path: root/setmem.s
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Diffstat (limited to 'setmem.s')
1 files changed, 267 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/setmem.s b/setmem.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b53c61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setmem.s
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+; 20221210 bkw: reverse-engineered "source" for setmem.xex.
+; originally created with da65 (cc65's disassembler), then
+; hand-edited to make it (hopefully) more human-readable.
+; By default, this builds the original setmem.xex, 877 bytes,
+; md5sum f7834eaf50e8b5d5314a20f6a5d83a0d.
+; I've added a couple of optional defines:
+; reverse_logic - For upgrades that have 256K/compy as the default.
+; coldstart - Reboot the Atari instead of exiting to DOS. For use
+; with SpartaDOS X, which crashes if we exit to DOS
+; after changing the mode.
+; See the Makefile for build options.
+ .include "atari.inc"
+ .include "xex.inc"
+ .include "inv.inc"
+; 2 byte ZP pointer used for printing text.
+msgptr = $cc
+; "Magic" hardware register. On an un-upgraded Atari, $d3f3 is just
+; a "mirror" of $d303 (aka PBCTL). It's special on the tfhh upgrade
+; though: changing it to $d303 here results in a non-functional setmem.xex.
+; Also note that writing to $d3f3 only affects the upgrade if the
+; Start key is pressed... and even when Start is pressed, writing
+; to $d3f3 still changes PBCTL.
+magic_register = $d3f3
+loadaddress = $3000
+ xex_org loadaddress
+ cld ; unnecessary.
+ lda #$08
+ sta CONSOL ; clicks the consol speaker (no idea why).
+ lda #$00
+ sta choice ; choice = 0 (but it immediately gets inc'd to 1).
+ inc choice ; choice++;
+ lda choice
+ cmp #$03
+ bne choice_ok
+ lda #$00 ; if(choice == 3) choice = 0;
+ sta choice
+ lda #<banner_msg
+ sta msgptr
+ lda #>banner_msg
+ sta msgptr+1
+ jsr print_msg
+ lda choice
+ clc
+ asl a
+ asl a
+ tay ; Y = choice * 4;
+ lda msg0,y
+ sta msgptr
+ lda msg0+1,y
+ sta msgptr+1
+ lda magicbits_0,y
+ sta magic_bits
+ jsr print_msg
+ lda CONSOL
+ and #$07
+ cmp #$03
+ beq option_pressed
+ cmp #$06
+ beq start_pressed
+ cmp #$05
+ bne read_consol
+ lda CONSOL
+ and #$07
+ cmp #$07
+ bne select_pressed
+ beq next_choice
+ lda #<no_change_msg
+ sta msgptr
+ lda #>no_change_msg
+ sta msgptr+1
+ jsr print_msg
+ lda #$00
+ tax
+ tay
+ rts
+; apply the current choice to the hardware
+ sei ; disable IRQs
+ lda #$00
+ sta NMIEN ; disable NMIs
+ lda magic_register
+ and #$FC
+ ora magic_bits
+ sta magic_register
+ lda CONSOL
+ and #$07
+ cmp #$07
+ bne wait_consol_release
+ lda #$40
+ sta NMIEN ; re-enable NMIs
+ cli ; re-enable IRQs
+ .ifdef coldstart
+ jmp COLDSV
+ .else
+ lda #<mode_set_msg ; "Mode was set...."
+ sta msgptr
+ lda #>mode_set_msg
+ sta msgptr+1
+ jmp print_and_exit
+ .endif
+; print null-terminated ATASCII message pointed to by (msgptr).
+ lda #$00
+ tax
+ tay
+ sta ICBLL,x
+ sta ICBLH,x
+ lda #PUTCHR
+ sta ICCOM,x
+ lda msgptr
+ sta ICBAL,x
+ lda msgptr+1
+ sta ICBAH,x
+ lda (msgptr),y
+ beq call_cio
+ iny
+ bne zptr_hi_ok
+ inc msgptr+1
+ inc ICBLL,x
+ bne nextchar
+ inc ICBLH,x
+ bne nextchar
+ jmp CIOV
+; R/W data (2 bytes):
+choice: .byte $00 ; Currently chosen option (default 1, range 0 to 2).
+; This gets set to one of disable_magic, compy_magic, or rambo_magic.
+; Bits 0 and 1 will get ORed into magic_register.
+magic_bits: .byte $00
+; R/O data (rest of file):
+ disable_magic = $01
+ .ifdef reverse_logic
+ compy_magic = $00
+ rambo_magic = $02
+ .else
+ compy_magic = $02
+ rambo_magic = $00
+ .endif
+; Table of 3 4-byte entries, one per choice. 4th byte is filler (always 0).
+msg0: .addr disable_msg
+magicbits_0: .byte disable_magic
+filler_0: .byte 0
+msg1: .addr compy_msg
+magicbits_1: .byte compy_magic
+filler_1: .byte 0
+msg2: .addr rambo_msg
+magicbits_2: .byte rambo_magic
+filler_2: .byte 0
+; Rest of the data is messages to be printed to IOCB#0 by print_msg.
+; These are null-terminated.
+ .byte CLS
+ .byte EOL
+ inverse " Setup tool for tfhh SRAM expansions "
+ .byte EOL,EOL
+ .ifdef reverse_logic
+ inverse "Reverse Logic"
+ .byte " - This"
+ .else
+ .byte "20210614"
+ .byte " - This tool"
+ .endif
+ .byte " works with:"
+ .byte EOL,EOL
+ .byte "- 512 KB SRAM memory expansion "
+ inverse "V4.5"
+ .byte EOL
+ .byte " (please check revision number!)"
+ .byte EOL,EOL
+ .byte "- 576 KB SRAM memory expansion "
+ inverse "V2"
+ .byte EOL
+ .byte " (only for the Atari 600XL, please"
+ .byte EOL
+ .byte " check the presence of "
+ .byte '"', "V2", '"', " printed", EOL
+ .byte " on the PCB)"
+ .byte EOL,EOL
+ .byte "Use console key "
+ inverse " SELECT "
+ .byte " to change"
+ .byte EOL
+ .byte "the desired mode, press "
+ inverse " OPTION "
+ .byte " to"
+ .byte EOL
+ .byte "quit this tool without any change"
+ .byte EOL
+ .byte "or press "
+ inverse " START "
+ .byte " to setup the SRAM"
+ .byte EOL
+ .byte "memory expansion as shown and"
+ .byte EOL
+ .ifdef coldstart
+ inverse "reboot"
+ .byte " the Atari."
+ .else
+ .byte "return to DOS."
+ .endif
+ .byte EOL,EOL
+ .byte "Expansion will be set to: "
+ .byte EOL,EOL
+ .byte "==> "
+ .byte 0
+ inverse " Memory Expansion switched off"
+ .byte 0
+ inverse " 256 KByte Compy-Shop/XE mode"
+ .byte 0
+ inverse " 512 KByte RAMBO mode"
+ .byte 0
+ inverse " "
+ .byte EOL,EOL
+ .byte "Mode was set. Program terminated."
+ .byte EOL,EOL,0
+ inverse " "
+ .byte EOL,EOL
+ .byte "Nothing changed. Programm terminated."
+ .byte EOL,EOL,0
+ xex_run entrypoint