path: root/TITLE.LST
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'TITLE.LST')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/TITLE.LST b/TITLE.LST
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c17e1c5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+1 REM POKE 764,60 for lowercase›5 POKE 752,1›10 POKE 82,0:? CHR$(125);›50 POSITION 0,0:? " Created by:"›60 POSITION 0,1:? " ม๒๔ รแ๎ๆ้์"›70 POSITION 0,3:? " "›72 POSITION 0,5:? " Atari 8-bit"›73 POSITION 0,6:? " Program by "›74 POSITION 0,7:? " ยฎ ืแ๔๓๏๎"›79 POSITION 0,9:? " "›80 POSITION 0,11:? " Copyright "›82 POSITION 0,12:? " (C) 1982 by"›84 POSITION 0,13:? " ม๖แ์แ๎ใ่ๅ"›85 POSITION 0,14:? " ะ๒๏ไ๕ใ๔้๏๎๓"›86 POSITION 0,15:? " ษ๎ใฎ "›88 POSITION 0,17:? " "›90 POSITION 0,19:? " Press มฮู "›92 POSITION 0,20:? " key to "›94 POSITION 0,21:? " start "›99 POSITION 0,0›100 ? "     
+ Œ 
+ Œ‹"›110 ? "                       "›120 ? "           ˆ         ‰"›130 ? "                    "›140 ? ""›150 ? " A GAME BASED ON THE CHINA"›160 ? " TRADE OF THE 1800'S"›900 OPEN #1,8,0,"H:TITLE.DAT"›910 FOR I=0 TO 959:? #1;CHR$(PEEK(40000+I));:NEXT I›920 CLOSE #1›1000 POSITION 0,18›1010 POKE 752,0› \ No newline at end of file