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1 files changed, 27 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/crt0_5200.s b/crt0_5200.s
index 5210ec1..cdc882a 100644
--- a/crt0_5200.s
+++ b/crt0_5200.s
@@ -33,10 +33,7 @@
;;; machine (the hardware changes don't break compatibility), so the code
;;; here comes from the 4-port OS.
-; I've gone to a lot of trouble to get the vectors and display list
-; set up correctly for either ROM revision... but the display list, at
-; least, was really a waste of time: conio is going to set up a GR.1
-; display list... at least until I modify it to use GR.0 instead.
+ tmpptr = $11 ; 2 bytes, aka PADDL0 and PADDL1
ldx #0
@@ -51,95 +48,53 @@ start:
lda #$F8
sta CHBASE ;Set Character base to $F800
-; determine which OS revision we're running under. This affects
+; Determine which OS revision we're running under. This affects
; the locations of the vector table and display list in the ROM,
; and is probably the reason a few published 5200 games are
; incompatible with the Rev A ROM.
-; rev A has $07 at $fee5, original OS has $61. If there are other
-; OS revisions out there in the wild, this code will likely fail
-; on them.
- lda #$fe
- sta $fb
-; sta $fd
-; sta $ff
+; Rev A has $07 at $fee5, original OS has $61. The vector table
+; lives at $fe95 on the original OS and $feab on rev A.
+; If there are other OS revisions out there in the wild, this
+; code will likely fail on them.
+ lda #$fe ; either way, the hi byte of the vector table is $fe
+ sta tmpptr+1
lda $fee5
cmp #$07
beq @rev_a
- ; set up $fa to point to vector table,
- ; $fc to point to display list start,
- ; $fe to point to DL end.
- ; old OS:
- lda #$95
- sta $fa
-; lda #$c8
-; sta $fc
-; lda #$cf
-; sta $fe
- bne @copy_vectors
+ ; set up pointer to vector table according to the OS revision we're on.
+ lda #$95 ; the old gods...
+ .byte $2c
- lda #$ab
- sta $fa
-; lda #$de
-; sta $fc
-; lda #$e5
-; sta $fe
+ lda #$ab ; ...and the new.
+ sta tmpptr
- ldy #$0B
+ ldy #$0B ; 6 vectors, 2 bytes each.
- lda ($fa),y
+ lda (tmpptr),y
sta VIMIRQ,y ;Copy vectors to vector table
bpl @cploop
+ ; clear 3K of memory from $3000 to $3c00 (why only 3K?)
+ ; if ROM space gets *really* tight, check & see whether we
+ ; can live without this.
lda #$3C ;Set pointer to $3C00
- sta $12
+ sta tmpptr+1
lda #$00
- sta $11
+ sta tmpptr
ldx #$0C
- tay
- sta ($11),y
+ tay ; A still 0
+ sta (tmpptr),y
- bne @vecloop
- dec $12
+ bne @memclrloop
+ dec tmpptr+1
- bpl @vecloop
-;;; taipan doesn't need the OS-provided display list.
-;;; conio init will set up a GR.1 DL (at least, until
-;;; I modify it to the GR.0 that taipan needs)
-;Build display list
-; lda #$0D ;Antic mode 13
-; ldx #$4D
-; sta $2007,x ;write to display list
-; dex
-; bpl @dl13loop
-; ldy #$06 ;Copy start of display list
-; lda ($fc),y
-; sta $2000,y
-; dey
-; bpl @dlloop
-; ldy #$04 ;Copy end of display list
-; lda ($fe),y
-; sta $2055,y
-; dey
-; bpl @dlendloop
-; lda #$00 ;Set Display List pointer to $2000
-; sta $05
-; lda #$20
-; sta $06
+ bpl @memclrloop
lda #$22 ;Set DMACTL, dlist on/normal background