<Darth_Slack> He man says, "No. Chunks is my dog."
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2685
+ Added: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:59:28 UTC
+<armin> hi there, could anyone point out where exactly to set "color_encrypted"?
+<Guest1721> that's an otr setting I think, it'll only exist if you have the otr
+plugin working
+<Flexo> In which case, looks like it's a global setting ('set' to check)
+<armin> hi flexo, i guess i got it working as i already have created otr keys
+for this.
+<armin> ah, it's "otr_color_encrypted"
+<armin> thank you.
+<armin> 8)
+<Flexo> aha
+<Flexo> np
+<armin> one of these days i'm going to cut you into little pieces
+<Flexo> o.O
+<njsg> what even when how
+<trac3r> levels of gratitude are skyrocketing
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2689
+ Added: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 12:22:18 UTC
+<<+ dive>> @urban crocket
+<<@ MrHardwood>> dive: crocket (None): The short term for "Crit Rocket" in
+valve's 2007 game, Team Fortress 2 (TF2). [ex:] Holy crap i just landed a
+crocket on that Pyro! [/ex] | A shorter way of saying crotch cricket. A
+parasite commonly found in the genital region. Crabs. [ex:] I think I saw a
+giant crocket hopping out of that skizzy's laundry basket. [/ex]
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2692
+ Added: Mon, 14 Oct 2013 19:45:33 UTC
+redotis: Raimondi...I'm going to suck your dick.
+redotis: That was fucking awesome.
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2694
+ Added: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 05:40:49 UTC
+< d4rkt1m3s> Fedora users were always assholes.
+< Demon_Fox> Not true
+< Demon_Fox> I am a fedora user and I am only an asshole sometimes
+< Darth_Slack> Demon_Fox: No, you're really not.
+< Darth_Slack> Demon_Fox: It's so not "sometimes".
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2697
+ Added: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 01:06:27 UTC
+< crumb> when i do.. dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/rootfs bs=1k count=nnn
+< crumb> i get dd: invalid number `nnn'
+< crumb> i'm trying to follow this guide
+< Darth_Slack> crumb: Please tell me you're not actually typing "nnn"?
+< crumb> oh
+< crumb> i thought maybe it was a predefined value
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2702
+ Added: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 02:49:59 UTC
+<wiglet> hmmm bitch-x is being "revived"?
+<wiglet> that will be sweet
+<wiglet> then we can play 90's irc war again
+<woddf2> wiglet: I thought that was a while ago?
+<wiglet> the 90s? yes it was
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2710
+ Added: Mon, 24 Feb 2014 03:22:27 UTC
+<iFire> quassel has spellchecl O.o
+<al> yours not, evidently
+<al> :D
+<davispuh> only it doesn't work for me because it tries to use non-existent
+dictionary and fails :(
+<davispuh> but I've "en" dicy
+<davispuh> dict*
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2722
+ Added: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 10:05:38 UTC
+Urchlay | "I went and got my car's alignment checked. It's Chaotic Evil."
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2743
+ Added: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 08:02:01 UTC
+<O26rus> svetlana: Idk. Its may be just bed memory or bed operator. In any case
+I can't do anythind until tomorrow.
+<svetlana> Bad memory or bad operator?
+<svetlana> bed is KROVAT', where you sleep
+<O26rus> i'm not sure i do it right
+<abs60923> pochemu dva russkih obshchayutsya na anglijskom
+<abs60923> na russkoyazychnom kanale
+<bender> bed operator
+<svetlana> abs, Ne znayu, on poprosil
+<bender> kakoe civil'noe nazvanie prostitutki :)
+<O26rus> svetlana: svetlana we talking about different PCs
+<abs> krovatnyj operator e'to sil'no
+<O26rus> svetlana: Idk. Its may be just bed memory or bed operator. In any case
+I can't do anythind until tomorrow.
+<svetlana> Bad memory or bad operator?
+<svetlana> bed is BED, where you sleep
+<O26rus> i'm not sure i do it right
+<abs60923> why are two Russians talking in English
+<abs60923> on a Russian channel
+<bender> bed operator
+<svetlana> abs, I don't know, he asked
+<bender> what a civil name for a prostitute :)
+<O26rus> svetlana: svetlana we talking about different PCs
+<abs> bed operator is a strong thought
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2744
+ Added: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 10:05:29 UTC
+"Talking about Token Ring Networks"
++misspwn | it's like jehovas theborger
++theborger | misspwn: yes YES god damn Jehovas
++theborger | those God Damn knock on your door on a sunday at 8am. when i am
+trying to get my fucking dick unstuck from something
++majorsecurity | theborger: I could actually imagine that happening
++theborger | and you open the door and there like OMFG you got a Hamster stuck
+on your dick
++theborger | and i say, Fuck you Jehovas, knocking on my door at 8am
++theborger | so i jerk off and shot the hamster off my dick. making it land in
+the Jahovas face
++theborger | and that sums up a Token ring. Ok class read pages 99 to 203. have
+a good study night
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2745
+ Added: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 06:53:57 UTC
+<< thi>> hi guys, hi higor
+<< thi>> I could not put the EhactoraFive and othres in cacus
+<< thi>> FilterCode="Ehac
+<< thi>> MapFilters[10]=Ehac Ehac-*
+<< thi>> what's the secret to running?
+<<@ g0v>> walk fast
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2749
+ Added: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 00:32:05 UTC
+<<+Beebz>> "When two people kiss they create a long tube with assholes on both
+ -- old noobfarm site, quote #2777
+ Added: Mon, 23 Feb 2015 22:18:26 UTC