path: root/bitmaptext.pl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bitmaptext.pl')
1 files changed, 2791 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bitmaptext.pl b/bitmaptext.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a7ccf0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bitmaptext.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,2791 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use utf8;
+use feature 'unicode_strings';
+use open ':std', ':encoding(UTF-8)';
+$version = "0.1";
+$DEBUG = 0;
+# Ideas for future features: work as a filter (text on stdin)? support
+# for ANSI colors from command line? detect terminal width and do
+# word-wrap? use unicode 13.0 semigraphics (2x3 pixel blocks)? these
+# aren't well supported by fonts yet... but it would allow our font to
+# be higher resolution None of this stuff may ever happen...
+=encoding utf8
+=head1 NAME
+bitmaptext.pl - print giant characters
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+=head2 From the shell:
+bitmaptext.pl [--help | --man | --version] | [-g] [-i] [ [--test] | [--] [text] ]
+=head2 From within irssi:
+/script load bitmaptext.pl
+/big [-i] [text]
+/giant [-i] [text]
+bitmaptext.pl prints text strings rendered as Unicode block
+characters, using either the 'quadrant' characters from the 25xx block
+to treat each terminal character cell as a block of 2x2 'semigraphics'
+pixels, or (with B<-g> option or B</giant> in irssi) the full-block
+and space characters for I<really> large characters.
+The font used for rendering is proportional, and uses a B<N> by
+8 character cell (where 2 < B<N> < 9; most glyphs are 5x7). Only
+printable ASCII (I<U+0020> to I<U+007E>) and Latin-1 (I<U+00A0> to
+I<U+00FF>) is supported, plus a few emoji:
+=over 4
+=item ☮
+the peace symbol (I<U+262E>)
+=item ☯
+the yin-yang (I<U+262F>)
+=item ☺
+the smiley face (I<U+263A>)
+=item ☹
+the frowny face (I<U+2639>)
+Other characters will render as spaces.
+When run from the command line, each argument is printed on its own
+line. To print a message with a space in it, quote the argument.
+When run from irssi, the entire string is printed as one
+line. Standard IRC color codes are supported anywhere in the string
+(e.g. B<^C3,4> for green text on red background). Other formatting
+(e.g. bold or italic) is not supported.
+Note that the text argument(s) must be Unicode (UTF-8), whether running
+standalone or within irssi.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=head2 Irssi Options
+=over 4
+=item B<-i>
+Print text in inverse video. Applies to both B</big> and B</giant>
+=head2 Command-line Options
+=over 4
+=item B<-g>
+Print giant text. Same as B</giant> in irssi.
+=item B<-i>
+Print text in inverse video.
+=item B<-->
+Stop processing options; anything after B<--> is taken as the
+text to print. Use this if your text begins with I<->.
+=item B<--test>
+Print the entire printable character set (ASCII and Latin-1). Can be
+combined with B<-i> and/or B<-g>. Without B<-g>, the table is 43x48
+characters. With B<-g>, it's 90x96. If the table is too big for your
+terminal, resize your terminal or try piping it though B<less -S>.
+=item B<--help>
+Print built-in help.
+=item B<--man>
+Print built-in help in man page format.
+=item B<--version>
+Print bitmaptext.pl version number and exit.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+These examples may not format properly on your terminal. If they
+don't, your terminal probably won't be able to display the large text
+from bitmaptext.pl, either.
+ $ bitmaptext.pl 'Big Text'
+ ▄▄ ▗ ▄▄▖ ▖
+ ▙▄▘▄ ▞▀▌ ▌ ▞▀▖▌▐▝▛
+ ▌ ▌▐ ▚▄▌ ▌ ▛▀▘▞▚ ▌
+ ▀▀ ▀▘▗▄▘ ▘ ▝▀ ▘▝ ▝
+ $ bitmaptext.pl -g HEY
+ █ █ █████ █ █
+ █ █ █ █ █
+ █████ ████ █ █
+ █ █ █ █
+ █ █ █ █
+ █ █ █████ █
+ $ bitmaptext.pl -i ' Foobar.'
+ ███▀▀▜██████▜█████████
+ ███▝▀█▚▄▜▚▄▜▝▀█▙▄▜▗▄▜█
+ ███▐██▐█▐▐█▐▐█▐▚▄▐▐███
+ ███▟██▙▄█▙▄█▄▄█▙▄▟▟██▟
+=head2 Command-line
+If the display in your teminal looks like gibberish, make sure
+your terminal supports Unicode and UTF-8 (and has the support
+enabled). If you're sure it's enabled but the display is still wrong,
+make sure you're using a font that has the Unicode box-drawing
+characters. Terminus is a good choice.
+Terminals known to work include B<rxvt-unicode>, B<xterm> (with
+e.g. B<-u8> option or UTF-8 enabled in B<~/.Xdefaults>), B<alacritty>,
+B<kitty>, B<konsole> (KDE), B<xfce4-terminal> (XFCE).
+The original B<rxvt> is known I<not> to work. The Linux console
+may work, but a lot of the available fonts lack some or all of the
+quadrant characters (-g should still work).
+If all else fails, try it in B<rxvt-unicode>, which has built-in
+box-drawing characters.
+=head2 Irssi
+Make sure irssi is running in a Unicode/UTF-8 capable terminal (see
+above). Also run I</set term_charset utf-8> from within irssi.
+If you can see your big text just fine, but another user can't, the
+problem is at the other user's end. He has to enable UTF-8 in his
+client (and if the client runs in a terminal, he has to use a UTF-8
+capable terminal).
+=head1 NOTES
+There's no way to load the font from an external file; it's built
+into the script, although it's at least easy to edit (look at
+the bottom of the script file).
+Without B<-g> (or with B</big> in irssi), each character will be
+rendered as a B<N> / 2 by 4 block of 2x2 pixel cells, meaning you
+can easily exceed the width of your terminal (or your audience's
+terminal(s)). Best to stick with messages of 20 characters or less.
+Even if you use a really wide terminal window, the people you're
+talking to might not.
+With B<-g> (or with B</giant> in irssi), each character will be
+rendered as a B<N> by 8 block of single-pixel cells. It's very easy to
+exceed the terminal width; best to stick with 10 characters or less.
+Also, in irssi, you're sending 8 lines to the server at once: you
+may trigger the server's (or the channel's) flood protection and be
+temporarily silenced, banned, or even disconnected from the server.
+A future version of this script may someday include a delay between
+lines to avoid this...
+On IRC, you have no control over how other peoples' clients display
+your text. Anyone whose client doesn't support Unicode and UTF-8 won't
+be able to see your big and giant messages. Also, with clients that
+use a proportional (variable-width) font, the spacing may not come
+out right.
+The font was "drawn freehand" in a text editor, not directly based on
+any existing font. All glyphs have a blank column on the right, and
+most have a blank row at the bottom and top (so the glyphs are mostly
+5x6). Lowercase I<g>, I<j>, I<p>, I<q>, and I<y> have true descenders,
+meaning they use the bottom row. As with any low-res bitmap fonts,
+some compromises have to be made. The lowercase I<a> and I<e> are too
+tall, and the centerlines on the I<b>, I<d>, and I<h> are one pixel
+lower than they should be. The B<i> and B<j> are too short. Some of
+the Latin-1 glyphs are even worse: the diacritics require the letters
+to be squashed, and even so, they don't have a blank line on top, so
+they'll touch true-descender characters on the line above.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Urchlay on Libera IRC, <urchlay@slackware.uk>
+=head1 LICENSE
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+B<irssi>(1), B<perl>(1), B<urxvt>(1), B<xterm>(1)
+# (0,0) (1,0) (0,1) (1,0) order.
+%pixel_map = (
+ '____' => ' ',
+ '___X' => '▗',
+ '__X_' => '▖',
+ '__XX' => '▄',
+ '_X__' => '▝',
+ '_X_X' => '▐',
+ '_XX_' => '▞',
+ '_XXX' => '▟',
+ 'X___' => '▘',
+ 'X__X' => '▚',
+ 'X_X_' => '▌',
+ 'X_XX' => '▙',
+ 'XX__' => '▀',
+ 'XX_X' => '▜',
+ 'XXX_' => '▛',
+ 'XXXX' => '█',
+# add a glyph to the pixels array, on the right.
+sub add_glyph_to_pixels {
+ my $chr = shift; # character
+ my $pixels = shift; # array ref
+ $chr = " " unless $glyphs{$chr};
+ my @g = @{$glyphs{$chr}};
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < @g; $i++) {
+ $pixels->[$i] .= $g[$i];
+ }
+# does the 2x2 quadrant-block rendering. arg is the array of
+# pixels (which are X and _, not unicode blocks/spaces!)
+# return value is an array of 3 ready-to-print lines of unicode.
+# when called with no args, returns the height of the output, in
+# screen lines (font size divided by two).
+sub render_big_pixels {
+ return 4 unless @_;
+ my @output;
+ my $input_width = length($_[0]);
+ # if width is odd, add an extra column of 0 pixels to make it even.
+ # have to do this because we use 2x2 blocks (can't have 1x2 blocks
+ # left at the end).
+ if($input_width % 2) {
+ s/$/_/ for @_;
+ }
+ for(my $y = 0; $y < @_; $y += 2) {
+ my $line;
+ for(my $x = 0; $x < $input_width; $x += 2) {
+ # (0,0) (1,0) (0,1) (1,0) order.
+ # e.g. the key for ▚ is X__X.
+ my $key = substr($_[$y], $x, 2) . substr($_[$y + 1], $x, 2);
+ $line .= $pixel_map{$key};
+ }
+ push @output, $line;
+ }
+ return @output;
+# block/space (giant, -g) rendering. very simple: show a solid block
+# for a 1 pixel, or a space for 0.
+sub render_giant_pixels {
+ return 8 unless @_;
+ my @output = @_;
+ for(@output) {
+ s/X/█/g;
+ s/_/ /g;
+ }
+ return @output;
+# support for -i option: swap the 1's and 0's in the pixels array.
+sub invert {
+ for(@{$_[0]}) {
+ s/X/#/g;
+ s/_/X/g;
+ s/#/_/g;
+ }
+# called when running from command line, not irssi.
+sub print_string {
+ my $renderer = shift; # either \&render_big_pixels or \&render_giant_pixels
+ my $inverse = shift; # boolean
+ my @pixels;
+ utf8::decode($_[0]);
+ for my $c (split "", $_[0]) {
+ add_glyph_to_pixels($c, \@pixels);
+ }
+ invert(\@pixels) if $inverse;
+ my @output = $renderer->(@pixels);
+ print join("\n", @output), "\n";
+# --test mode, prints whole charset
+sub print_font {
+ my($renderer, $inverse) = @_;
+ my $termheight = 25;
+ my $col = 0;
+ my(@ascii, @latin);
+ for(my $i = 32; $i < 128; $i += 16) {
+ my $a;
+ $a .= chr($_) for($i .. ($i + 15));
+ push @ascii, $a;
+ $a = "";
+ $a .= chr($_) for(($i + 128) .. (($i + 128) + 15));
+ push @latin, $a;
+ }
+ print_string($renderer, $inverse, $_) for @ascii, @latin;
+# main() if we're not running under irssi
+if(__PACKAGE__ eq 'main') {
+ exec "perldoc $0" if @ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /--?h(elp)?/;
+ exec "pod2man --stderr --utf8 -s1 -r$version -c\"Urchlay's Misc Stuff\" $0" if @ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /--?m(an)?/;
+ if(@ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq '--version') {
+ print "bitmaptext.pl $version\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ init_font();
+ my $renderer = \&render_big_pixels;
+ my $inverse = 0;
+ my $testmode = 0;
+ while(@ARGV) {
+ if($ARGV[0] eq '-g') {
+ $renderer = \&render_giant_pixels;
+ shift;
+ } elsif($ARGV[0] eq '-i') {
+ $inverse++;
+ shift;
+ } elsif($ARGV[0] eq '--test') {
+ shift;
+ $testmode++;
+ } elsif($ARGV[0] eq '--') {
+ shift;
+ last;
+ } elsif($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
+ die "bitmaptext.pl: unknown option '$ARGV[0]'. Try running with --help.\n";
+ } else {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if($testmode) {
+ print_font($renderer, $inverse);
+ } else {
+ die "bitmaptext.pl: no text. Try running with --help.\n" unless @ARGV;
+ print_string($renderer, $inverse, $_) for @ARGV;
+ }
+ exit 0;
+# irssi stuff here
+require Irssi;
+Irssi->import(qw/command command_bind/);
+our $VERSION = $version;
+our %IRSSI = (
+ authors => 'Urchlay',
+ contact => 'Urchlay on Libera',
+ name => 'bitmaptext',
+ description => 'print giant characters made of UTF-8 boxes',
+ license => 'WTFPL',
+ url => 'none',
+ );
+sub irssi_print_string {
+ my ($text, $srv, $chan, $renderer) = @_;
+ return unless $text;
+ return unless $srv;
+ return unless $chan;
+ my $inverse = 0;
+ if($text =~ s/^-i\s//) {
+ $inverse++;
+ }
+ my $height = $renderer->();
+ my @lines;
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < $height; $i++) {
+ $lines[$i] = "";
+ }
+ # irssi's written in C, it passes us strings of utf-8 bytes, but in perl
+ # there's a difference between e.g. "\xc2\xa2" (2 bytes, utf8-encoded) and
+ # the string representation of the utf-8 character "¢" (written "\x{a2}").
+ # utf8::decode turns the former into the latter, so when we split the
+ # string to get the characters, we get unicode characters.
+ utf8::decode($text);
+ # Color spec:
+ # https://modern.ircdocs.horse/formatting.html
+ # we don't have to interpret the color codes, just recognize and
+ # append to output lines.
+ for my $i (split /(\x03[0-9]+(?:,[0-9]+)?|\x03)/, $text) {
+ if($i =~ /^\x03/) {
+ if($DEBUG) {
+ if($i eq "\x03") {
+ print "color off";
+ } else {
+ print "color " . substr($i, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ map { $_ .= $i } @lines;
+ } else {
+ print "word: $i" if $DEBUG;
+ my @pixels;
+ for my $ch (split "", $i) {
+ print "glyph: $ch" if $DEBUG;
+ add_glyph_to_pixels($ch, \@pixels);
+ }
+ invert(\@pixels) if $inverse;
+ my @r = $renderer->(@pixels);
+ for(my $l = 0; $l < @r; $l++) {
+ $lines[$l] .= $r[$l];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(@lines) {
+ $chan->command('MSG ' . $chan->{name} . ' ' . $_);
+ }
+sub cmd_big {
+ irssi_print_string(@_, \&render_big_pixels);
+sub cmd_giant {
+ irssi_print_string(@_, \&render_giant_pixels);
+# the help for our 2 options is very similar, use this as a template to
+# create them both.
+$helptext = <<EOF;
+/_CMD_ [-i] text...
+ -i: Inverse video.
+Prints big text to current channel/query, _DESC_
+ /_CMD_ Hello
+ /_CMD_ -i Hi there
+ <TODO>
+See also: _OTHERCMD_
+sub mkhelp {
+ my $text = $helptext;
+ my $cmd = $_[0];
+ for(qw/_CMD_ _DESC_ _OTHERCMD_/) {
+ $text =~ s/$_/$_[0]/gm;
+ shift;
+ }
+ # \x02 is ^B, IRC bold toggle. use it for e.g. Syntax:, Parameters:...
+ $text =~ s/^.*:/\x02$&\x02/gm;
+ $help{$cmd} = $text;
+mkhelp("big", "using Unicode quadrant blocks as pixels.", "giant");
+mkhelp("giant", "using Unicode full blocks and spaces as pixels.", "big");
+# write the generated help to files, so irssi's /help command will
+# find them. this relies on the user's help_path setting, can't remember
+# what the default is...
+my $dir = Irssi::get_irssi_dir() . "/help";
+if(! -e $dir) {
+ mkdir $dir;
+if(-e $dir) {
+ for(keys %help) {
+ if(open my $f, ">", "$dir/$_") {
+ print $f $help{$_};
+ close $f;
+ }
+ }
+command_bind("big", \&cmd_big);
+command_bind("giant", \&cmd_giant);
+# call init_font once at startup. it's a function instead of mainline code so
+# we can avoid calling it when we're run with --help.
+# if you're editing the font, the rules are:
+# 1. glyphs are variable width Nx8 monochrome bitmaps. there's no limit on N,
+# but most of the glyphs are 6x8 (5px wide plus a blank column), so you
+# don't want to make your new glyphs too much wider than that.
+# 2. all rows in the same glyph must be the same width.
+# 3. use an X for a set pixel, use _ for an unset pixel.
+# 4. the rightmost column must be all _, so the characters don't
+# touch each other.
+# There's a bit of error-checking that make the script die if you
+# break the rules, but it may not be infallible.
+# Also, not a hard-and-fast-rule, but the bottom row will normally
+# be blank, except for glyphs with true descenders (lowercase g j q y).
+# You can assign a glyph to any Unicode character. There's no requirement
+# for it to be ASCII or Latin-1.
+sub init_font {
+ # ASCII printable range (32 to 126).
+ @{$glyphs{" "}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"!"}} = qw/
+ __
+ X_
+ X_
+ X_
+ X_
+ __
+ X_
+ __
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"\""}} = qw/
+ ____
+ X_X_
+ X_X_
+ ____
+ ____
+ ____
+ ____
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"#"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ _X_X__
+ _X_X__
+ _X_X__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"\$"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ __X___
+ _XXXX_
+ X_X___
+ _XXX__
+ __X_X_
+ XXXX__
+ __X___
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"%"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ XX__X_
+ ___X__
+ __X___
+ _X____
+ X__XX_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"&"}} = qw/
+ _____
+ __X__
+ _XXX_
+ X____
+ _XX__
+ X____
+ _XXX_
+ __X__
+ /;
+## @{$glyphs{"&"}} = qw/
+## _______
+## _XXX___
+## X___X__
+## _XXX___
+## X__XXX_
+## X___X__
+## _XXX_X_
+## _______
+## /;
+ @{$glyphs{"'"}} = qw/
+ __
+ X_
+ X_
+ __
+ __
+ __
+ __
+ __
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"("}} = qw/
+ ___
+ _X_
+ X__
+ X__
+ X__
+ X__
+ _X_
+ ___
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{")"}} = qw/
+ ___
+ X__
+ _X_
+ _X_
+ _X_
+ _X_
+ X__
+ ___
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"*"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ X_X_X_
+ _XXX__
+ X_X_X_
+ ______
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"+"}} = qw/
+ ____
+ ____
+ ____
+ _X__
+ XXX_
+ _X__
+ ____
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{","}} = qw/
+ ___
+ ___
+ ___
+ ___
+ ___
+ _X_
+ X__
+ ___
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"-"}} = qw/
+ ____
+ ____
+ ____
+ ____
+ XXX_
+ ____
+ ____
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"."}} = qw/
+ __
+ __
+ __
+ __
+ __
+ __
+ X_
+ __
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"/"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ ____X_
+ ___X__
+ __X___
+ _X____
+ X_____
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"0"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ X__XX_
+ X_X_X_
+ XX__X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"1"}} = qw/
+ ____
+ _X__
+ XX__
+ _X__
+ _X__
+ _X__
+ XXX_
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"2"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ XXXX__
+ ____X_
+ _XXX__
+ X_____
+ X_____
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"3"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ XXXX__
+ ____X_
+ _XXX__
+ ____X_
+ ____X_
+ XXXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"4"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ __X_X_
+ _X__X_
+ X___X_
+ ____X_
+ ____X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"5"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ X_____
+ XXXX__
+ ____X_
+ ____X_
+ XXXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"6"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ X_____
+ XXXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"7"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ____X_
+ ___X__
+ __X___
+ __X___
+ __X___
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"8"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"9"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXXX_
+ ____X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{":"}} = qw/
+ __
+ __
+ __
+ X_
+ __
+ X_
+ __
+ __
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{";"}} = qw/
+ ___
+ ___
+ ___
+ _X_
+ ___
+ _X_
+ X__
+ ___
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"<"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ ____X_
+ __XX__
+ XX____
+ __XX__
+ ____X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"="}} = qw/
+ ____
+ ____
+ ____
+ XXX_
+ ____
+ XXX_
+ ____
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{">"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ X_____
+ _XX___
+ ___XX_
+ _XX___
+ X_____
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"?"}} = qw/
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ ____X_
+ ___X__
+ __X___
+ ______
+ __X___
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"@"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ X_X_X_
+ X_XXX_
+ X_____
+ _XXXX_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"A"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ __X___
+ _X_X__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"B"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ XXXX__
+ X___X_
+ XXXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ XXXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"C"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ X_____
+ X_____
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"D"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ XXXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ XXXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"E"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ X_____
+ XXXX__
+ X_____
+ X_____
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"F"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ X_____
+ XXXX__
+ X_____
+ X_____
+ X_____
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"G"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ _XXXX_
+ X_____
+ X_____
+ X__XX_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"H"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"I"}} = qw/
+ ____
+ XXX_
+ _X__
+ _X__
+ _X__
+ _X__
+ XXX_
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"J"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ___XX_
+ ____X_
+ ____X_
+ ____X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"K"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ X___X_
+ X__X__
+ XXX___
+ X__X__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"L"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ X_____
+ X_____
+ X_____
+ X_____
+ X_____
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"M"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ X___X_
+ XX_XX_
+ X_X_X_
+ X_X_X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"N"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ X___X_
+ XX__X_
+ X_X_X_
+ X_X_X_
+ X__XX_
+ X___X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"O"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"P"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ XXXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ XXXX__
+ X_____
+ X_____
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Q"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X__X__
+ _XX_X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"R"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ XXXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ XXXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"S"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ _XXXX_
+ X_____
+ _XXX__
+ ____X_
+ ____X_
+ XXXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"T"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ __X___
+ __X___
+ __X___
+ __X___
+ __X___
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"U"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"V"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _X_X__
+ __X___
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"W"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X_X_X_
+ X_X_X_
+ XX_XX_
+ _X_X__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"X"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ X___X_
+ _X_X__
+ __X___
+ _X_X__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Y"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _X_X__
+ __X___
+ __X___
+ __X___
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Z"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ___X__
+ __X___
+ _X____
+ X_____
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"["}} = qw/
+ ____
+ XXX_
+ X___
+ X___
+ X___
+ X___
+ XXX_
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"\\"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ X_____
+ _X____
+ __X___
+ ___X__
+ ____X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"]"}} = qw/
+ ____
+ XXX_
+ __X_
+ __X_
+ __X_
+ __X_
+ XXX_
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"^"}} = qw/
+ ____
+ _X__
+ X_X_
+ ____
+ ____
+ ____
+ ____
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"_"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"`"}} = qw/
+ ___
+ X__
+ _X_
+ ___
+ ___
+ ___
+ ___
+ ___
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"a"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ ____X_
+ _XXXX_
+ X___X_
+ _XXXX_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"b"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ X_____
+ X_____
+ XXXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ XXXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"c"}} = qw/
+ _____
+ _____
+ _XXX_
+ X____
+ X____
+ X____
+ _XXX_
+ _____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"d"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ____X_
+ ____X_
+ _XXXX_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXXX_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"e"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ X_____
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"f"}} = qw/
+ _____
+ __XX_
+ _X___
+ XXX__
+ _X___
+ _X___
+ _X___
+ _____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"g"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ _XXXX_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXXX_
+ ____X_
+ _XXX__
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"h"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ X_____
+ X_____
+ XXXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"i"}} = qw/
+ ____
+ _X__
+ ____
+ XX__
+ _X__
+ _X__
+ XXX_
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"j"}} = qw/
+ ____
+ __X_
+ ____
+ _XX_
+ __X_
+ __X_
+ __X_
+ XX__
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"k"}} = qw/
+ _____
+ X____
+ X__X_
+ X_X__
+ XX___
+ X_X__
+ X__X_
+ _____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"l"}} = qw/
+ ____
+ XX__
+ _X__
+ _X__
+ _X__
+ _X__
+ _XX_
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"m"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ XX_X__
+ X_X_X_
+ X_X_X_
+ X_X_X_
+ X___X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"n"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ XXXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"o"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"p"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ XXXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ XXXX__
+ X_____
+ X_____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"q"}} = qw/
+ _______
+ _______
+ _XXXX__
+ X___X__
+ X___X__
+ _XXXX__
+ ____X__
+ _____X_
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"r"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ XXXX__
+ X___X_
+ X_____
+ X_____
+ X_____
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"s"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ _XXXX_
+ X_____
+ _XXX__
+ ____X_
+ XXXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"t"}} = qw/
+ ____
+ _X__
+ XXX_
+ _X__
+ _X__
+ _X__
+ __X_
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"u"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"v"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _X_X__
+ __X___
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"w"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ X___X_
+ X_X_X_
+ X_X_X_
+ X_X_X_
+ _X_X__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"x"}} = qw/
+ _____
+ _____
+ X__X_
+ X__X_
+ _XX__
+ X__X_
+ X__X_
+ _____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"y"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _X_X__
+ __X___
+ _X____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"z"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ ___X__
+ __X___
+ _X____
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"{"}} = qw/
+ ____
+ __X_
+ _X__
+ _X__
+ X___
+ _X__
+ _X__
+ __X_
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"|"}} = qw/
+ __
+ X_
+ X_
+ X_
+ X_
+ X_
+ X_
+ __
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"}"}} = qw/
+ ____
+ X___
+ _X__
+ _X__
+ __X_
+ _X__
+ _X__
+ X___
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"~"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ _XX_X_
+ X__X__
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ /;
+ # end of ASCII, start of Latin-1. first char is a non-breaking space.
+ @{$glyphs{" "}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"¡"}} = qw/
+ __
+ X_
+ __
+ X_
+ X_
+ X_
+ X_
+ __
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"¢"}} = qw/
+ _____
+ __X__
+ _XXX_
+ X_X__
+ X_X__
+ _XXX_
+ __X__
+ _____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"£"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ __XX__
+ _X__X_
+ X_____
+ _XX___
+ X_____
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"¤"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ _X_X__
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"¥"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ X___X_
+ _X_X__
+ __X___
+ __X___
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"¦"}} = qw/
+ __
+ X_
+ X_
+ X_
+ __
+ X_
+ X_
+ X_
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"§"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ __XX__
+ _X____
+ __X___
+ _X_X__
+ __X___
+ ___X__
+ _XX___
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"¨"}} = qw/
+ _____
+ X__X_
+ _____
+ _____
+ _____
+ _____
+ _____
+ _____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"©"}} = qw/
+ ________
+ _XXXXX__
+ X_____X_
+ X__XX_X_
+ X_X___X_
+ X__XX_X_
+ X_____X_
+ _XXXXX__
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"ª"}} = qw/
+ _______
+ _XXX___
+ ___XX__
+ _XX_X__
+ __XXX__
+ _______
+ _______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"«"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ _X__X_
+ X__X__
+ _X__X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"¬"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ ____X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"­"}} = qw/
+ ____
+ ____
+ ____
+ ____
+ XXX_
+ ____
+ ____
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"®"}} = qw/
+ _XXXXX__
+ X_____X_
+ X_XX__X_
+ X_X_X_X_
+ X_XX__X_
+ X_X_X_X_
+ X_____X_
+ _XXXXX__
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"¯"}} = qw/
+ _____
+ _____
+ _____
+ _____
+ _____
+ _____
+ _____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"°"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"±"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ __X___
+ __X___
+ ______
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"²"}} = qw/
+ ____
+ XX__
+ __X_
+ _X__
+ XXX_
+ ____
+ ____
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"³"}} = qw/
+ ____
+ XXX_
+ _XX_
+ XXX_
+ ____
+ ____
+ ____
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"´"}} = qw/
+ ___
+ _X_
+ X__
+ ___
+ ___
+ ___
+ ___
+ ___
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"µ"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ XX__X_
+ X_XX__
+ X_____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"¶"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ _XX_X_
+ XXX_X_
+ _XX_X_
+ __X_X_
+ __X_X_
+ __X_X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"·"}} = qw/
+ __
+ __
+ __
+ __
+ X_
+ __
+ __
+ __
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"¸"}} = qw/
+ ____
+ ____
+ ____
+ ____
+ ____
+ _X__
+ __X_
+ _X__
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"¹"}} = qw/
+ ____
+ XX__
+ _X__
+ XXX_
+ ____
+ ____
+ ____
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"º"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"»"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ ______
+ X__X__
+ _X__X_
+ X__X__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"¼"}} = qw/
+ _______
+ XX_____
+ _X_____
+ XXX____
+ _______
+ ___X_X_
+ ___XXX_
+ _____X_
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"½"}} = qw/
+ _______
+ XX_____
+ _X_____
+ XXX____
+ ____XX_
+ _____X_
+ ____X__
+ ____XX_
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"¾"}} = qw/
+ ________
+ XXX_____
+ _XX_____
+ XXX_____
+ ________
+ ____X_X_
+ ____XXX_
+ ______X_
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"¿"}} = qw/
+ __X___
+ ______
+ __X___
+ _X____
+ X_____
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"À"}} = qw/
+ _X____
+ __X___
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Á"}} = qw/
+ ___X__
+ __X___
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Â"}} = qw/
+ __X___
+ _X_X__
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Ã"}} = qw/
+ __XX_X_
+ _X__X__
+ _______
+ _XXX___
+ X___X__
+ X___X__
+ _______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Ä"}} = qw/
+ _X_X__
+ ______
+ __X___
+ _X_X__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Å"}} = qw/
+ __X____
+ _X_X___
+ __X____
+ _X_X___
+ X___X__
+ X___X__
+ _______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Æ"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ __XXX_
+ _X_X__
+ X__X__
+ X__X__
+ X__XX_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Ç"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ _XXXX_
+ X_____
+ X_____
+ X_____
+ _XXXX_
+ ___X__
+ __X___
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"È"}} = qw/
+ _X____
+ __X___
+ X_____
+ XXXX__
+ X_____
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"É"}} = qw/
+ ___X__
+ __X___
+ X_____
+ XXXX__
+ X_____
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Ê"}} = qw/
+ __X___
+ _X_X__
+ X_____
+ XXXX__
+ X_____
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Ë"}} = qw/
+ _X_X__
+ ______
+ X_____
+ XXXX__
+ X_____
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Ì"}} = qw/
+ X___
+ _X__
+ ____
+ XXX_
+ _X__
+ _X__
+ XXX_
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Í"}} = qw/
+ __X_
+ _X__
+ ____
+ XXX_
+ _X__
+ _X__
+ XXX_
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Î"}} = qw/
+ _X__
+ X_X_
+ ____
+ XXX_
+ _X__
+ _X__
+ XXX_
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Ï"}} = qw/
+ ____
+ X_X_
+ ____
+ XXX_
+ _X__
+ _X__
+ XXX_
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Ð"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ XXXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ XXX_X_
+ X___X_
+ XXXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Ñ"}} = qw/
+ __X_X_
+ _X_X__
+ X___X_
+ XX__X_
+ X_X_X_
+ X__XX_
+ X___X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Ò"}} = qw/
+ _X____
+ __X___
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Ó"}} = qw/
+ ___X__
+ __X___
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Ô"}} = qw/
+ __X___
+ _X_X__
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Õ"}} = qw/
+ __XX_X_
+ _X__X__
+ _XXX___
+ X___X__
+ X___X__
+ X___X__
+ _XXX___
+ _______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Ö"}} = qw/
+ _X_X__
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"×"}} = qw/
+ _____
+ _____
+ _____
+ X__X_
+ _XX__
+ X__X_
+ _____
+ _____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Ø"}} = qw/
+ ________
+ __XXX_X_
+ _X___X__
+ _X__XX__
+ _X_X_X__
+ _XX__X__
+ X_XXX___
+ ________
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Ù"}} = qw/
+ _X____
+ __X___
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Ú"}} = qw/
+ ___X__
+ __X___
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Û"}} = qw/
+ ___X____
+ __X_X___
+ X_____X_
+ X_____X_
+ X_____X_
+ X_____X_
+ _XXXXX__
+ ________
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Ü"}} = qw/
+ _X_X__
+ ______
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Ý"}} = qw/
+ ___X__
+ __X___
+ X___X_
+ _X_X__
+ __X___
+ __X___
+ __X___
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"Þ"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ______
+ X_____
+ XXXX__
+ X___X_
+ XXXX__
+ X_____
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"ß"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ XXXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X_XX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"à"}} = qw/
+ _X____
+ __X___
+ _XXX__
+ ____X_
+ _XXXX_
+ X___X_
+ _XXXX_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"á"}} = qw/
+ ___X__
+ __X___
+ _XXX__
+ ____X_
+ _XXXX_
+ X___X_
+ _XXXX_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"â"}} = qw/
+ __X___
+ _X_X__
+ _XXX__
+ ____X_
+ _XXXX_
+ X___X_
+ _XXXX_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"ã"}} = qw/
+ __XX_X_
+ _X__X__
+ _______
+ _XXX___
+ ___XX__
+ _XX_X__
+ __XXX__
+ _______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"ä"}} = qw/
+ _X_X__
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ ____X_
+ _XXXX_
+ X___X_
+ _XXXX_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"å"}} = qw/
+ __XX___
+ _X__X__
+ __XX___
+ _XXX___
+ ___XX__
+ _XX_X__
+ __XXX__
+ _______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"æ"}} = qw/
+ ________
+ ________
+ _XX_XX__
+ ___X__X_
+ X__X____
+ _XX_XXX_
+ ________
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"ç"}} = qw/
+ _____
+ _____
+ _XXX_
+ X____
+ X____
+ _XXX_
+ __X__
+ _X___
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"è"}} = qw/
+ _X____
+ __X___
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ X_____
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"é"}} = qw/
+ ___X__
+ __X___
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ X_____
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"ê"}} = qw/
+ __X___
+ _X_X__
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ X_____
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"ë"}} = qw/
+ _X_X__
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ X_____
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"ì"}} = qw/
+ X___
+ _X__
+ ____
+ XX__
+ _X__
+ _X__
+ XXX_
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"í"}} = qw/
+ __X_
+ _X__
+ ____
+ XX__
+ _X__
+ _X__
+ XXX_
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"î"}} = qw/
+ _X__
+ X_X_
+ ____
+ XX__
+ _X__
+ _X__
+ XXX_
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"ï"}} = qw/
+ ____
+ X_X_
+ ____
+ XX__
+ _X__
+ _X__
+ XXX_
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"ð"}} = qw/
+ X_X___
+ _XX___
+ X__X__
+ ____X_
+ _XXXX_
+ X___X_
+ _XXXX_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"ñ"}} = qw/
+ _XX_X_
+ X__X__
+ ______
+ XXXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"ò"}} = qw/
+ _X____
+ __X___
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"ó"}} = qw/
+ ___X__
+ __X___
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"ô"}} = qw/
+ __X___
+ _X_X__
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"õ"}} = qw/
+ __XX_X_
+ _X__X__
+ _______
+ _XXX___
+ X___X__
+ X___X__
+ _XXX___
+ _______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"ö"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ _X_X__
+ ______
+ _XXX__
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"÷"}} = qw/
+ ____
+ ____
+ _X__
+ ____
+ XXX_
+ ____
+ _X__
+ ____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"ø"}} = qw/
+ ________
+ ________
+ __XXX_X_
+ _X__XX__
+ _X_X_X__
+ _XX__X__
+ X_XXX___
+ ________
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"ù"}} = qw/
+ _X____
+ __X___
+ ______
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"ú"}} = qw/
+ ___X__
+ __X___
+ ______
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"û"}} = qw/
+ __X___
+ _X_X__
+ ______
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"ü"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ _X__X_
+ ______
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _XXX__
+ ______
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"ý"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ ___X__
+ __X___
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _X_X__
+ __X___
+ _X____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"þ"}} = qw/
+ _____
+ X____
+ XXX__
+ X__X_
+ X__X_
+ XXX__
+ X____
+ _____
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"ÿ"}} = qw/
+ ______
+ _X_X__
+ ______
+ X___X_
+ X___X_
+ _X_X__
+ __X___
+ _X____
+ /;
+ # end of Latin-1. a few misc emoji glyphs here.
+ @{$glyphs{"☺"}} = qw/
+ X_______X_
+ X_XX_XX_X_
+ X_______X_
+ X_X___X_X_
+ X__XXX__X_
+ X_______X_
+ /;
+ @{$glyphs{"☹"}} = qw/
+ X_______X_
+ X_XX_XX_X_
+ X_______X_
+ X__XXX__X_
+ X_X___X_X_
+ X_______X_
+ /;
+## @{$glyphs{"☺"}} = qw/
+## ________
+## _XXXXX__
+## X__X__X_
+## X_XXX_X_
+## XX___XX_
+## _XXXXX__
+## ________
+## /;
+ @{$glyphs{"☮"}} = qw/
+ X___X___X_
+ X___X___X_
+ X__XXX__X_
+ X_X_X_X_X_
+ XX__X__XX_
+ X___X___X_
+ /;
+## @{$glyphs{"☮"}} = qw/
+## ________
+## _XXXXX__
+## X__X__X_
+## X_XXX_X_
+## XX_X_XX_
+## X__X__X_
+## _XXXXX__
+## ________
+## /;
+ @{$glyphs{"☯"}} = qw/
+ XX_XX____X_
+ XXXX_____X_
+ XXXXX____X_
+ XXXX___X_X_
+ XXX______X_
+ /;
+ for my $k (sort keys %glyphs) {
+ my @g = @{$glyphs{$k}};
+ # this is needed to print $k correctly in irssi.
+ if(__PACKAGE__ ne 'main') {
+ utf8::encode($k);
+ }
+ my $width = length($g[0]);
+ for(@g) {
+ if(/([^X_])/) {
+ die "glyph for $k has invalid definition char '$1' (not X or _)!";
+ }
+ die "glyph for $k has inconsistent width!" unless length == $width;
+ die "glyph for $k doesn't have blank rightmost column" if /X$/;
+ }
+ if(@g != 8) {
+ die "glyph for $k not 8 lines tall!";
+ }
+ }